Taxonomy of meanings for 計:  

  • 計 jì (OC: kiis MC: kei) 古詣切 去 廣韻:【籌計説文㑹也筭也又姓後漢有計子勲古詣切十二 】
    • COUNT
      • vtoNcount in as relevant; calculate by numbers; count
      • mathematical>CALCULATE
        • nabactarithmetics; calculation of an amount; calculation of the relevant advantages
        • vadNcalculating; calculated, precisely numerically determined
        • vtoNcalculate the amount of something or the advantages of something; calculate the chances
      • informally and approximately>ASSESS
        • vtoNassess precisely by calculation; assess precisely as if by calculation
        • vtoNconativetry to assess or ascertain precisely (reasons etc) by calculating things carefully
        • vtoSassess a situation such that S is true of it
        • on insufficient grounds>GUESS
          • generalised>THINK
            • vtoNconsider carefully, think about, take into proper consideration in one's calculations
            • vtt(oN1.)+N2think of the contextually determinate N1 as N2.
            • about future>PLAN
              •{NUM}psychconcrete calculated plan; ulterior purpose, ulterior calculated motivation; strategy
              •{NUM}objectiveobjective aimed at 得計 "achieve one's aims"
              • nab.tactplan (to do Sn)
              • nabactstrategic thinking; precise strategic planning; planning based on calculations of profit and loss as well as likelihood of success
              • vt[oN]make calculated plans
              • vt+prep+Nplan for, make plans for
              • vtoNplan for; count on; consider plans about, calculate the advantages and disadvantages of (alternative future actions)
              • nabpsychologicaleffective stategy, sound planCH
              • nabactunmarked nominalisation: the planningCH
              • illegitimately>PLOT
                • nabpsychcalculated plot (against someone)
          • on the basis of study>INVESTIGATE
          • economic>ACCOUNTANCY
            • nabactaccounts kept, economic summary 上計 "send up accounts"
            • viactkeep accounts; provide a statistical account
            • accounts>DOCUMENT
              • accountant>OFFICIAL
                • what accountancy lists>ASSET
                    • incrase>PROFIT
                      • nabpsychcalculated strategic interest

              Additional information about 計

              說文解字: 【計】,會也。筭也。 〔小徐本「筭」作「算」。〕 从言、从十。 【古詣切】

              • CALCULATE

                1. The general word for the manipulation of numbers in arithmetic is suàn 算.

                2. The commonest general term for counting objects is jì 計.

                3. The current accountancy term is guì 會.

                4. The engineering, bureaucratic, and generally technical terms for quantified precise calculation of measurements of any kind are dù 度 and liáng 量.

                5. The typically demographic term is liào 料.

                6. Cè 測 tends to focus on the difficulty of access to what is measured, and the object of measurement tends to depth of something.

              • THINK

                1. The most current general word for thought or reflection of any kind is perhaps sī 思 (ant. hū 忽 "fail to pay detailed attention to"), but this word tends to refer specifically to reflection.

                2. Huái 懷 (ant. wàng 忘 "forget all about") refers to emotionally loaded thinking about a absent person or an important subject.

                3. Móu 謀 refers to any act of planning by a private or public personality.

                4. Tú 圖 refer to deliberative strategic thinking about the future by a person in authority to decide on a future course of action.

                5. Xiǎng 想 is occasionally used to refer to fond thinking about absent persons, and in later times the word comes to refer to unrealistic imaginings in thought, and wàng xiǎng 妄想 "wild imaginings" is a symptomatic current phrase..

                6. Niàn 念 refers to intense intellectual effort and strenuous attention, and zhèng niàn 正念 refers to correct intellectual efforts in Buddhist Chinese.

                7. Zhēn zhuó 斟酌 refers to careful deliberation on the truth of a proposition or the moral quality of something.

                8. Jì 計 refers to subjecting something to rational often quantified consideration and judgment.

                9. Gù 顧 is inchoative and refers to the turning of one's attention to something one has not focussed on before.

                10. Lu �慮 refers to thoughtful long-term strategic (often personal) planning.

              • COUNT

                1. The current standard word for counting is shǔ 數.

                2. Kuài 會 is typically large scale calculation in accountancy.

                3. Jì 計 is typically calculation ultimately considered as part of a future strategy.

                4. Yuè 閱 and jiǎn 簡 refers to counting as part of making a quantified survey of something.

                NB: Suàn 算 refers to the carrying out of arithmetic as a mathematical operation, and this is more complicated than plain counting. As a technical mathematical term the word is pre-Buddhist. See CALCULATE

              • ACCOUNTANCY




                1. The general term for all manner of account-keeping is kuài jì 會計.

                [GENERAL], [TECHNICAL-TERM]

                2. Jì 計 is the general word for calculating which is sometimes used more specifically to the detailed keeping of accounts.

