Taxonomy of meanings for 圓:  

  • 圓 yuán (OC: ɢon MC: ɦʷɯiɛn) 王權切 平 廣韻:【同圜 】
    • CIRCLE
      • ncircle
      • nsubjecta circle; something round
      • nabmathematical termCHEMLA 2003: circle; particularly surface of a circle or in technical mathematical terminology "disk".LIU HUI 1.32 故以半周乘半徑而為圓冪 "Therefore with the half of the circumference one multiplies half of the diameter and thus arrives at the area of the circle."
      • SURNAME
    • yuánMETHOD
      • nabderivedprecise circle: prescribed (traditional) literary methodCH

    Additional information about 圓

    說文解字: 【圓】,圜全也。从囗、員聲。讀若員。 【王問切】

    • CIRCLE

      1. The common general term for a circle is yuán 員 / 圓.

      2. Zhōu 周 refers to an irregular circle shape; it is used for a length of perimeter of a circle.

      3. Huán 環 refers to an irregular circle shape; it is used for an area surrounded by a circle.

      4. Tuán 摶 is a word for a circle that was in use in a southern state of >Chǔ 楚.

      5. Guī 規 occasionally refers to a standard round shape, but the word is seldom used in this sense.

    • ROUND

      1. The current general word for roundness is yuán 圓.

      2. Tú 凸 refers to convexness.

      3. Āo 凹 refers to concaveness, but I have not found the word in pre-Buddhist texts (Southern Dynasties examples are found).

      4. Qiú 毬 refers to things of spherical roundness like balls, but the word is exceedingly rare in pre-Buddhist times. See BALL

      Word relations
    • Assoc: (PERFECT)明/CLEAR The most general standard and clearly dominant word for things that are easily accessible to the intellect and to the senses is míng 明 (ant. hūn 昏 "unclear").
    • Oppos: (CIRCLE)方/SQUARE