Taxonomy of meanings for 戶:  

  • 戶 hù (OC: ɡlaaʔ MC: ɦuo) 侯古切 上 廣韻:【説文云戸護也半門爲戸侯古切二十三 】
    • DOOR
      • none-wing door leading to a room; simple, ordinary door HF 入室閉戶 HF 蓬戶
      • nfigurativeopenings (of the burrows of insects etc)
      • nabpsych"door", "gate"
      • nadVfrom door to door HF 戶說
      • vi(of sacrifices)proceed near the door
      • vifigurativeprovide an entrance (into the secrets of life)
      • function of> HINDER
        • vtoNhinder, dissuade
      • entrance to> HOME
          • generalised> SCHOOL
            • nabschool of thought, tradition of thinkingCH
          • inhabitants of> FAMILY
            • nfamily as social unit living in one compound HF 萬戶之邑
            • nadN{PRED}per family (such-and-such things)
            • members of the various> PEOPLE
              • npluralcitizens 正戶 "regular citizens"
              • as fulfilling function> WORKER
              • all famlies> ALL
              • home for cavity-dwelling creatures> CAVITY
                • nopening, aperture; entry (to a cavity or cave)

          Additional information about 戶


          • FAMILY

            1. The current dominant word is jiā 家 which refers to a whole household, including men, domestic animals and utensils as well as the whole clan system that defines its lineage affiliation.

            2. Zōng 宗 refers unambiguously as a technical term to the lineage group.

            3. Zú 族 refers to the extended lineage group including all manner of in-laws, with the outer boundaries of reference ill-defined.

            4. Shì 室 refers to a (typically substantial or powerful) household with all its appurtenances.

            5. Mén 門 refers to the any complete respectable household including servants and dogs.

            6. Hù 戶 refers to any complete household whatever, often in administrative contexts, with no regard to its status of respectability or political influence.

            7. Nú 孥 is an archaic rare word referring to the members of a family.

            NB: For 氏 and 姓 see NAME.

          • DOOR

            1. Hù 戶 refers to a one-leaf minor door which may be the main door to an ordinary home. [HUANG 1995: 1017 - 1018; ill.: SUN 1991: 44-17]

            2. Shàn 扇 refers specifically to the wing of a door, and the word also refers to doors within a building complex, similar to hù 戶. [It seems that the word referred originally to the bamboo or reed courtain screening a doorway, and only later began to be used for the wing of a door. [HUANG 1995: 1018]

            3. Guī 閨 sometimes refers to the small door inside the living complex, but usually refers by synekdoche to the private quarters as a whole. [WANG 1993: 200; HUANG 1995: 1024; HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 12, pp. 100]

            4. Gé 閤 refers to the small gate on the side of a main gate. [WANG 1993: 200; HUANG 1995: 1024 - 1026]

            NB: Yuè mén 月門 style doors were not current in pre-Buddhist China.

            Word relations
          • Object: (DOOR)閉/SHUT The most general word for closing anything is probably bì 閉.
          • Object: (DOOR)開/OPEN Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.
          • Epithet: (DOOR)樞/GATE PART
          • Assoc: (DOOR)牖/WINDOW The current general word for a window is yǒu 牖, but the word typically refers to a window in the side wall of a building.
          • Assoc: (DOOR)門/GATE The current general word for a gate or door of any kind is mén 門, but the word also refers specifically to the two-leaf main gate rather than small doors inside a building complex.
          • Oppos: (DOOR)牖/WINDOW The current general word for a window is yǒu 牖, but the word typically refers to a window in the side wall of a building.