
Old Chinese Criteria
1. The most current and general word for buying is mǎi 買 (ant. mài 賣 "sell"). 2. Huò 貨 refers to buying as part of a larger business transaction, but the word is rare in this usage. 3. Dí 糴 (ant. tiào 糶 "sell abroad") refers to buying from another country and importing, especially rice. 4. Mào 貿 (ant. yù 鬻 "sell") refers to the professional trading in something. 5. Gū 沽 / 酤 (ant. gū 沽/酤 "sell liquor"!!) refers specifically to buying wine. 6. Shì 市 refers to going shopping for something, to buying something in the market.
HUANG JINGUI 2006 TRADE 3. 買,購買的通稱。 市,在市場購買。 賈,有固定需要的購買。 貿,購買,多為用貨物直接或輾轉易物。 易,也指以物易物的購買,但要與 “ 交 ” 等連用。 酤,買酒。 糴,買糧食。 貰,先取物延期付款的購買方式。 贖,贖買,用金錢財物或其他代價換取抵押的人身,或抵消罪責。
Modern Chinese Criteria
買 購 置 販 refers to buying in order to resell, dealing in. 打 請 辦 進 市 贖 躉 賈 購買 購置 置備 置辦 採購 採辦 頂盤 包圓 rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
  • SELLGIVE something to someone EXCHANGING it for MONEY.
See also
  • PRICEMONEY one MUST GIVE to BUY something.
  • OBTAIN BEGIN to HAVE. (anc: 14/0, child: 5)
  • BEGIN ENDURINGLY STOP NOT to ACT OR to BE RESEMBLING:as in the PAST. (anc: 13/0, child: 4)
  • STOP ACT so as NOT to CONTINUE NOW:present ACTION. (anc: 12/0, child: 10)
  • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


    emere refers generally to the act of acquiring the right to own something by paying a price.

    mercari refers to a formalised mercantile act which concludes negotiations regarding the buying of something, the formal transaction of a bargain.

    redimere can refer figuratively to the obtaining of something at a metaphorical "price".

  • 韓非子同義詞研究 ( HANFEI TONGYI 2004) p. 158

  • Anthologia sive Florilegium rerum et materiarum selectarum ( LANGIUS 1631) p.


  • 論衡同義詞研究 ( LUNHENG TONGYI 2004) p. 126

  • Lateinische Synonymik ( MENGE) p.

  • 王力古漢語字典 ( WANG LI 2000) p. 1336


    1. As WL suggests, the two words do not belong in one synonym group in pre-Buddhist times.

  • Using Chinese Synonyms ( GRACE ZHANG 2010) p. 282

  • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no. 21

  • 古漢語常用詞同義詞詞典 ( HONG CHENGYU 2009) p. 385

  • A New Dictionary of Classical Greek Synonyms ( T.W.HARBSMEIER 2004) p. no. 21

  • Words (15 items)

      mǎi OC: mreeʔ MC: mɣɛ 59 Attributions

    The most current and general word for buying is probably mǎi 買 (ant. mài 賣 "sell").

      Word relations
    • Conv: 鬻 / 粥/SELL The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").
    • Conv: 賣/SELL The current general words are mài 賣 "offer for sale" and yù 鬻"trade in", as well as shòu 售"get sold, sell off" (ant. mǎi 買 "buy").

      Syntactic words
    • vt(oN)ombuy the contextually determinate thing
    • vt+prep+Nstativebe a buyer of, have bought
    • vtoNbuy, acquire (official positions) for money; go out to buy; try to buy; buy (a person from his employer)
    • vtoNfigurativeaquire by venal means 買譽
    • vtoNpassiveget bought
    • vttoN1.+N2buy something N2 for someone N1
    • vttoN1.+N2N2=pricebuy at a price
    • vttoN1.+prep+N2buy N1 from N2
      gū OC: kaa MC: kuo̝
      gū OC: kaa MC: kuo̝ 6 Attributions

    Gū 沽/酤 (ant. gū 沽/酤 "sell liquor"!!) refers specifically to buying wine.

      Syntactic words
    • vibuy wine
    • vt(oN)buy wine for the contextually determinate person
    • vtoNbuy (wine)
      shì OC: djɯʔ MC: dʑɨ 5 Attributions

    Shì 市 refers to going shopping for something, to buy something in the market.

      Syntactic words
    • vtoNbuy in the market; buy; go shopping for
    • vtoNfigurativebuy the allegiance of (a possible partner)
    貿  mào OC: mblus MC: mu 4 Attributions

    Mào 貿 (ant. yù 鬻 "sell") refers to the professional trading in something.

      Syntactic words
    • vtoNbuy through barter
      dí OC: leewɡ MC: dek 3 Attributions

    Dí 糴 (ant. tiào 糶 "sell abroad") refers to buying from another country and importing, especially rice.

      Word relations
    • Conv: 糶/SELL Tiào 糶 (ant. dí 糴 "buy rice abroad") refers specifically to selling rice abroad.

      Syntactic words
    • nabsocialtrade; sale
    • viactbuy (grain) abroad
    • vt+prep+Nimport rice from
    • vtoNbuy and import (grain)
      shì OC: lʰebs MC: ɕiɛi 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNrare and late: buy on credit
      gǔ OC: kaaʔ MC: kuo̝ 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNfigurative"buy"> acquire at a considerable "price"
    • vtoNpassivebe purchased
    賈者  gǔ zhě OC: kaaʔ kljaʔ MC: kuo̝ tɕɣɛ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPindefinitebuyer
      huò OC: hŋʷaals MC: hʷɑ 1 Attribution

    Huò 貨 refers to buying as part of a larger business transaction, but the word is rare in this usage.

      Syntactic words
    • viactengage in business; to peddle
    • vtoNbuy as part of a larger business transaction
      yù MC: yuwk OC: luɡ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNperfectivebuyCH
    糴買  dí mǎi OC: leewɡ mreeʔ MC: dek mɣɛ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNpassivebe bought
    市得  shì dé OC: djɯʔ tɯɯɡ MC: dʑɨ tək 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNresultativeget to buy in the market
      zhì OC: tɯɡs MC: ʈɨ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNbuy
      gòu OC: koos MC: ku 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNpost-Han, Tang: purchase
      dǔn OC: tuunʔ MC: tuo̝n 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNrare: buy wholesale