Taxonomy of meanings for 視:  

  • shì (OC: ɢljils MC: ʑi) 神至切 去 廣韻:【呈也 】
  • shì (OC: ɡljils MC: dʑi) 常利切 去 廣韻:【看視又音是 】
  • shì (OC: ɡljilʔ MC: dʑi) 承矢切 上 廣韻:【比也瞻也效也承矢切三 】
    • LOOK
      • nabactclear vision; looking at things; the (concentrated) regard; eyesight
      • vt(oN)omlook at a contextually determinate N
      • vt[oN]look hard; look at things; be on the look-out
      • vtoNlook at; look out for
      • vtoNfigurative(of a person) focus on; pay attention to, look upon; regard abstractly
      • vtoNfigurativelook upon oneself (intellectually)
      • vtoNPab{S}to watch, how Sn
      • vihave one's eyes wide open (after death)
      • nabobject: what the subject has looked at, sightCH
      • vt[oN]look aheadCH
      • nabway of looking at thingsCH
      • go to see> VISIT
        • vtoNpay a sickness visit; come to see how (someone) is doing
      • still look out of one’s eyes> LIVE
        • nabprocesstime to enjoy life, enjoyment of life??? Cf. Greek blepein.
      • attitudinal> TREAT
        • vtoNfigurativetreat (equally etc)
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2omtreat the determinate object as V-ing.
        • vttoN1+.vtoN2treat X as V-ing 視予猶父
        • vttoN1.+N2treat N1 like N2
      • look into> INVESTIGATE
        • vt+prep+Ninvestigate, look closely into
        • vtoNlook closely (into a matter); examine (something); have a close look (on something), observe (something) closely; keep an eye on
        • vtoNfigurativelook into and deal with (as an official)
        • vtoNPab{S}invstigate the abstract feature NPab; investigate whether; see whether (with nominalised sentential object)
        • vtoSinvestigate whether; see whether (with sentential object)
        • putative:look upon as> BELIEVE
          • vtoN1.-ruòN2look upon (e.g. the people)(e.g. like their father or mother)
          • vttoN.+V[0]pivottake the view that S obtains, take the view that S is true  
          • vttoN1.+N2{PRED}regard N1 as N2
          • vttoN.+V[0]psychlook upon (oneself) as V-ing [=MSC]
          • vtoNpsychlook upon (oneself)
        • by intellectual juxtaposition> COMPARE
            • look up to> ADMIRE
              • vtoNadmire
      • =示 causative> SHOW
        • vttoN1.+N2demonstrate (something N2) to (someone N1), make (something N2) clear to (an audience N1); make a demonstration of N2 to N1
        • vibe demonstrative
        • vtoNset an example for; give a sign to, put on notice; instruct
        • vttoN.+Sshow (to someone) that S
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2show (something) in (some place)其如示諸斯乎
        • vtt(oN1.)+N2show the determinate object to (someone); make a show of the contextually determinate thing to N
        • vtt+prep+N1:postvt(oN2)show (something) to (someone)
        • vttoN1+.vtoN2show (someone N1) (something N2)
        • vttoN.+V[0]V=compto show (something N) as if it is (V-ing)
        • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2show the contextually determinate object N1 to N2
        • vttoN.+VtoSshow to > instruct, teach somebody S
        • vtt(oN1.)postvt(oN2{OBJ})show the contextually determinate N2 to the contextually determinate audience N1
        • vtt(oN1.)+vtoN2show the contextually determinate N1 N2
        • vttoN1.postvtoN2{OBJ}show N2 to N1
        • vtoNabshow
        • vttoN1.postvt(oN2{OBJ})show the contextually determinate N2 to N1
        • vtoNN=featuredisplay (the feature N)
        • vtt[oN1.]+N2show things to N2LZ
        • vttoN1.+N2show something N1 to someone N2LZ

      Additional information about 視

      說文解字: 【視】,瞻也。从見、示。 〔小徐本作「從見、示聲。」〕 【神至切】 【𥄙(𥄚眎)】、古文視。 【眡】, 〔小徐本古文作「【眡】」】,。〕 亦古文視。

      • BELIEVE









        1. Yǐ wéi 以為 and occasionally also yǐ 以 alone refer to a belief that is typically held to be less than reliable.


        2. Yǐ 以 alone sometimes refers to a belief that is typically held to be less than reliable, and seems simply short for yǐ wéi 以為.

