Taxonomy of meanings for 屍 / 尸:  

  • 屍 shì (OC: qhljis MC: ɕi) 矢利切 去 廣韻:【似皴皃也矢利切二 】
  • 尸 shī (OC: qhlji MC: ɕi) 式脂切 平 廣韻:【主也陳也利也又姓秦有尸伎爲啇君師著書式之切四 】
  • 屍 shī (OC: qhlji MC: ɕi) 式脂切 平 廣韻:【禮記曰在牀曰屍在棺曰柩 】
    • CORPSE
      • n屍 is a variant character created to refer unambiguously to the corpse rather than the impersonator of the dead also written as 尸
      • n(post-N)corpse of the contextually determinate NDS

    Additional information about 屍

    說文解字: 【屍】,終主。从尸、从死。 〔小徐本作「從尸、死聲。」〕 【式脂切】

    • CORPSE

      1. The general dignified term for a dead body is shī 尸 / 屍 often in connection with burial.

      2. Piǎo 殍 refers specifically to the dead bodies of those who have starved and who lie unburied.

      3. Sǐ 死 refers to the dead body of a deceased person in a neutral way, not necessarily in connection with burial.

      4. Fá 伐 is a a standard OBI word for decapitated human victims, but this usage became obsolete.