Taxonomy of meanings for 姦:  

  • 姦 jiān (OC: kraan MC: kɯan) 古顔顏切 平 廣韻:【私也詐也古顔切俗作姧四 】
    • WICKED
      • nabactacts of wickedness, villainy, villainous behaviour; moral incompetence
      • v[adN]nonreferentialwicked person; moral incompetent person
      • vadNwicked, depraved; morally incompetent
      • vibe villainous, be wicked (ministers); improper (gains etc); be morally incompetent
      • v[adN]a wicked person; (certain) wicked people; morally incompetent people
      •{NUM}types of wickedness
    • DEVIL
      • nevil spirits
    • CHAOS
      • COPULATE
        • CRAFTY
          • STEAL
            • vtoNZUO: steal (particularly as an outsider)
          • SECRET
            • FAKE
              • vtoNmake vicious fake us of to as to corrupt

          Additional information about 姦

          說文解字: 【姦】,私也。三女。 【古顏切】 【𢙶】,古文姦从心、旱聲。 〔小徐本作「古文姦從旱、心。」〕

          • WICKED

            1. The most current and general word for wickedness is probably è 惡 (ant. shàn 善 "good"), but it must be noted that in early texts the word is more current in the meaning of physical ugliness.

            2. Xié 邪 (ant. zhèng 正 "straight and in no way wicked") typically involves nuances of sinister evil influences in addition to plain human depravity.

            3. Suì 祟 (ant. xiáng 祥 "of the good innocuous kind") refers to sinister supernatural wicked forces operating in the human world.

            4. Yāo 妖 (ant. jí 吉 "of a generally auspicious nature") typically implies nuances of seductive or beguiling qualities coexisting with wickedness.

            5. Jiān 姦 (ant. liáng 良 "of the good sort, decent") refers to sheer human depravity with no supernatural or sinister overtones.

            6. Chǒu 醜 (ant. měi 美 "of commendable moral quality") often refers to something rather like moral ugliness and depravity in early texts, but from Han times onwards the word comes to refer to physical ugliness].

            7. Qū 曲 (ant. duān 端 "straight and unwarped") refers to warped crookedness and lack of moral straightness.

            8. Wú 污 (ant. jié 潔 "morally pure and spotless") refers to moral defilement or moral impurity.

            9. Liè 劣 (ant. ) refers to moral inferiority as opposed to excellence.

            10. Pì 僻 (ant. ) refers to

            11. Jiāo 姣 refers to wickedness coupled with cunning, scheming and malice.

            12. Xiǎn 險 is occasionally used to refer to the type of wickedness that is a danger to the group or the state.

            13. Wāi 歪 (ant. zhí 直 "morally straight") refers to wickedness under the image of moral warpedness and and deviation from a straight proper norm.

            14. Xiōng 凶 refers to a baneful wickedness that bodes ill for the future.

            15. Chǐ 恥 refers to something that is a public disgrace. See SHAME.

          • DEITY

            1. The general designation for the spirits is guǐ shén 鬼神, and for the higher and lower spirits of Heaven and Earth it is shén qí 神祇.

            2. Guǐ 鬼 is very often a spirit of the deceased (See GHOST), but the word can also refer to nature spirits of all kinds.

            3. Shén 神 refers to the ethereal supernatural spirits of all kinds, primarily associated with heaven, but the word also refers to a righteous person who turns into such a spirit after death.

            4. Míng shén 明神 refers to the luminous elevated higher spirits, and it is significant that there are not míng guǐ 明鬼.

            5. Qí 祇 refers to the spirits of the earth.

            6. Yāo 妖 are wicked spirits, and jiān 姦 can be used in the same sense. See DEVIL.

            7. Xiān 仙 refers to ethereal divinised creatures of any kind, typically to those who have attained an eternal life on earth, and it is striking that the word gained currency first in Eastern Han times, and that the word is very common in the verbal meaning "become an immortal", whereas guǐ 鬼 is very rarely so used.

            Word relations
          • Ant: (WICKED)功/MERIT The current general word for achievements of any kind is gōng 功.
          • Ant: (WICKED)善/GOOD The general term for positive appraisal of any kind in Chinese is shàn 善 (ant. è 惡 "bad").
          • Ant: (WICKED)貞/FAITHFUL Zhēn 貞 refers to sturdy moral reliability based on inner conviction.
          • Ant: (WICKED)德/VIRTUE The current general term for salient features and principles of charismatic moral integrity and generosity is dé 德, when used as a term of ethical evalutation; but this word has many other philosophically important meanings.
          • Ant: (WICKED)良/EXCELLENT The standard current general word for anything or anyone who naturally meets certain generally accepted high standards of excellence is liáng 良 (ant. liè 劣 "inferior").
          • Object: (WICKED)禁/FORBID The current dominant general word referring to public prohibition is jìn 禁 (ant. quàn 勸 "encourage").
          • Epithet: (WICKED)臣/MINISTER The general word for a government minister at any level and of any kind is chén 臣, generically rén chén 人臣.
          • Contrast: (WICKED)凶/WICKED Xiōng 凶 refers to a baneful wickedness that bodes ill for the future.
          • Contrast: (WICKED)賊/VILLAIN The most general and comprehensive term for a villain is zéi 賊, and the basic association is with the damage he does. There is no special association with murder or thievery
          • Assoc: (WICKED)智/CRAFTY The most general word for craftiness as a negative quality is zhì 智, although very confusingly, this word can also refer to positive wisdom as a virtue.
          • Assoc: (WICKED)邪/WICKED Xié 邪 (ant. zhèng 正 "straight and in no way wicked") typically involves nuances of sinister evil influences in addition to plain human depravity.
          • Assoc: (WICKED)私/SELFISH The standard word for selfishness in classical Chinese is sī 私.
          • Synon: (FAKE)偽/FAKE Wěi 偽 (ant. zhēn 真) focusses on the artificiality rather than natural or proper provenance of the product.
          • Synon: (WICKED)邪/WICKED Xié 邪 (ant. zhèng 正 "straight and in no way wicked") typically involves nuances of sinister evil influences in addition to plain human depravity.