Taxonomy of meanings for 賜:  

  • 賜 cì (OC: sleeɡs MC: siɛ) 斯義切 去 廣韻:【與也惠也又姓丗本云齊大夫簡子賜之後斯義切六 】
    • (downwards in the hierarchy)GIVE
      • nabactthe giving of gifts to inferiors
      • vt(oN)omgive (unspecified) gifts to the contextually determinate person N; shower with gifts
      • vtoNmake presents to (an inferior);
      • vtoNobject=giftgive away to others (a gift)
      • vtoNpassivebe given gifts
      • vtt(oN1.)(+N2)to give a contextually determinate thing N2 to a contextually determinate recepient of lower status N1
      • vtt(oN1.)+N2omgive a contextually determinate thing N1 to (a recipient N2);
      • vtt[oN1.+N2]make gifts
      • vttoN1:postvtoN2give (a disposable item) to (a beneficiary)
      • vttoN1.+N2give (a present N2) to (a recipient N1 of lower status)
      • vttoN1.+N2figurativegive (an inferior N1) the gift of (the favourable action N2)> do (an inferior N1) the favour of (the nominalised action N2); bestow an abstract N2 to the person N1
      • vttoN1(.+N2)omgive (a gift N1) to a determinate beneficiary N2
      • vttoN1+.vtoN2give N1 to N2
      • vadNpassiveconferred by someone, give to one
      • vttoN1.postvtoN2{OBJ}give N2 to N1
      • v[adN]giverCH
      • direct object, downwards in the hierarchy>GIFT
        • nmobjectwhat is given to inferiors, gifts; benefits accruing to inferiors < 所 Vt
      • licence>PERMIT
        • vt(oN.)+Vgrant a determinate person permission to V
        • vtt(oN1.)+N2ompermit/grant a determinate N1 to the person N2
      • as thanks>REWARD
        • vtoNmake a present to (someone) as a reward
        • vtt(oN1.)-vtoN2reward the contextually determinate recipient N1 with N2
      • figurative: immaterial objet>TRANSMIT
        • vttoN1.+N2transmit by authority
      • =儩EXHAUST

      Additional information about 賜

      說文解字: 【賜】,予也。从貝、易聲。 【斯義切】

      • HAND UP

        1. The current general word for handing something up to superiors is xiàn 獻 (ant. cì 賜 "present to inferior").

        2. Jìn 進 is a very common bureaucratic word for submitting something to a superior.

        3. Fèng 奉 is a rather dramatic word depicting a person handing something up with both hands (possibly with the intention of making a formal gift of it, xiàn 獻.

        4. Nà 納 is a cold strictly bureaucratic term referring to the handing some upwards in the hierarchy.

        5. Gòng 貢 refers to the formal and ritual handing up or pledging of something to high authorities (typically tribute) in the course of one's ritual or political duties (the two being not held apart in ancient Chinese society). This tribute may even consist of lands or populations.

        6. Bǐng 稟 refers to handing up something to high authority (typically reports) with a show of extreme but customary deferential politeness.

        7. Xiào 效 typically refers to the offering up of abstract things such as effort on behalf of high authority.

        8. Zòu 奏 refers to the formal submission of a text to the highest authorities, and typically to the emperor.

        9. Shàng 上 is a neutral word referring to the submission of anything to someone higher up in the official hierarchy.

        10. Gōng 供/共 refers to the provision of what is necessary to the higher authorities.

        11. Nà 納 is to hand in formally to the authorities.

      • GIVE

        1. The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").

        2. Wèi 遺 and wěi 委 refer to any act of giving something to someone in permanence and for keeping.

        3. Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.

        4. Zèng 贈 refers to formal presents to an inferior from a person in high authority.

        5. Yí 貽 is an archaic colourless word for giving something away to someone of one's own volition, and the recipient may be of higher status than oneself.

        6. Zhì 致 is to hand over something or to pass something on to someone.

        7. Kuì 饋 typicall refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.

        8. Fù 賦 refers to giving something as reward or recompensation to somebody, typically to a person of lower status.

        9. Shòu 授 refers to the physical act of handing something over to a recipient.

      • GIFT

        NB: all the words below are derived from semantically corresponding verbs for to give and could be subsumed under these:

        1. The general current word for any generous gift is cì 賜, and the general completely neutral term for a gift is wèi 遺.

        2. Huì 賄 and lù 賂 are words for "gift" which is often given with an ulterior purpose, and the word regularly comes to mean "bribe", especially in the current binome huì lù 賄賂 "bribe".

        3. Kuì 饋 refers to a ritual gift.

        4. Xiàn 獻 is occasionally used for a gift to superiors.

      • RECEIVE

        1. The current general word is shòu 受 (ant. jù 拒 "refuse to accept"; ant.* yǔ 與 "give"), which can refer to any concrete or abstract form of receiving or being exposed to.

        2. Chéng 承 (ant.* zèng 贈 "present formally") refers to the polite act of receiving something as a gift.

        3. Fèng 奉 and bǐng 稟 (ant.* cì 賜 "present formally to inferiors") refers to the polite act of receiving any concrete or abstract thing (including orders and the like) from a superior.

        4. Měng 蒙 is to be on the receiving end of a process, and the word hardly ever takes concrete objects.

        5. Nà 納 focusses concretely on the receiving something from the outside into some inside.

        6. Shōu 收 refers specifically to receiving what is due to one.

      • REWARD

        1. The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").

        2. Láo 勞 (ant. chéng 懲 "punish") focusses on the contribution by those who are being rewarded.

        3. Kào 犒 focusses on the festive character of the ceremony accompanying or constituting the reward.

        4. Bào 報 construes the reward as being an interaction between equals.

        5. Cí 賜 refers to a present to an inferior in recognition of the latter's worth. For most examples see GIVE.

        NB: The meaning of shǎng 賞 "give as a present" is post-Buddhist.

        Word relations
      • Ant: (GIVE)奪/ROB The current word for appropriating something that is not one's own by right is duó 奪.
      • Contrast: (GIVE)與 / 予/GIVE The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").
      • Contrast: (GIVE)遺/GIVE Wèi 遺 and wěi 委 refer to any act of giving something to someone in permanence and for keeping.
      • Assoc: (GIVE)與 / 予/GIVE The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").
      • Assoc: (REWARD)賞/REWARD The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").
      • Synon: (GIVE)加/GIVE