Taxonomy of meanings for 越:
- yuè (OC: ɢʷad MC: ɦʷiɐt) 王伐切 入 廣韻:【墜也干也於也逺也走也逾也曰也揚也説文度也亦吴越又姓勾踐之後又虜三字姓後秦録有北梁州刺史越質詰歸王伐切十六 】
- vtoNfigurativeget past (someone who is in one's way); go beyond
- abstract> NEGLECT
- vtoNstride across, be able to disregard
- generalised> CROSS OVER
- vt+prep+Nfigurativecross over > go beyond the (categorial) borders of, go beyond
- vtoNleap over, leap across (an obstacle); generally: cross (a road etc.; a border); go beyond
- grammaticalised> OTHER
- nadNotherCH
- grammaticalised>MODAL PARTICLES
- proper names> STATES
- nprname of a state
- npr.adNof Yue4, Yue4-ishLZ
- vihave Yue-ish features, be Yue-ishLZ
- huó (OC: ɡʷaad MC: ɦʷɑt) 戶括切 入 廣韻:【鄭玄云瑟下孔又云翦蒲爲席又音粤或作趏 】
Additional information about 越
說文解字: 【越】,度也。从走、戉聲。 【王伐切】
- Criteria
1. The general word for getting across an obstacle is perhaps guò 過, although the emphasis is not on the leap itself.
2. Yuè 越 can refer to the action of jumping across something.
3. Yú 踰 / 逾 refers to leaping over or scaling something, as for example a wall.
4. Chāo 超 can refer to leaping up on or over something.
5. Kuà 跨 is just to stride across something easy to get across.
1. The most general current word for crossing over something is guò 過.
2. Dù 渡 typically refers to crossing water by foot or boat, and the word became exceedingly common from Han times onwards.
3. Shè 涉 typically refers to crossing water by foot.
4. Jīng 經 typically refers to crossing or passing through territory.
5. Lì 歷 refers to passing through territories or time spans. For the latter meaning the character 曆 came to be used in later times.
6. Yuè 越 and chāo 超 refer to leaping or striding across something. See also LEAP OVER
7. Kuà 跨 refers to striding across something, see LEAP OVER.
8. Jué 絕 refers in a somewhat elevated style to crossing a river or a desert by any means of transport.
9. Fàn 犯 refers to managing to get across something that is hard to cross, but this usage is rare.
10. Háng 杭/航 is an ancient word for crossing a river by ferry.
1. The current general word for a serious legal transgression is zuì 罪 (ant. gōng 功 "merit"), and the current general word for a minor legal transgression is guò 過 (ant. xiào 效 "positive contribution").
2. Yóu 尤 refers generally to morally disreputable behaviour.
3. Jiù 咎 (ant. láo 勞 "obtain merits") refers to an action for which one deserves blame.
4. Dào 盜 (ant.* dé 德 "virtue") refers to morally and legally outrageous behaviour.
5. Yuè 越 can come to refer to a failure to keep within the boundaries set by one's social status or office.
6. Gū 辜 (ant. xún 勛 "significant contribution") is an archaising word referring to serious crimes at an early stage, but later commonly used (mostly in negated form) to refer to any crime.
7. Tè 忒, qiān 愆, and shěng 眚 refer to a minor but culpable error.
8. Qiān 愆 refers to a minor mistake in procedure.
1. The current general word for arrogation of power is jiàn 僭.
2. Nǐ 擬 refers to fraudulent and presumptuous assumption of the powers of a ruler.
3. Shàn 擅 refers to unlicenced wilful assumption of powers of decision which do not belong to one.
4. Qīn 侵 refers to an often violent infringement of other's rights (and territories, see ATTACK).
5. Líng 陵 refers to serious encroachment of others' rights or authority.
6. Yú 踰, and yuè 越 refer to presumptuous or arrogant infringement of others' rights or authority.
7. Zhuān 專 (ant. fēn 分 "distribute properly") refers to the typically illegal monopolisation of power. For examples see MONOLOPOLISE
- Word relations
- Object: (NEGLECT)職/WORK
The standard and very current general word for any elevated bureaucratic office, civil or military, is guān 官 (the original meaning of which refers to the building housing the office-holders office). - Contrast: (NEGLECT)失/NEGLECT
- Assoc: (LEAP OVER)逾 / 逾/LEAP OVER
Yú 踰/逾 refers to leaping over or scaling something, as for example a wall.