Taxonomy of meanings for 染:  

  • 染 rǎn (OC: njomʔ MC: ȵiɛm) 而琰切 上 廣韻:【染色周禮染人掌染綏帛又姓石勒時有染閔 】
    • DYE
      • nabactdyeing
      • nabact"dyeing"
      • vadNdyed
      • vadNfigurativedyed > conteminated; tainted
      • viactdye things
      • vtoNdye
      • vtoNfigurativebe "dyed", i.e. positively influences by
      • vtoNfigurativebe dyed by > be contaminated by > be distorted by
      • vtoNpassivebe dyed; be made dirty
      • vttoN1.+N2dye (something N1) in (something N2)
      • result>COLOUR
        • generalised, pejorative> CONTAMINATE
        • generalised>INFLUENCE
          • nabprocessinfluence, formative influence
          • vtoNfigurativeget influenced, receive a formative influence from; be stained with relation to
          • vtoNnegativedye > negatively influence, corrupt, taint(this verb is frequently used in BUDDH. sūtra translations) 鄙夫染人 (T.4/210: 562b5,6); 眾邪不能染其心 the evil of the multitude cannot taint his mind (T.3/152: 11c24)
          • vtoNneutralinfluence
        • generalised>DIP
            • generalised>PUT
              • vttoN1.+prep+N2insert (something N1, e.g. one's finger) into (some substance N2) 染指於鼎
            • object: what is dipped into>SAUCE
          • SURNAMES
          • 染 ràn (OC: njoms MC: ȵiɛm) 而豔切 去 廣韻:【而豔切又如檢切二 】

            Additional information about 染

            說文解字: 【染】,以繒染爲色。 〔小徐本「色」下有「也」。〕 从水、杂聲。 【徐鍇曰:《說文》無杂字。裴光遠云:从木,木者,所以染栀茜之屬也。从九,九者,染之數也,未知其審。】 【而琰切】

            • DYE

              1. The current general word for dyeing something is rǎn 染 "to dye".