GIVE something to someone EXCHANGING it for MONEY.
Old Chinese Criteria
1. The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻 "trade in", as well as shòu 售 "get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy"). 2. Gū 沽 refers to the selling of mobile goods, and the word often refers specifically to the selling of wine. 3. Tiào 糶 (ant. dí 糴 "buy rice abroad") refers specifically to selling rice abroad. 4. Huò 貨 (ant. huò 貨 "buy wholesale"!!!) refers to selling any moveable goods on a large scale or wholesale. 5. Gū 酤 refers specifically to the selling (or buying!) of wine.
HUANG JINGUI 2006 TRADE 2. 賣,通稱。 賈,坐賣,在固定的市肆出售販來的商品。 鬻,叫賣非販賣之物,主要用於漢代以前。 衒,沿街叫賣。 沽,待價而賣。 酤,賣酒。 糶,出售糧食。 貰,先給物延期付款的出售方式。 售,商品賣出去;唐宋後作賣的通稱,與 “ 賣 ” 是文白之別。
Modern Chinese Criteria
賣 售 貨 沽 賈 出賣 販賣 出售 發售 售賣 貨賣 斥賣 倒賣 倒騰 銷售 銷行 行銷 暢銷 "sell well" 銷 兜銷 兜售 推銷 經售 經銷 專賣 榷 拋售 拋 rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
  • RENT OUT SELL the RIGHT to USE. (anc: 14/0, child: 0)
See also
  • EXCHANGEGIVE something to someone so as to RECEIVE something OTHER from him.
  • GIVE CAUSE someone TO POSSESS in the FUTURE what one POSSESSES at PRESENT. (anc: 12/0, child: 13)
  • CAUSE TO MOVE in SUCH a way that THEREFORE someone or something else CHANGES. (anc: 11/0, child: 18)
  • MOVE CHANGE PLACE OR SITUATION. (anc: 10/0, child: 21)
  • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 11.82

  • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


    vendere refers to an act of selling as a mercantile act.

    venundare refers to having for sale and then selling something.

    venditare refers to a general practice of selling a certain kind of thing.

    mancipare denotes a juridicial act, in consequence of which a thing is alienated, with all that belongs to it, transferred to another.

  • 韓非子同義詞研究 ( HANFEI TONGYI 2004) p. 157

  • Lateinische Synonymik ( MENGE) p. 92

  • 王力古漢語字典 ( WANG LI 2000) p. 124

  • 王力古漢語字典 ( WANG LI 2000) p. 575


    1. WL claims these three "characters" are homophonous, but since 沽 anciently had three, and in modern times still has two readings, this statement makes no sense.

    2. WL claims that gu3 酤 is not used to refer to a merchant. This is not so. SHANGJUNSHU 2 has sha1ng gu1 商酤 "traders and wine-merchants", and along similar lines we have the current tu2 gu1 屠酤 "butchers and wine merchants".

  • Using Chinese Synonyms ( GRACE ZHANG 2010) p. 283

  • 古漢語常用詞同義詞詞典 ( HONG CHENGYU 2009) p. 388

  • Words (12 items)

      mài OC: mrees MC: mɣɛ 42 Attributions

    The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").

      Word relations
    • Conv: 買/BUY The most current and general word for buying is probably mǎi 買 (ant. mài 賣 "sell").
    • Contrast: 售 / 讎/SELL The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").
    • Synon: 鬻 / 粥/SELL The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").

      Syntactic words
    • vt(oN)sell the contextually determinate N; offer the contextually determinate N for sale
    • vt(oN)perfectiveget sold the contextually determinate object
    • vt[oN]sell goodsDS
    • vtoNoffer for sale, be prepared to sell
    • vtoN1.+VtoN2sell N1 as N2DS
    • vtoNconativetry to sell offLZ
    • vtoNfigurative"sell" (one's importance)
    • vtoNpassivebe offered for sale; be sold
    • vtoNperfectivesellDS
    • vtt(oN1.)+N2sell a contextually determinate thing for (a price N)
    • vttoN1.+N2reflexive.自sell (oneself) for the price of N2
      yù OC: luɡ MC: juk
      yù OC: luɡ MC: juk 25 Attributions

    The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").

      Word relations
    • Conv: 買/BUY The most current and general word for buying is probably mǎi 買 (ant. mài 賣 "sell").
    • Synon: 賣/SELL The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").

      Syntactic words
    • vadNsold 鬻子"children that have been sold into slavery"
    • vt(oN)offer the determinate thing for sale
    • vtoNtry to sell, offer for sale; trade in
    • vtoNfigurativecapitalise on, make profit by; make profit at the cost of
    • vtoNpassivebe sold, be offered for sale
    • vtoNreflexive.自sell (oneself)
    • vttoN1.+N2sell (something N1) to (someone N2)
    • vttoN1.+prep+N2reflexive.自sell (oneself) to N2
      shòu OC:  MC: ɨu
      chóu OC: ɡju MC: dʑɨu 25 Attributions

    The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 賣/SELL The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").

      Syntactic words
    • vt(oN)omget the contextually determinate object sold
    • vt[oN]get one's things or services sold
    • vtoNget something sold, sell effectively
    • vtoNpassiveget sold off
      gū OC: kaas MC: kuo̝ 4 Attributions

    Gū 酤 refers specifically to the selling (or buying!) of wine.

      Syntactic words
    • nabactthe activity of selling wineCH
    • v[adN]wine seller
    • vtoNcontinuoussell, trade in
      gū OC: kaas MC: kuo̝ 3 Attributions

    Gū 沽 refers to the selling of mobile goods, and the word often refers specifically to the selling of wine.

      Syntactic words
    • vtoNsell (mobile object, often wine)
      tiào OC: lʰeewɡs MC: theu 2 Attributions

    Tiào 糶 (ant. dí 糴 "buy rice abroad") refers specifically to selling rice abroad.

      Word relations
    • Conv: 糴/BUY Dí 糴 (ant. tiào 糶 "sell abroad") refers to buying from another country and importing, especially rice.

      Syntactic words
    • vtoNexport foodstuff, sell grain abroad; sell
      xuàn OC: ɡʷeens MC: ɦen 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNHANSHU, Dongfang Shuo: display so as to sell
    衒賣  xuàn mài OC: ɡʷeens mrees MC: ɦen mɣɛ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNprocure and sell
    賣與  mài yǔ OC: mrees k-laʔ MC: mɣɛ ji̯ɤ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtt(oN1.)(+N2)sell the contextually determinate object to the contextually determinate buyer (probably not here: offer for sale???)
    反貨  fān huò MC: phjon xwaH OC: phan hŋʷaals 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPabact= fan4huo4 販貨: selling of goods, commerceLZ
      huò OC: hŋʷaals MC: hʷɑ 0 Attributions

    Huò 貨 (ant. huò 貨 "buy wholesale"!!!) refers to selling any moveable goods on a large scale or wholesale.

      Syntactic words
      zī OC: sti MC: tsi 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNtrade in, sell