Taxonomy of meanings for 殊:  

  • 殊 shū (OC: djo MC: dʑio) 市朱切 平 廣韻:【異也死也市朱切十二 】
      • nabfeaturedifference; point of difference
      • vadNdifferent
      • vi2be different
      • vt+prep+Nmark oneself out from; be different from
      • vtoNstativediffer with respect to
      • vttoN1.+N2attitudinaltreat (something/somebody N1) as different from (something else N2)
      • vt(oN)be different from the contextually determinate NCH
      • v[adN]different featuresCH
      • vi2inchoativecome to be differentCH
      • inchoative>CHANGE
        • vtoNcausativecause to be become different
      • pejorative>DEFECT
        • nabdefect, shortcoming that marks someone out as different or special
      • commendatory>SPECIAL
        • putative>DISTINGUISH
          • vtoNabstractkeep apart; be kept apart (often of abstract things)
          • vtoNconcretemake different use ofCH
        • relational>SURPASS
            • absolute:feature, surpassing>EXCELLENT
              • vadNexcellent
              • vibe markedly superior, stand out from others
              • grammaticalised>INTENSELY
                • vadV{NEG}intensifier preceding negated verbs: not at all, not in the least, not the slightest
                • vadVvery
      • 殊 zhū (OC: to MC: ʈio) 陟輸切 平 廣韻:【列殺字從歹又五割切 】
        • causative: living state> KILL???
      • shūCUT
        • vtoNpassivebe cut offCH

      Additional information about 殊

      說文解字: 【殊】,死也。从歺、朱聲。《漢令》曰:蠻裔長有罪當殊之。 【市朱切】


        1. The dominant general term for difference is yì 異 (ant. tóng 同 "be the same").

        2. Fēn 分 and bié 別 is a difference established by humans through convention or by an intellectual effort. See DISTINGUISH

        3. Chà 差 (ant. děng 等 "be without difference established by social conventions") refers to a difference established through social practice.

        4. Shū 殊 (ant. jìn 近 "essentially close to", yī 一 "be one and the same") refers abstractly to a categorial distance.

        Word relations
      • Ant: (DIFFERENT)鈞 / 均/SAME
      • Contrast: (DIFFERENT)別/DIFFERENT Fēn 分and bié 別 is a difference established by humans through convention or by an intellectual effort. See DISTINGUISH
      • Contrast: (DIFFERENT)詭/CONTRARY
      • Synon: (CHANGE)易/CHANGE Yì 易 refers prototypically to a change construed as brought about by a process of interchange and (often mutual) replacement.
      • Synon: (DIFFERENT)異/DIFFERENT The dominant general term for difference is yì 異 (ant. tóng 同 "be the same").