Taxonomy of meanings for 業:  

  • 業 yè (OC: ŋab MC: ŋiɐp) 魚怯切 入 廣韻:【事也大也敘也次也始也敬也嚴也説文作𢄁大版也所以飾縣鐘鼓捷業如鋸齒以白畫之象其鉏鋙相承也詩曰巨業維樅又爾雅曰大版謂之業郭璞云築牆版也俗作㸣魚怯切十五 】
        • grammaticalised>ALREADY
          • innovating>CREATE
              • WORK
                •, professional task; trade; professional tasks; performance of one's duties, professional achievements
                • viactengage in serious educational activity or study
                • nab[.post-N]their work, his work, one's workCH
                • official>OFFICE
                  • ninherited occupation; professional occupation (high or low)
              • STRIVE FOR
                • nabsocialmain purpose in public life, main professional aim; main mission; inherited professional aim
                • what one has striven for>ASSET
                  • nmproperty; inheritance
              • generalised>BEGIN
                • meritorious>KARMA
                  • nabmetaphysicalkarma
                  • nadNkarmic
                  • generalised>ACT
                    • nab.adNactBUDDH: karmic; created by karma
                    • nabact(major) undertaking, enterprise
                    • nabactBUDDH: skr. karma; pali kamma (lit. action, deed of karmic significance)This is agency which brings forth 'existence' (yǒu 有 ) and is in turn caused by mental defilements (usually 'craving' (tṛṣṇā) and 'ignorance' (avidyā)); the concept of karma in India predates the emergence of Buddhism, but was somewhat redefined in Buddhism and Śākyamuni was said to have put much emphasis on the law of moral causality which is determined by one's actions; karma is often subdivided in three kind of actions: physical, shēnyè 身業, skr. kāya-karman, PALI kāya-kamma; verbal, kǒuyè 口業, SANSKRIT vāk-karman, PALI vacī-kamma; mental, yìyè 意業, skr. manas-karma, PALI mano-kamma, mental karma is sometims also referred to as 'non-manifest' or 'latent' action (skr. avijñapti, PALI aviññatti, wúbiǎoyè 無表業; another method of classifying karma is according to the nature of the actions, i.e. 'wholesome deeds', shànyè 善業, SANSKRIT kuśala-karman, PALI kusala-kamma; and 'evil deeds', èyè 惡業, skr. pāpa-karman, pali pāpa-kammaFocusing on the destiny after death which are caused by one's actions, karma is divided into fúyè 福業, 'meritorious actions' (skr. puṇya, pali puñña), and demeritorious actions, fēifúyè 非福業, skr. apuṇya, pali apuñña)(Actions which lead to rebirth in the three realms, sānjiè 三界 (including good and bad actions) are referred to as 'defiled actions' yǒulòuyè 有漏業, skr. sāsrava-karman; by contrast there are 'undefiled actions', wúlòuyè 無漏業, skr. anāsrava-karman (often referring to the actions of a Bodhisattva; in the case of Buddha one speaks of fóshì 佛事, 'Buddha-deeds', skr. buddha-kāryaThe concept of karma is further complicated by the question who and what transmigrates, since in Buddhism the existence of an entity surviving death is denied (one of the later approaches to solve thia aporia was the assumption of a 'storehouse-consciousness', ālaya-vijñāna by the Yogācāra School
                    • nadVBUDDH: through deeds, caused by deeds
                    • vtoNactundertake, decide to do
                    • CONTINUE
                      • vtoNcontinue the tradition of, inherit
                      • cause to continue tradition>TEACH
                        • nabmethodmethod taught (by a master); teaching
            • BEAM
                • BOARD
                    • STATIONARY
                      • na large bǎn 版. In post-Qin times, yè 業 is not used to designate stationary.
                • =隉DANGER
                • 業 yè (OC: ŋab MC: ŋiɐp) 魚怯切 入 廣韻:【見業注 】
                • ASPIRATION
                  •, traditional taskCH

                Additional information about 業

                說文解字: 【業】,大版也。所以飾縣鍾鼓,捷業如鋸齒,以白畫之,象其鉏鋙相承也。从丵、从巾,巾,象版。《詩》曰:巨業維樅。 【魚怯切】 【】、古文業。

                • WORK

                  1. The current general term for work is gōng 工 (ant. xiū 休 "rest"), but the word refers specifically to skilled work.

                  2. Shì 事 (ant. xián 閒 "be at leisure") refers primarily to an official or regular working effort made on behalf of and in the service of an employer or a ruler.

