Taxonomy of meanings for 禍:  

  • 禍 huò (OC: ɡloolʔ MC: ɦuɑ) 胡果切 上 廣韻:【害也胡果切七 】
      • nabeventdisaster; disastrous fate, unhappy outcome; bad luck; sad fate
      • nabeventOBI 5: ominous sign, ominous event or phenomenon imbued with some disastrous supernatural significance
      • nabstativedisastrous situation
      • vadNdisastrous 禍事上門"disaster hits the family"
      • vi0eventthere is disaster, there will be disaster
      • vtoNOBI: bring disaster upon
      • vtoNputativeregard as a disaster; recognise as disastrous
      • vispell disaster
    • CRIME

      Additional information about 禍

      說文解字: 【禍】,害也。神不福也。从示、咼聲。 【胡果切】

      • LUCK

        1. The dominant general word for good fortune is fú 福 (ant. huò 禍 "misfortune"), and the dominant general word for good luck is xìng 幸 (ant. yāng 殃 "misfortune").

        2. Lù 祿 and the rare xiū 休 / 庥 are elevated and archaising words referring to blessings from Heaven.

        3. Zuò 祚 is a very elevated and archaising word referring to blessings from Heaven as given to states or great clans and the like.

        4. Yù 裕 (ant. fá 乏 "shortage sent down by Heaven") is an elevated word referring to abundant blessings from Heaven.

      • HAPPY

        1. Fú 福 (ant. huò 禍 "misfortune") is the most common noun for material good fortune and well-being.

        2. Lè 樂 refers specifically to happiness as a rewarding inward state.

        3. Huān 歡 / 驩 / 懽 refers to a sometimes transitory form of sociable and communicative happiness.

        4. Xǐ 喜 typically refers to happiness as a response to something.

        5. Yú 愉 / 媮 refers to happy contentment with things as they are.

        6. Kuài 快 refers to a transient, acute state of happiness.

        7. Yú 娛 (ant yo1u 憂 "worry") typically refers to indulgent happiness with thing as they are.

        8. Yì 懌 is an ancient poetic word referring to dignified contentment, and the word became current in the negative 不懌 "be displeased".

        9. Yí 怡 is a fairly rare elevated poetic word referring to the state of being pleased, contented, and thus happy.

        10. Ān 安 can refer to happy peace of mind.

        11. Yuè 悅 can come to refer to a happy state of contentment with what happens to one or around one.

        12. Xìng 幸 "luck" can refer to to a serendipitously found state of happiness.

        13. Qìng 慶 is an archaic way of referring to material as well as psychological well-being.

        14. Kāng 康 is an archaic way of referring to material and physical well-being.

      • DISASTER

        1. The most common general word for disasters is huò 禍 (ant. fú 福 "good fortune") which has no connotations of any metaphysical kind. (In OBI the character currently transcribed as huò 禍 - and closely related to 占 - refers not only to disasters as such, but particularly to disastrous omens.)

        2. Zāi 災 refers to a natural disaster, typically sent down by Heaven.

        3. Huàn 患 refers to any major or minor disaster, even down to minor irritations.

        4. Yāng 殃 always refers to major natural disasters, often construed as causes by human misdemeanour, or by a failure to take preventive action.

        5. Niè 孽 often has heavy metaphysical connotations and refers to disasters as caused by higher powers acting with an intention to harm, but there are some clear cases where the word refers to man-made trouble in MENG.

        6. Nàn 難 refer to man-made disasters of every kind.

        7. Jí 急 is a disastrous or highly precarious situation that has occurred suddenly and requires urgent attention.

        8. Bù yú 不虞 is normally a minor disaster that was utterly unexpected.

        9. Xiōng 凶, shěng 眚 and jiù 咎 are archaic metaphysical terms for misfortunes.

        10. Hài 害 refers generally to harm, but in OBI the word standardly refers to harm done by supernatural powers or ancestors.

        Word relations
      • Ant: (DISASTER)吉/AUSPICIOUS The general term is jí 吉 (ant. xiōng 凶 "inauspicious") and refers to any natural phenomenon or supposed supernatural response that is of good omen, in an everyday almost secular way.
      • Ant: (DISASTER)賞/REWARD The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").
      • Ant: (DISASTER)福/HAPPY
      • Ant: (DISASTER)福/LUCK The dominant general word for good fortune is fú 福 (ant. huò 禍 "misfortune"), and the dominant general word for good luck is xìng 幸 (ant. yāng 殃 "misfortune").
      • Epithet: (DISASTER)凶/DISASTER Xiōng 凶, shěng 眚 and jiù 咎 are archaic metaphysical terms for misfortunes.
      • Contrast: (DISASTER)咎/DISASTER
      • Contrast: (DISASTER)罪/GUILT
      • Contrast: (DISASTER)變/DISASTER
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)患/DISASTER Huàn 患 refers to any major or minor disaster, even down to minor irritations.
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)災 / 菑/DISASTER Zāi 災 refers to a natural disaster, typically sent down by Heaven.
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)凶/DISASTER Xiōng 凶, shěng 眚 and jiù 咎 are archaic metaphysical terms for misfortunes.
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)凶/DISASTER Xiōng 凶, shěng 眚 and jiù 咎 are archaic metaphysical terms for misfortunes.
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)害/DISASTER Hài 害 refers generally to harm, but in OBI the word standardly refers to harm done by supernatural powers or ancestors.
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)敗/DEFEAT The current general word for defeating someoneor some state in any form of battle is bài 敗.
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)祟/DISASTER
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)難/DISASTER Nàn 難 refer to man-made disasters of every kind.
      • Assoc: (DISASTER)殃 / 央/DISASTER Yāng 殃 always refers to major natural disasters, often construed as causes by human misdemeanour, or by a failure to take preventive action.
      • Synon: (DISASTER)殃 / 央/DISASTER Yāng 殃 always refers to major natural disasters, often construed as causes by human misdemeanour, or by a failure to take preventive action.
      • Synon: (DISASTER)難/DISASTER Nàn 難 refer to man-made disasters of every kind.