  • BLOCKHINDER something by PUTTING something in a PLACE where it CAUSES THINGS which NORMALLY CAN MOVE in that PLACE NOT TO MOVE there.
          • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2.
            • EVENTREALITY that ARISES in TIME....
      Old Chinese Criteria
      1. The most common general word for opening things is qǐ 啟 (ant. bì 閉 "close") which can refer to all sorts of opening up of all manner of things.

      2. Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.

      3. Fā 發 (ant. bì 閉 "close") refers to the opening of something in order to enable one to inspect the contents or to remove things from the interior.

      4. Pī 披 (ant. hé 合 "roll up") refers to the opening up of something by unrolling it.

      5. Jué 決 (ant. dǔ 堵 "block up" and sè 塞 "block up") refers to the opening up of an artificial waterway for circulation.

      Modern Chinese Criteria




      rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

      • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 12.24

      • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


        aperire is to open from the top, as a pit, and then also figuratively to make visible.

        patefacere is to open what is closed towards the sides and to give sideways access to.

        reserare is to open something that is conceived of as barred.

        recludere is to open something that is conceived as locked up with a lock.

      • 韓非子同義詞研究 ( HANFEI TONGYI 2004) p. 124

      • 韓非子同義詞研究 ( HANFEI TONGYI 2004) p. 276

      • Lateinische Synonymik ( MENGE) p. 110

      • "三國志"同義詞及其歷史演變 ( WANG TONGWEI 2010) p. 358-366

      • Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages ( DE VAAN 2008) p.

        aperio, -Ire 'to open' [v. IV; pf. aperuT, ppp. apertum] (Naev.+)

        Derivatives: apertare 'to expose' (PI.), apertio 'the act of opening' (Varro).

      Attributions by syntactic funtion

      • vtoN : 56
      • vi : 11
      • vpostadV : 4
      • VPtoN : 4
      • NPab : 3
      • vt[oN] : 2
      • NP[post-N] : 1
      • vt+prep+N : 1
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2 : 1
      • vt(oN) : 1
      • nab : 1

      Attributions by text

      • 莊子 : 8
      • 說苑 : 7
      • 搜神記 : 6
      • 韓非子 : 6
      • 春秋左傳 : 6
      • 陸機集十一卷 : 5
      • 禮記 : 4
      • 荀子 : 4
      • 阮籍集四卷 : 4
      • 臨濟錄 : 4
      • 呂氏春秋 : 3
      • 管子 : 3
      • 法言 : 3
      • 祖堂集 : 3
      • 史記 : 2
      • 孟子 : 2
      • 淮南子 : 2
      • 賢愚經 : 2
      • 全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文 全後魏文 : 1
      • 劉義慶世說新語 : 1
      • 孫子 : 1
      • 太平經 : 1
      • 法句經 : 1
      • 論語 : 1
      • 論衡 : 1
      • 百喻經 : 1
      • 戰國策 : 1
      • 法集要頌經 : 1
      • 古列女傳 : 1


        kāi OC: khɯɯl MC: khəi 34 AttributionsWD

      Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.

        Word relations
      • Ant: 闔/SHUT Hé 闔 is an archaic and dignified word for closing something, mostly a door.
      • Ant: 閉/SHUT The most general word for closing anything is probably bì 閉.
      • Ant: 塞/BLOCK Sè 塞 (ant. tōng 通 "be unblocked") is the standard word for blocking the progress of something, or for blocking up an opening, and the word specifically refers to the blocking of things from getting out of something. [GENERAL]
      • Object: 門/GATE The current general word for a gate or door of any kind is mén 門, but the word also refers specifically to the two-leaf main gate rather than small doors inside a building complex.
      • Object: 戶/DOOR Hù 戶 refers to a one-leaf minor door which may be the main door to an ordinary home. [HUANG 1995: 1017 - 1018; ill.: SUN 1991: 44-17]
      • Assoc: 闢 / 辟/OPEN Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.
      • Synon: 闢 / 辟/OPEN Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.

        Syntactic words
      • vibe open
      • vifigurativebe opened up> be open (to impressions, internally); be opened up
      • vpostadVverbal complement
      • vt(oN)leave openCH
      • vt(oN)figurativeopen up to the contextually determinate N (typically the Buddhist truth)
      • vtoNopen (window, door, storehouse, eyes, mouth, document etc.)
      • vtoNpassive: be opened up for people (as a path of action or possibility)CH
      • vtoNopen up forCH
      • vtoNfigurativeopen up (new land etc)
      • vtoNreflexive.自open itself
        qǐ OC: kheeʔ MC: khei 12 AttributionsWD

      The most common general word for opening things is qǐ 啟 (ant. bì 閉 "close") which can refer to all sorts of opening up of all manner of things.

