Taxonomy of meanings for 振:  

  • 振 zhèn (OC: kljɯns MC: tɕin) 章刃切 去 廣韻:【奮也裂也舉也整也救也又之人切 】
    • HELP
      • vtoNhelp out; aid and abet
      • in distress>RESCUE
        • vtoNsuccour, come to the aid of; save from (e.g. punishment); occasionally: aid and abet
        • physcially>LIFT
            • SHAKE
              • vtoNshake up; shake; whip up (water)
              • vtoNmiddle voicebe shaken, get shaken
              • vtoNshake so as to dust off and clean (clothes etc)CH
              • FRIGHTEN
                • vtoNshake into intense fear> frighten intenselyCH
                • vt(oN)shake up (in a frightening way)CH
              • REMOVE
                  • MOVE
                    • viactmove
                    • vtoNcausativecause to move; prod into action
                    • OPEN
                      • vtoNopen up (granaries etc for distribution of contents)
                      • ISSUE
                          • SHOW
                              • ACT
                                • vtoNorganise, stage (dances etc) [DIFFERENT SYNONYM GROUP?]
                                • vitake effective actionCH
                    • grammaticalised>INTENSELY
              • (archaic)>MANY
                • vi.redpoetic: be multitudinous
            • 振 zhēn (OC: kljɯn MC: tɕin) 職鄰切 平 廣韻:【又之刃切 】
            • 振 zhen3《集韻》止忍切,上軫章。
            • zhènKNOCK
              • vtoNknock (bells etc)CH
            • zhènORDERLY
              • vtoNcausativearrange properlyCH
            • zhēnSEE
              • vtoNfigurativetake into account, perceive (XUN)LZ

            Additional information about 振

            說文解字: 【振】,舉救也。从手、辰聲。一曰:奮也。 【章刃切】

            • INFLUENCE

              1. There is no current general word for influence, and the closest one gets to the notion is probably huà 化 "transform through one's influence".

              2. Fēng 風 refers to transformation through one's influence, and this is a very literary word.

              3. Jí 及 occasionally comes to refer to the impact something has on something else.

              4. Zhèn 振 refers to a deep and strong physical impact.

              5. Shī 施 occasionally comes to refer to a deliberate impact one has on other things.

            • RESCUE

              1. The current general word for rescuing someone is jiù 救.

              2. Jì 濟 refers to a successful campaign to save something from imminent decline or ruin.

              3. Zhěng 拯 is a dramatic word for a rescuing operation.

              4. Zhèn 振 is a dramatic word for a rescuing operation involving clear overtones of not only rescuing someone from an acute situation of danger but also following this operation up with lasting help.

              5. Zhèn 賑 refers to a rescuing operation centering around material help.

              Word relations