                  3. Zuò 作 (ant. xí 息 "take a rest from work") refers to manual work.

                  4. Chǎn 產 refers to the pursuance of a traditional family trade.

                  5. Yè 業 refers to the pursuance of one's own professional career or one's career as a skilled artisan, farmer etc..

                  6. Wù 務 refers to work imposed on one because of one's public employment.

                  7. Shēng 生 can occasionally come to refer to something like one's daily work.

                  8. Zhì 治 is mostly used verbally and refers to putting a coherent organised effort into something or work at something.

                  9. Gān 干 is only used verbally and refers to the concerted effort or working towards an end.

                • ASSET




                  1. Yè 業 refers to typically permanent assets of significant proportions.

                  [ELEVATED?], [LASTING]

                  2. Chǎn 產 refers to considerable but not necessarily inalienable assets, typically not viewed as entirely inherited.


                • OFFICE

                  1. Shì 仕 refers to any office, private or public, civil or military and must probably count as the most general word for an office.

                  2. The standard and very current general word for any elevated bureaucratic office, civil or military, is guān 官 (the original meaning of which refers to the building housing the office-holders office).

                  3. Shǔ 暑 refers to Han dynasty bureaucratic departments of any kind.

                  4. Sì 寺 refers to Han dynasty bureaucratic departments, typically - perhaps - of major kind.

                  5. Zhí 職 are the official duties attached to a bureaucratic office. See DUTY

                  6. Yè 業 refers to the traditional profession of a person and does not normally or necessarily relate to a place or the bureaucratic system.

                • MEDITATE


                • STRIVE FOR

                  1. The current general word for striving for something as an important aim in one's life is wù 務.

                  2. Shì 事 refers to working at something either because one has chosen to or because it is part of one's duties.

                  3. Yè 業 refers to the making something one's professional concern.

                  4. Lì 力 is occasionally used to refer to the putting every effort into something.

                • CONTINUE

                  1. The most current general word for continuing to do something and also for continuing a tradition is jì 繼 (ant. jué 絕 "disrupt a tradition") which concentrates on the original thing that is being continued or made longer.

                  2. Xù 續 (ant. duàn 斷 "interrupt a tradition") focusses on what is being added in the lengthening process, and the dominant meaning of the word is spatial lengthening.

                  3. Zhuǎn 轉 is refers to continuation by alternation of the agent and is translatable as "continuing in turn".

                  4. Chéng 承 refers to the continuation of an abstract tradition.

                  5. Yè 業 refers primarily to the continuation of the trade or tradition of one's own forebears.

                  6. Réng 仍 focusses on the uninterrupted and continuous pursuance of an activity over a continuing period.

                  7. Sì 嗣, which came to mean "succeed as an heir", was used in early texts to refer to the continuation of any tradition or practice.

                  8. Yán 延 is current in the meaning "continue" in OBI.

                  Word relations
                • Object: (OFFICE)創/CREATE Chuàng 創 (ant. jì 繼 "continue a line") is a rare word referring to the initiative to start something.
                • Object: (WORK)簡/NEGLECT Màn 慢 (ant. jìng 敬 "pay proper and respectful attention to") and jiǎn 簡 (ant. xì 細 "pay detailed attention to") refer to a typically deliberate and defiant, often a deliberately outrageous, failure to pay proper attention to what is expected to be heeded.
                • Object: (WORK)繼/CONTINUE The most current general word for continuing to do something and also for continuing a tradition is jì 繼 (ant. jué 絕 "disrupt a tradition") which concentrates on the original thing that is being continued or made longer.
                • Object: (WORK)襲/CONTINUE
                • Assoc: (WORK)產/WORK Chǎn 產 refers to the pursuance of a traditional family trade.