Taxonomy of meanings for 留:  

  • 留 liú (OC: b-ru MC: liu) 力求切 平 廣韻:【住也止也説文作畱亦姓出㑹稽本自衞大夫留封人之後後漢末避地㑹稽遂居東陽爲郡豪族吴志有左將留賛 】
    • REMAIN
      • viSHI, SHU: remain in place, stay
      • vimiddle voicebe delayed
      • vt(oN)stay in the contextually determinate place
      • vt(oN)causativecause a contextually determinate N to remain where he is (one could speak of two omitted objects)
      • vtoNcausativecause to stay with one; cause (somebody N) to remain in the position or place currently occupied; keep
      • vtoNcausativecause to remain > leave behind
      • vtoNN=placeremain in a place
      • vttoN1.postN2causativecause (someone/something N2) to remain (in a place N1)
      • nabcausativefigurative: the retaining of a given textual alternativeCH
      • vtoNcausativecause N to remain in placeCH
      • remain loyal to> RALLY
        • vtoNgather around
      • causative: cause to remain with one> ACCEPT
          • continuative> KEEP
              • abstract: hold onto> HOLD
            • cause to accept as a gift> GIVE
              • vtoNleave behind
            • causative:detain> ARREST
              • feature> ENDURING
                  • feature: persevere in one's attitude> STUBBORN
                    • viactbehave in a stubborn way
                  • causative: persist for a time in inaction> DELAY
                    • vtoNdelay
            • 留 liù (OC: b-rus MC: liu) 力救切 去 廣韻:【宿留停待也宿音秀 】
            • 留 liǔ 《集韻》力九切,上有,來。

                Additional information about 留


                • DISCARD

                  1. The standard general words for discarding something is qì 棄 (ant. qǔ 取 "choose to retain") and the somewhat rarer juān 捐.

                  2. Qù 去 refers to the distancing oneself from something by rejecting it.

                  3. Fèi 廢 and the rarer tì 替 (all ant. zhì 置 "establish"!!!! See also no. 4 below.) refer to discarding something one has made use of or has been involved with for some time.

                  4. Shì 釋 (ant. liú 留 "keep in employment") and the rarer jiě 解 refer to rejecting the continued use of something.

                  5. Wěi 委 and zhì 置 (ant.* zhí 執 "hold onto" or chí 持 "hold onto") refer to putting things aside. See DISREGARD

                  6. Shě 捨 / 舍 (ant. qǔ 取 "pick out and choose") refers to letting go of or rejecting something that one might have chosen to retain or use.

                  7. Què 卻 (ant. shòu 受 "accept for employment") typically refers to a rejection or discarding of something as useless.

                • MOVE

                  1. The current general word for movement of any kind, psychological as well as physical, is dòng 動 (ant. jìng 靜 "remain still").

                  2. Yí 移 (ant. dìng 定 "fixed, unoved") refers to any temporary or lasting dislocation to a new place.

                  3. Xǐ 徙 (ant. liú 留 "stay put") refers to moving permanently, often but not necessarily over a long distance.

                  4. Qiān 遷 (liú 留 ("stay put") refers to moving and/or changing permanently, and particularly moving radically, or over a long distance, and the word often refers to dignified or someohow sanctioned movement.

                • LEAVE

                  1. The general word for leaving one place for another is qù 去 (ant. liú 留 "remain").

                  2. Chū 出 (ant. rù 入 "remain inside") refers to the leaving of an enclosed space.

                  3. Wǎng 往 (ant.* jū 居 "stay at home") focusses not only on the leaving but especially on the direction a person takes after leaving.

                  4. Lí 離 focusses on the distance established by leaving between a person and the place which he leaves.

                • REMAIN

                  1. The current word for staying or remaining in one place is jū 居 (ant. xíng 行 "walk away").

                  2.Chǔ 處 (ant. yóu 游 "travel"), much rarer than jū 居, refers to being situated in one place rather than moving about, and the word, in this meaning, can refer to persons as well as things.

                  3. Zhǐ 止 is inchoative and refers to the coming to stop so as to remain in a certain place after movement.

                  4. Liú 留 (ant. lí 離 "get away from a place") refers to immobility in one place after one has already spent some time there.

                  5. Zhù 駐 can come to refer to staying in a place other than one's home.

                  6. Zhì 滯 refers to getting stuck in one place, being unable to leave.

                • RALLY

                  1.The general word for rallying around someone or turning to some place is guī 歸 (ant. lí 離 "distance oneself from") and refers to any group of persons feeling loyal towards and showing allegiance to someone through their action.

                  2. Xiàng 向 (ant. bèi 背 "turn one's back on") is allegiance in attitude which may or may not manifest itself in concrete action.

                  3. Bì 比 and liú 留 are relatively rare words which refer to closing ranks behind someone and showing political support for him.

                • RELEASE

                  1. The most current general word for setting an animal or a person free is shì 釋 (ant. shōu 收 "hold prisoner").

                  2. Zòng 縱 (ant. yuē 約 "restrain") is to give free reins to someone or something that is under constraint with the expectation that this feedom will be used freely and enthusiastically.

                  3. Sì 肆 (ant. jié 節 "restrain, moderate") refers to giving free rein to psychological tendencies and the like, thus going beyond what are natural societal expectations.

                  4. Chū 出 (ant. liú 留 "keep in retention") is a colourless term referring to letting someone out of an enclosure, typically prison.

                  5. Miǎn 免 (ant. jiū 究 "hold definitely responsible for crimes") refers specifically to an act of mercy involving a decision to set someone free who is available for criminal prosecution for a crime assumed committed.

                  6. Fàng 放 (ant. liǎn 斂 "exert a moderating influence on") refers to a removal of constraints on animals or persons, causing these to follow their natural instincts.

                  Word relations
                • Ant: (REMAIN)去/LEAVE The general word for leaving one place for another is qù 去 (ant. liú 留"remain").
                • Assoc: (REMAIN)稽/REMAIN