        Word relations
      • Ant: 闔/SHUT Hé 闔 is an archaic and dignified word for closing something, mostly a door.
      • Ant: 塞/BLOCK Sè 塞 (ant. tōng 通 "be unblocked") is the standard word for blocking the progress of something, or for blocking up an opening, and the word specifically refers to the blocking of things from getting out of something. [GENERAL]
      • Ant: 閉/SHUT The most general word for closing anything is probably bì 閉.
      • Object: 匱/BOX Guì 匱 refers to a cabinet-like box with doors.

        Syntactic words
      • vtoNopen (so that it will be permanently unlocked or visible) YILI: 啟會"open the lid"
      • vtoNfigurative"open up" (your mind etc)
      • vtoNmiddle voicebe opened; get opened
        jué OC: kʷeed MC: ket 12 AttributionsWD

      Jué 決 (ant. dǔ 堵 "block up" and sè 塞 "block up") refers to the opening up of an artificial waterway for circulation.

        Word relations
      • Oppos: 壅/BLOCK Yōng 壅 (ant. chè 徹 "unblock") refers to blocking things from entering. [SPECIFIC]

        Syntactic words
      • nabfigurativerelease of a blockage (of water in dams) > the opening up (of the mind); free flow (of thoughts)
      • vt[oN]open waterLZ
      • vtoNdivert (a river); make canals (for water control)
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2middle voicehave way opened in direction NCH
        fā OC: pod MC: pi̯ɐt 10 AttributionsWD

      Fā 發 (ant. bì 閉 "close") refers to the opening of something in order to enable one to inspect the contents or to remove things from the interior.

        Syntactic words
      • vt[oN]open up an areaLZ
      • vtoNopen up (often in an illicit way), create an opening in (e.g. a box)
      • vtoNpassivebe opened for entryLZ
        zhāng OC: krlaŋ MC: ʈi̯ɐŋ 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • viprocessbecome openCH
      • vtoNopen
        pī OC: phral MC: phiɛ 2 AttributionsWD

      Pī 披 (ant. hé 合 "roll up") refers to the opening up of something by unrolling it.

        Syntactic words
      • vtoNopen, unroll
      • vtoNpoeticunfoldCH
        qū OC: kha MC: khi̯ɤ 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNopen up; break open
        pì OC: beɡ MC: biɛk
        pì OC: beɡ MC: biɛk 2 AttributionsWD

      Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.

        Word relations
      • Synon: 開/OPEN Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.

        Syntactic words
      • vibe wide open
      • vtoNopen (a door) wide
      • vtoNreflexive.自open itself
      開闢  kāi pì OC: khɯɯl beɡ MC: khəi biɛk 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPtoNpassivemiddle voice: get split up; get opened
      • VPtoNreflexive.自open itself
        qù OC: khas MC: khi̯ɤ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vihave the mouth wide open; (of mouth:) be wide open
        zhèn OC: kljɯns MC: tɕin
        zhēn OC: kljɯn MC: tɕin 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNopen up (granaries etc for distribution of contents)
        shǐ OC: lʰiʔ MC: ɕi 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNopen (one's mouth)
      開通  kāi tōng OC: khɯɯl kh-looŋ MC: khəi thuŋ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPtoNresultativeopen up so they communicate
      開塞  kāi sài MC: khoj sojH  OC: khɯɯl sɯɯɡs CH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabderivedfact of (or degree of) openness for creativity and uncreative blockednessCH
      開闔  kāi hé MC: khoj hap OC: khɯɯl ɡaabDS 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NP[post-N][the door's etc.] opening and closingDS
      發視  fā shì MC: pjot dzyijH OC: pod ɡljilsDS 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPtoNopen and look into NDS
        jué OC: kʷeed MC: ket 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNpoke open (a wound)
        bǎi OC: preeʔ MC: pɣɛ 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNto open
        kǎi OC: khɯɯlʔ MC: khəi 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNpassivebe opened (GUAN)
      開塞  kāi sài MC: khoj sojH  OC: khɯɯl sɯɯɡs CH 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabderiveddegree of openness for creativity and uncreative blockednessCH

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