Taxonomy of meanings for 戾:  

  • 戾 lì (OC: rɯɯds MC: lei) 郎計切 去 廣韻:【乖也待也利也立也罪也來也至也定也又很戾説文曲也从犬出戸下戾者身戾曲也 】
    • CRIME
      • nabacttransgression; crime; mistake
    • CRUEL
      • nabactcallousness, heartlessness
      • vadNcruel
      • viactbe reckless, be callous and cruel; be violent; make violent and abrupt movements
    • DRY
      • vtoNcausativedry
    • LEAD
      • vtoNlead
    • OPPOSE
      • vtoNgo outrageously against
    • REACH
      • vtoNSHI: reach, attain to
    • SAD
      • viCC, very rare: sad and disconsolate
    • CURVED
      • STRANGE
        • DESTROY
          • LAW
            • GOOD
              • PEACEFUL
                • ANGER
                  • PLANTS
                    • SURNAMES
                      • = 捩
                      • = 癘
                      • = 利
                    • 戾 liè (OC: rɯɯd MC: let) 練結切 入 廣韻:【罪也曲也戻至盭並又力計切 】
                      • TWIST
                        • vibe twisted and bent; curly
                    • 戾 tì (OC: thɯɯds MC: tʰei) 他計切 去 廣韻:【輜車 】

                      Additional information about 戾

                      說文解字: 【戾】,曲也。从犬出戶下。戾者,身曲戾也。 【郎計切】

                      • CRUEL

                        1. The current general word for psychological cruelty is rěn 忍 (ant. cí 慈 "show kind loving concern"), and the current general word for cruelty in action is cán 殘 (ant. rén 仁 "kind-heartedness").

                        2. NŸè 虐 (ant. fǔ 撫 "take good care of, show proper concern for subordinates or subjects") refers to wanton cruelty in the exercise of political authority.

                        3. Lì 戾 typically refers to deliberate cruelty for its own sake, typically by those in political authority, viewed as a political mistake. See SEVERE

                        4. Bào 暴 refers to a propensity towards public violence by those in authority, viewed as a character defect. See VIOLENT

                        Word relations
                      • Ant: (CRIME)功/ACHIEVE Gōng 功 refers to the achievement of something regarded as important to others. See MERIT. [ALTRUISTIC], [IMPORTANT]; [NOUN]