                [CURRENT-WORD], [DERIVED]

                3. The technical term for keeping overall accounts, typically at the end of the year, is kuài 會.


              • PLAN

                1. The current general word for a planning process involving consultation among several people, and taking into account all aspects of a long term strategy for an individual or a state is móu 謀.

                2. Lu �慮 refers to a careful personal planning effort based on serious reflection.

                3. Tú 圖 suggests that the person who plans has the formal authority to take a decision.

                4. Jì 計 refers to planning involving calculations of relative advantages and disadvantages, and the planning typically or primarily concerns the actions of an individual.

                5. Guī 規 suggests that the planning is in order to ensure an orderly progress of things.

                6. Huà 畫 refers to an elaborated strategy that is fairly well-defined.

                7. Xīn 心 refers to a secret motivation or ultimate design, an aim in planning. See INTENTION

              • ASSESS






                1. Jì 計 refers to assessing something by a process of literal or figurative "precise calculation", and this is perhaps the most general word in this field.

                [GENERAL], [PRECISE]

                2. Liào 料 refers to a tentative and approximative subjective assessment, typically of probabilities.


                3. Cè 測 are to assess roughly or approximately, typically probabilities of the future, but also current matters.

                [VAGUE], [TENTATIVE]

                4. Lùn 論 focusses on the judgment passed explicitly by way of explicit assessment, and the word often has a theoretical or juridical flavour.

                [DEFINITIVE], [EXPLICIT]

                5. Liáng 量 refers very often literally to measuring physical dimensions of any kind, but can also be used figuratively to mean "fathom, imagine fully the size of something".


                6. Duó 度 is often more abstract in nuance and expresses something in the direction of a conclusive opinion about the matter assessed. Thus this meaning of duó 度 is close to the related meaning "reckon that, consider that".

                [FIGURATIVE]; [[RARE]], [[MARGINAL]]

                7. Chéng 程 is to apply an administrative standard in the bureaucratic assessment of something.

                [DEFINITIVE], [OFFICIAL], [PRECISE]

                8. Jiān 監 is to assess continuously through surveillence and the like, often through the intermediary of others.

                [LASTING], [OFFICIAL], [VAGUE]

                9. Chēng 稱 is primarily to assess the weight of something. See WEIGH.

                10. Xiàng 相 is specifically to assess the basic inner true qualities of something on the basis of external features, as in physiognomy or the art of assessing the true quality horses by heir appearance.

                [DEFINITIVE], [PRECISE], [SPECIFIC]

                Word relations
              • Object: (CALCULATE)學/STUDY The dominant word is xué 學 (ant. jiào 教 "train teach")which refers primarily to studying or training under another person, and secondarily to the learning by heart texts. Very often, the word retains a tinge of immitation.
              • Contrast: (PLAN)行/ACT The current general word for any deliberate action one may be held morally and/or administratively responsible for is xíng 行 (ant. zhǐ 止 "decide not to take action"). The nominal entries have the old reading xìng. [COMMENDATORY!], [GENERAL], [HABITUAL], [RESPONSIBLE]
              • Contrast: (CALCULATE)數/CALCULATE
              • Assoc: (PLAN)度/PLAN
              • Assoc: (PLAN)畫/PLAN Huà 畫 refers to an elaborated strategy that is fairly well-defined.
              • Assoc: (CALCULATE)度/CALCULATE The engineering, bureaucratic, and generally technical terms for quantified precise calculation of measurements of any kind are dù 度 and liáng 量.
              • Assoc: (THINK)慮/THINK Lǜ 慮 refers to thoughtful long-term strategic (often personal) planning.
              • Assoc: (CALCULATE)會/CALCULATE The current accountancy term is guì 會.
              • Assoc: (PLAN)畫/PLAN Huà 畫 refers to an elaborated strategy that is fairly well-defined.
              • Assoc: (CALCULATE)算/CALCULATE The general word for the manipulation of numbers in arithmetic is suàn 算.
              • Synon: (CALCULATE)數/CALCULATE
              • Synon: (ASSESS)料/ASSESS Cè 測are to assess roughly or approximately, typically probabilities of the future, but also current matters. [VAGUE], [TENTATIVE]