        3. Wèi 謂 typically refers to a mistaken belief.


        4. Yì 意 refers to guesswork, anticipation and the like. See GUESS


        5. Xìn 信 is sometimes used to refer to conviction, to someone trusting something to be the case or being confident that something is the case.


        6. Shì yóu 視猶 "look upon as" is occasionally used to refer to a belief attached to an attitude.


        7. Mín xīn 民心 is public opinion.


        8. Jiàn 見 "view" is very occasionally used figuratively to refer to an opinion.

        [IMPLICIT], [MARGINAL], [NOUN]; [[RARE]]






      • SMELL

        1. Xiù 臭/嗅 "try to smell" relates to wén 聞 "perceive the smell of" exactly like shì 視 "look at" to jiàn 見 "see".

        NB: Compare 嘗 "try to taste". See TASTE.

      • LOOK

        1. The current word for looking at something close in general is shì 視, but the word can also occasionally refer specifically to looking down rather than up. (See also SEE.)

        2. Wàng 望 (and the much rarer tiào 眺 / 覜 and zhān 瞻 ) refer to looking at something from a distance (often with connotations of admiration), and the connoted direction is always upwards.

        3. Pàn 盼 refers to looking around with the expectation of finding something.

        4. Jiān 監 refers to looking at something so as to ascertain something about it or on the basis of it.

        5. Gù 顧 adds to the notion of looking at something the turning of one's head, or one's attention, from something to what is being looked at. Juàn 眷 is intensitive for gù 顧.

        6. Dǔ 睹 / 者 plus 見 on-right adds to the notion of looking at something the connotation of intense pleasure and typically the hope of establishing personal or erotic contract with the person one looks at by looking at her.

        7. Dì 睇 and lài 睞 are rare words referring to a flirtatious quick glance.

        8. Nì 睨 and miǎn 眄 refers to looking at someone sidewise as a show of demonstrative disrespect.

        9. Yáng 仰 (ant. fǔ 俯 "look down") refers to throwing one's head back and look up. See LOOK UP

      • LOOK UP

        1. The most current general word for looking up is zhān 瞻, but this word typically connotes respect or admiration. See also ADMIRE

        2. Áng 昂 (ant. fǔ 俯 "look down") refers to holding one's head high and pushing out one's chest so as to face upwards in an imposing gesture of authority.

        3. Yǎng 仰 (ant. fǔ 俯 "look down") refers to throwing one's head back, but it does not specifically focus on the act of looking in that position.

        4. Wàng 望 refers to looking upwards or forward into the distance.

        仰視, 仰見, 仰望, 仰觀, 仰察


        1. The most general word for the native ability to understand or to do things is zhī 知 "knowing", but a problem with this word is that it ranges freely and often imperceptibly in meaning from spiritual wisdom to technical competence.

        2. Míng 明 (ant. àn 闇 "obfuscated in one's mind"), taking its analogy from sharpness of vision, typically refers to clarity of insight at all levels.

        3. Cōng 聰 (ant. kuì 聵 "hard of understanding"), taking its analogy from sharpness of hearing, typically refers to well-informed sharpness of judgment.

        4. Shān 顫 is a very rare word referring to the acute sense of smell, and thus to narine intelligence.

        5. Chá 察 refers to discriminating investigative intelligence.

        6. Ruì 睿 perspicacious in reflection.

        SHU, HONGFAN: 視曰明,聽曰聰,思曰睿。

      • LOOK TO SIDE

        顧 is to turn one's head and look.

        眷 is to turn one's head and look intensely at, often with concern,

        眷言 is a poetic way of saying 眷.,

        顧瞻 is to turn one's head and have a look at.

        顧視 is to turn one's head and examine visually,

        還目 is to to look around,

        反顧 is to look in the opposite direction,

        還望 is to look into the distance in the other direction,

        顧睨 is to peer into the other direction.

        顧望 is to turn one's head and look in the other direction.

        Word relations
      • Inconsist: (LOOK)盲/BLIND The standard word referring to blindness came to be máng 盲 (ant. míng 明 "endowed with clear sight"), but the word can also refer specifically to colour-blindness in pre-Han times.
      • Contrast: (INVESTIGATE)察/INVESTIGATE The most general words for investigating something are chá 察 "sort out clearly" and shen 審 "investigate carefully".
      • Contrast: (LOOK)見/SEE The clearly dominant word is jiàn 見 (ant. méng 矇 "unable to see") which refers to any act of successful visual perception.