Taxonomy of meanings for 遷:  

  • 遷 qiān (OC: tshen MC: tsʰiɛn) 七然切 平 廣韻:【去下之髙也詩云遷于喬木七然切八 】
    • MOVE
      • viactmove to another place, move one's capital;
      • viactchange one's ways; change one's ways to; transfer (to another person)
      • vt+prep+NN=placemove towards/move to (a place); move about in (a place)
      • vtoNshunt, move
      • vtoNabfigurativemove to a different place
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2move N1 to (or in relation to) place N2
      • oneself from scene> LEAVE
        • move to join> RALLY
          • upwards> ASCEND
              • figurative: be moved to delight> DELIGHT
              • transitive> DISPLACE
                • nabacttransferral, change (e.g. in office); reallocation
                • vt+prep+Npassiveget moved to
                • vtoNN=humantransfer, move about to new duties
                • vttoN1.+prep+N2move (something or somebody N1) to ( a place N2); relocate N1 to the place N2 遷紀于郱、鄑、郚
                • vt+prep+Ndisplace oneself (i.e. one's capital) to N; move to N
                • vtoNremoveCH
                • causative: concrete> TRANSPORT
                    • abstract> TRANSMIT
                      • vttoN1.+prep+N2transmit N1 to N2
                  • so as to become absent> REMOVE
                    • vtoNmove (an oject) to another place
                    • vttoN1.+prep+N2fromremove (something N1) from (some place N2)群臣遷大國之跡於鄭
                    • by order, from state> EXILE
                    • in all directions> SCATTER
                    • abstract: one's qualities> CHANGE
                      • nabactchange (of office), promotion or demotion
                      • viactchange one's ways
                      • vichangechange to the worse; get degraded
                      • vt+V[0]change so as to become V
                      • vtoNchange (something)
                      • vtoNobject=rankchange upwards or downwards (rank or office of a person etc)
                      • vtoNpassiveget changed by an administrative decision
                      • viprocessundergo changesCH
                      • negative> DAMAGE
                        • vtoNchange for the worse, make worseCH
                      • positive> IMPROVE
                        • vidurativekeep progressing, keep changing for betterLZ
                    • administrative: upwards in status> PROMOTE
                      • vtoNchange (office), transfer to (a new office)
                      • vtoNpassivebe promoted
                    • administrative: downwards in status> DEMOTE
                      • nabactdemotion by being transferred to a new location
                      • vtoNsend into internal exile, remove from office; demote
                      • vtoNpassivebe transferred and demoted by way of punishment
                • 遷 qiān (OC: snʰiin MC: tsʰen) 蒼先切 平 廣韻:【伺候也進也又迁葬又標記也 】

                  Additional information about 遷


                  • MOVE

                    1. The current general word for movement of any kind, psychological as well as physical, is dòng 動 (ant. jìng 靜 "remain still").

                    2. Yí 移 (ant. dìng 定 "fixed, unoved") refers to any temporary or lasting dislocation to a new place.

                    3. Xǐ 徙 (ant. liú 留 "stay put") refers to moving permanently, often but not necessarily over a long distance.

                    4. Qiān 遷 (liú 留 ("stay put") refers to moving and/or changing permanently, and particularly moving radically, or over a long distance, and the word often refers to dignified or someohow sanctioned movement.

                  • REMOVE

                    1. The most general term for removing anything is qù 去.

                    2. Chú 除 refers specifically to getting rid of something undesirable.

                    3. Chè 徹 is to remove objects ceremoniously as part of a ritual or the like.

                    4. Qiān 遷 can refer to the moving an object from a place, although usually the focus is moving something to a place. See DISPLACE.

                  • DEMOTE

                    1. The standard technical word for demoting someone officially is chù 黜/絀.

                    2. Tuì 退 is a slightly polite periphrastic way of referring to demotion.

                    3. Qiān 遷 refers to transferral, but is often used euphemistically for demotion.

                  • PROMOTE

                    1. The specific general term for bureaucratic promotion is the not very common zhuó 擢 (ant. chù 黜 "demote").

                    2. The most current general-use words for raising the status of someone are jǔ 舉 (ant. jiàng 降 "lower the rank of") and jìn 進 (ant. tuì 退 "demote").

                    3. Bá 拔 (ant. miǎn 免 "dismiss without necessarily removing from the hierarchy altogether") and qiān 遷 (ant. chū 出 "remove and transfer to a lower position") are standard bureaucratic terms for promotion in office.

                    4. Chāo 超 refers specifically to raising someone by more than one level at the time, and this bureaucratic term became current in Han times.

                  • CHANGE

                    1. The most current general words for objective and typically abrupt change are biàn 變 "change FROM one's original state to become something different" (ant. héng 恆 "remain constant").

                    2. Huà 化 (ant. cháng 常 "remain constant") refers to irreversible change INTO a fundamentally new state, while retaining one's identity".

                    3. Gǎi 改 refers to a deliberate change brought about at a certain point in time, typically in order to improve a situation. See IMPROVE

                    4. Gēng 更 is an act of deliberately changing something, typically by replacing it by an improved version of the same kind of thing in order to insure continuity.

                    5. Gé 革 (ant. yīn 因 "continue the tradition") refers to a typically unlicenced act of replacing the old by something new.

                    6. Yì 易 refers prototypically to a change construed as brought about by a process of interchange and (often mutual) replacement.

                    7. Dòng 動 refers to change construed as the moving from a previous stable state.

                    8. Xǐ 徙 refers to making the object moved unstable.

                    9. Yí 移 refers to a change in a current situation so as to effect a certain development in a desired direction.

                    10. Yú 渝 is to change a current situation or an object, generally to the worse, and the word is remarkably often negated.

                    11. Qiān 遷 (ant. 滯 "stay put in one place, unable to move") refers typically to change of one's current condition brought about by oneself.

                    12. Fǎn 反 refers to a change resulting in the reverting to one's original state. See RETURN vt.fig

                    13. Zhuǎn 轉 refers to change typically construed as part of a cycle of changes.

                  • DISPLACE

                    1. The standard very general word for making something move or displacing something is dòng 動, and there is no general suggestion that the thing moved comes to rest anywhere.

                    2. Yí 移 refers to dislocating anything to a new location where it comes to remain for some shorter or longer time.

                    3. Xǐ 徙 refers in a stylistically unmarked way to removing something permanently to another position. When legalists train their citizens, they ask them to xǐ 徙 "remove" an object from one arbitrary place to another.

                    4. Qiān 遷 refers in a stylistically more elevated way to removing something permanently to another position, often as an official or public political measure. The word is also used figuratively for moving someone to a higher position in the hierarchy. See PROMOTE.

                    Word relations
                  • Contrast: (MOVE)徙/MOVE Xǐ 徙 (ant. liú 留 "stay put") refers to moving permanently, often but not necessarily over a long distance.