Taxonomy of meanings for 帛:  

  • 帛 bó (OC: braaɡ MC: bɯak) 傍陌切 入 廣韻:【幣帛尚書大傳曰舜修五禮五玉三帛又姓出吴神仙傳有帛和 】
    • MONEY
      • nccroll of silk used as money/cash
    • SILK
      • nmsilk cloth; silken clothes
      • viactwear silk clothes
      • nm[adN]silk dress
      • npiece of thin silk used to write on

Additional information about 帛

說文解字: 【帛】,繒也。从巾、白聲。凡帛之屬皆从帛。 【帛陌切】


    1. The most common writing material in Warring States times was the jiǎn 簡 "bamboo strip".

    2. Also common was the dú 牘 "wooden tablet".

    3. Bǎn 板/版 was a larger and thicker wooden tablet than the dú 牘.

    4. Gū 觚 six-sided wooden tablet, typically used to record population registers and the like.

    5. Bó 帛 "thin silk for writing on" was extremely expensive and only used for special ceremonial purposes.


    1. The general word for cloth is bù bó 布帛 "coarse or silk cloth".

    2. Bó 帛 refers quite generally to silk cloth. See SILK.

    3. Bù 布 refers quite generally to all kind of coarse cloth, typically made of hemp and the like, but the word is also occasionally used loosely as a general term for cloth including silk.

    4. Chī 絺 refers to fine linen or hemp cloth.

    5. Xì 綌 refers to coarse dolichos cloth.

    6. Sī 緦 refers generally to any kind of coarse cloth worn in periods of mourning.

  • SILK

    1. The general word for any kind of silk cloth it is bó 帛.

    2. Juàn 絹 refers to thin silk gauze.

    3. Zēng 繒 is close in meaning to bó 帛 with which it often forms a binome, but the word first became current in Han times.

    4. Sù 素 refers to to raw undyed silk cloth.

    5. Bì 幣 typically refers to silk insofar as it is used as currency or as a formal gift.

    6. Zī 緇 refers to non-shiny, matt, very darkish grey silk important in ritual garments.

    7. Liàn 練 refers to refined off-white glossy silk.

    8. Jián 縑 refers to double-thread thick silk.

    9. Tí 綈 refers to refined and washed double-thread thick silk.


    1. The current general word for warfare is bīng 兵.

    2. Róng 戎 refers to military service or military action.

    3. Gān gē 干戈 (ant. yù bó 玉帛 "jade and silk") is a periphrastic way of referring to military affairs.

    4. Wǔ 武 "military affairs" (ant. wén 文 "civil affairs") refers not so much to battles and military action, but to the administration of military affairs in general.

    Word relations
  • Object: (SILK)衣/WEAR The current general word for wearing clothes or putting on clothes of any kind is yì 衣 (ant. tuō 脫 "take off").
  • Assoc: (SILK)幣/SILK Bì 幣 typically refers to silk insofar as it is used as currency or as a formal gift.
  • Assoc: (SILK)皮/SKIN The general word is pí 皮 which refers to all aspects of the skin, typically skin of animals with its natural fur.
  • Assoc: (SILK)竹/BAMBOO 1. The standard general current word for bamboo is zhú 竹, and the word usually refers to bamboo that is alive and growing.