Taxonomy of meanings for 歷:  

  • 歷 lì (OC: reeɡ MC: lek) 郎擊切 入 廣韻:【經歷又次也數也近也行也過也又歷日續漢書律歷志云黃帝造歷丗本曰容成造歷尸子曰羲和造歷或作曆 】

    Additional information about 歷

    說文解字: 【歷】,過也。 〔小徐本作「過也。傳也。」〕 从止、厤聲。 【郎擊切】


      1. The most general current word for crossing over something is guò 過.

      2. Dù 渡 typically refers to crossing water by foot or boat, and the word became exceedingly common from Han times onwards.

      3. Shè 涉 typically refers to crossing water by foot.

      4. Jīng 經 typically refers to crossing or passing through territory.

      5. Lì 歷 refers to passing through territories or time spans. For the latter meaning the character 曆 came to be used in later times.

      6. Yuè 越 and chāo 超 refer to leaping or striding across something. See also LEAP OVER

      7. Kuà 跨 refers to striding across something, see LEAP OVER.

      8. Jué 絕 refers in a somewhat elevated style to crossing a river or a desert by any means of transport.

      9. Fàn 犯 refers to managing to get across something that is hard to cross, but this usage is rare.

      10. Háng 杭/航 is an ancient word for crossing a river by ferry.