Taxonomy of meanings for 類:  

  • 類 lèi (OC: ruds MC: lʷi) 力遂切 去 廣韻:【善也法也等也種也説文云種類相似唯犬爲甚从犬頪力遂切九 】
      •{NUM}conceptnatural kind, kind, class
      • nab.t:post.-N+zhithe category of items like N
      • nabmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
      • nabpluraldifferent categories, different species
      • nabpredicate類也: be of the same category; belong to the same class of things
      • npost-Nnonreferentialpeople or things of the N kind
      • ntpost-Nmembersmembers of the category
      • nabconceptthe proper category, the right category
      • nab{PRED}.post-Nbe of the N categoryCH
      • nabsingularcategoryLZ
      • nabproper categories, appropriate system of categorisationLZ
      • vtoNbelong to the same category as NLZ
      • feature>RESEMBLE
        • vadVsometimes grammaticalised: as if
        • vt(oN)be similar to the contextually determinate thing
        • vt[oN]resemble; be similar
        • vtoNoften abstract and technical vt: look like, merely appear to be; be similar in basic kind; resemble
        • vtoNimperativebecome like N!
        • v[adN]similar person
        • vt+prep+Nbe silimar to N, be of the same kind as NLZ
        • vtoNin essence(come to) resemble in appearance and natureCH
        • action>CONFORM
          • vt[oN]conform to the appropriatate system of basic categoriesLZ
      • phenomenological>APPEARANCE
        • kinship>DESCENDANT
          • noffspring 後類
        • race>TRIBE
            • feature>MANY
                • intensely>ALL
                  • vadVreference=objectto V all objects without distinctions, to V all wholesaleLZ
            • declarative>CLASSIFY
              • vtoNdeclarativedeclare to belong to a category
              • vtoNputativeconsider as belonging to a category
              • vtoN.adVon the basis of classifying, to V
              • nabsocial classificationLZ
              • vibe able to properly classify things in categories, especially with regard to the demands of ritual proprietyLZ
              • vt(oN)properly classify the contextually determinate N in categories, especially with regard to the demands of ritual proprietyLZ
            • exhortative>RULE
              • nabthe rules of analogical extension of categories to other types of thingsLZ
              • abstract>PRINCIPLE
                • according to rule>GOOD
                  • vibe good and appropriate to the occasion
            • SACRIFICE
              • vtoNsacrifice to; offer the lèi sacrifice to
            • =纇
            • =纇
          • 類 lèi (OC: ruuls MC: luoi) 盧對切 去 廣韻:【 】
            • =纇
          • lèiFAMILY
            • lèiMYTHICAL ANIMALS
              • nweasel-like mythological animal mentioned in Shanhaijing, Liezi and ZhuangziCH
            • lèiSEEM
              • vt V[0]seem to V, merely appear to VCH

            Additional information about 類

            說文解字: 【類】,種類相似,唯犬爲甚。从犬、頪聲。 【力遂切】

            • CATEGORY

              1. The general current word for the abstract notion of a category of any kind is lèi 類.

              2. Shǔ 屬 construes a category as something that concrete things belong to or belong under, and the term is not abstract in force.

              3. Zhǒng 種 "kind" emphasises the common origin and derives from the biological notion of a species, and the term often refers specifically to the kinds of grain.

              4. Chóu 疇 "natural group a thing belongs to" is not really a logical term of classification but essentially a term belonging to the sociology of animals.

            • ENCYCLOPAEDIA

              1. The current classical Chinese word for an encyclopaedia is 類書 "sub-classified book" a term that occurs already in 前漢記 according to DCD.


              The earliest works of an encyclopaedic nature are HN and LSCQ. From Yìwénlèijù 藝文類聚 onwards China has produced a remarkable range of encyclopaedias in the narrower sense.

            • CLASSIFY

              1. The general term for classifying something is lèi 類.

              2. Guī 歸 is occasionally used for things being classified as belonging to a certain class.

            • RESEMBLE

              1. The general, almost copula-like word for resemblance of any kind is yóu 猶 (ant.* yì 異 "be different"), and this word can refer specifically to one item being "no better than" another.

              2. Rú 如 is often asymmetrical "be as good>match>resemble essentially>resemble in appearance only" often adds to the notion of resemblance that of equipollence. [ 不如 always: "be not as good as"]

              3. Ruò 若 typically expresses a symmetrical relation of things that are similar to each other. By analogy with rú 如 bù ruò 不若 is often "be not as good as" but sometimes also "not resemble".]

              4. Sì 似 and the later and rarer colloquial xiàng 像 are often ungrammaticalised full verbs meaning typically "to resemble in appearance only".

              5. Lèi 類 (ant. yì 異 "be different in kind") is originally and prototypically "be of the same kind or category>resemble", but comes to mean more generally "be similar".

              Word relations
            • Contrast: (RESEMBLE)等/EQUAL Děng 等 refers to things being on the same physical level or exposed to the same physical conditions.
            • Assoc: (CATEGORY)醜/CATEGORY