Taxonomy of meanings for 權:  

  • 權 quán (OC: ɡron MC: ɡʷɯiɛn) 巨員切 平 廣韻:【權變也反常合道又宜也秉也平也稱錘也又爾雅曰權黄華又姓出天水本顓頊之後楚武王使鬬緡尹權後因氏俗作權巨員切二十三 】
    • SCALES
      • nweights (without the scales used to weigh things)
      • even level: relevant feature>FLAT
        • action>WEIGH
          • viactto be engaged in a general action of weighing
          • viactweigh pros and cons??
          • vtoNdetermine weight of with lever scales; determine situation as with lever scales, gauge properly
          • vtoNfigurativeweigh (abstractly, objects like profit or harm etc), evaluate
          • feature>HEAVY
            • generalised>MEASURE
                • generalised>ASSESS
                  • nabmethodproper assessment of relevant circumstances; method of proper assessment; expedient assessment of circumstances LZ
                  • vtoNfigurative, passivebe assessed, be weighedCH
                  • vtoNfigurativeassess in comparison with each other, weigh up against each other; weigh up the relevance ofCH
                • abstract>THINK
                    • intellectual>COMPARE
                      • about future>PLAN
                        • viactweigh and assess strategic plans
                        • nabstrategic plansDS
                        • generalised>METHOD
                          • nab.adVas a method; as an expedient means
                          • nabbuddhistBUDDH: method (syn. to 方便 ) SOOTHILL: "The weight (on a steelyard), weight, authority, power; to balance, adjudge; bias, expediency, partial, provisional, temporary, positional; in Buddhist scriptures it is used like 方便 expediency, or temporary; it is the adversative of 實 "See DDB:'b6b0a')
                          • of dominating>POWER
                            • nabsocialleverage; political leverage, weight and power
                            • nab.adNpowerful, dominant, influential
                            • nabcosmologicalrelative leverage/impact of things; cosmic relevance; cosmic significanceCH
                            •天下之權"power in/over the world": power over NCH
                            • generalised>INFLUENCE
                                • moral or political>AUTHORITY
                                  • nabsocialauthorityCH
                                  • over NCH
                                • personal benefit>PROFIT
                                    • for a further purpose>USEFUL
                                        • perfective> EFFICIENT
                              • fill temporary position of>WORK
                                  • feature> for a time>MEANWHILE
                                    • adapt to>CONFORM
                                      • nabactacting with tactical flexibility; currently expedient adjustment to circumstances, expedient adaptability to circumstances; adaptative application of a rule according to circumstance
                                      • vadVadapting properly to circumstances
                                      • vibe expedient for the moment only, be ad hoc; be intended to be (only) ephemerally usefulCH
                                      • viactact with tactical flexibilityCH
                                      • nderivedwhat is adjusted to the requirements of the moment, of the time, of the occasionCH
                                      • able to conform> FLEXIBLE
                        • STATES
                          • NPprQuán 權 (CHEN PAN 1969, 522-524)
                        • STARS
                            • CONSTELLATIONS guan4《集韻》古玩切,去換見。
                          • =灌
                          • =爟
                        • quánSITUATION
                          • nabcurrent dynamic constellation; the dynamics of the situation, the strategic potential at a given time;CH
                        • quánUNRESTRAINED
                          • vtoNmake unrestrained and unauthorised use of N; issue unauthorised N (orders etc)CH

                        Additional information about 權

                        說文解字: 【權】,黃華木。从木、雚聲。一曰:反常。 〔小徐本無「一曰反常」四字。〕 【巨員切】

                        • SCALES

                          1. General word for scales is chèng 秤 / 稱, which occurs already in LSCQ. It refers to the whole implement, i.e. both to the weighing rod and the weight. Today, typical Chinese lever scales consists of the weighing rod and the weight suspended from it. The thing to be weighed is put on the bowl hanged down from the one end of the weighing beam, and its weight is determined by moving the weight till balance between the weight and weighed thing is reached. It seems that this type of scales came to be used only in Tang times. Scales known from the Warring States period consists of the wooden stick with two small bronze bowls suspended from its both sides; the things to be weighed were put on one bowl and weights on the other.

                          2. Héng 衡 refers to the whole of the weighing contraption, the scales, but the term does not include a weight.

                          3. Quán 權 refers to the weight. Weights known from the Warring States period are usually made of bronze. According to the late Warring States and Han texts, they were divided into five categories - zhū 銖, liǎng 兩, jīn 斤, jūn 鈞, and shí 石 - but it should be noted that situation was more complicated, and in Warring States times weights differred from state to state.

                          4. Chuí 錘 refers to the weight. According to FANG YAN, in Han times the word was used in the area of ancient states of Lu and Song; later it came to be used as general word for the weight.

                          5. Quán 銓, when used in the meaning "scales" is synonymous with chèng 秤, but the word is rare.

                        • POWER

                          1. The dominant general words for power are wēi 威 "formidable authority" and shì 勢 "strategic position of power".

                          2. Quán 權 refers to one's political leverage or one's formal position of power.

                          3. Wèi 位 refers to the formal and official (usually very high) position one has in a hierarchy, but the word is occasionally also used as a general term referring to any station in life. See RANK.

                          4. Zhòng 重 refers to the actual political influence a person may have.

                          5. Shù 數 refers to a complex constellation of power as an object of assessment.

                          6. Shén 神 is occasionally used to refer to a supernatural or divinely sanctioned authority or political efficacy of a person.

                          7. Yán 嚴 refers to the formidable quality of power growing from real authority.

                          Word relations
                        • Object: (POWER)專/MONOPOLISE Zhuān 專 emphasises that one takes exclusive control, by whatever means.
                        • Contrast: (POWER)威/POWER The dominant general words for power are wēi 威 "formidable authority" and shì 勢 "strategic position of power".
                        • Assoc: (SCALES)衡/SCALES Héng 衡 refers to the whole of the weighing contraption, the scales, but the term does not include a weight.
                        • Assoc: (POWER)勢/POWER