Taxonomy of meanings for 逮:  

  • 逮 dì (OC: ɡ-lɯɯds MC: dei) 特計切 去 廣韻:【逮及也又徒戴切 】
  • 逮 dài (OC: ɡ-lɯɯds MC: dəi) 徒耐切 去 廣韻:【及也又徒帝切 】
    • CATCH
      • vtoNfigurativecaptureCH
    • CATCH UP
      • vtoNcatch up with; overtake
      • vtoNpassivebe overtaken by
      • vtoNfigurativereach adequately to, represent adequately; catch up with semanticallyCH
    • UNTIL
      • vt0oN1:post-.Vt'0oN2:.adSuntil; down to (such and such a person)
    • PAST
      • REACH
        • vireach far enough; be up to scratch
        • vt(oN)figurativeget as far as the contextually determinate point; affect
        • vt+prep+Nget to (a concrete place)
        • vt+prep+Nfigurativereach up to, reach the level of; become a match to
        • vtoNfigurativereach up to, get to the level of; match
        • vtoNfigurativebe lived up to, be reached; be matched
        • vtoNperfectivecatch up, overtake; come in time for
        • vtt(oN1.)+N2causativecause something determinate N1 to reach (somewhere N2)
      • EQUAL
        • ARREST
          • vt(oN)arrest a determinate person
          • vtoNpassiveget caught
          • vtoNperfectivecatch up with and apprehend, capture
        • OBTAIN
          • MOVE
            • vt+prep+Nfigurativeof abstract things: move as far as
          • ENCOURAGE
            • vtoNcausative[CAUSE TO REACH>] push forward, cause to catch up, cause to get on; encourage (those lagging behind or those in some trouble)
          • WHEN
            • vt0oN.adSat the time of N
            • vt0oNPab{S}.adSwhen
            • vt0oNPab{S}.postadSwhen
            • vt0oS1.adS2when it came to (a time of S happening)
          • WHILE
            • vt0oN.adS[CATCHING UP WITH THE TIME OF>] while there still was, while there still is 逮日 "while there still is the sun> towards the evening", 逮闇 "while it is still dark"
          • ONLY
            • SURNAMES
            • dàiPURSUE
              • dàiTIMELY
                • vt V[0]reach; have the time to, be in time to, be in time forLZ
                • vtoNabto be in time for, to manageLZ

              Additional information about 逮

              說文解字: 【逮】,唐逮,及也。从辵、隶聲。 【臣鉉等曰:或作迨。】 【徒耐切】

              • REACH

                1. The current general word for reaching a place or even an abstract stage is jí 及.

                2. Dào 到 is concrete and typically refers to reaching a point in space.

                3. Bǐ jí 比及 refers to reaching a point in time.

                4. Dài 逮 refers to catching up or reaching a certain desirable stage or level of achievement. See also CATCH UP.

              • ARREST







                1. The current general word for arresting someone or apprehending him for any reason whatever is zhí 執 (ant. shì 釋 "set free"), but this term typically has a rather bureaucratic flavour.

                [CIVIL], [OFFICIAL]

                2. Qín 擒 (ant zòng 縱 "let loose") refers in somewhat dramatic terms to managing to apprehend a person who might be trying to escape, often to taking a distinguished prisoner in military contexts.


                3. Bǔ 捕 refers specifically to catching a criminal, sometimes to the catching of a common criminal. See also CATCH.

                [CIVIL], [OFFICIAL]

                4. Huò 獲 typically refers to managing to capture a person who is trying to escape or who is difficult to catch.

                [DIFFICULT], [DRAMATIC]

                5. Fú 俘 and lǔ 虜 refer bureaucratically and neutrally to taking prisoners of war.

                [LASTING], [MILITARY]

                6. Qiú 囚 (ant. shì 釋 "set free") refers specifically to detaining and imprisoning a person in a public prison.

                [LASTING], [OFFICIAL], [SPECIFIC]

                7. Jū 拘 is occasionally used as a bureaucratic term for holding someone legal detention.

                [CIVIL], [LASTING], [OFFICIAL]

                8. Dài 逮 refers specifically to the official apprehending or arresting of a presumed culprit.

                [CIVIL], [OFFICIAL]

              • PURSUE

                1. The current general word for pursuing something or going after something in a hostile way, driving what is pursued before one, competing with it for speed, is zhú 逐 and the word can only very occasionally refer to abstract pursuits like that of wisdom, as in the venatio sapientiae of Nicolas Cusanus. It is significant that the word currently means "to expel", where expelling and chasing are not always easy to distinguish.

                2. Zhuī 追 refers to the attempt of catching up with anything, characteristically a kòu 寇 "enemy" or thief (who may not know he is being pursued) but without any attending notion that what is being caught up with is NECESSARILY trying to escape or to make great speed, and the word is regularly used in figurative derived meanings "to seek", as in zhuī lì 追利 "chasing after profit".

                3. Suǒ 索 emphasises the seeking aspect in the pursuit of something or someone.

                4. Jí 及 and the rarer dài 逮 refer to a successful pursuit. See CATCH UP

                5. Qū 驅 suggests a hot and fast pursuit typically uncrowned by success.

                Word relations
              • Contrast: (REACH)通/UNDERSTAND Tōng 通 (ant. hūn 昏 "be confused about") refers to comprehensive and thorough familiarity with a subject
              • Assoc: (ARREST)捕/ARREST Bǔ 捕 refers specifically to catching a criminal, sometimes to the catching of a common criminal. See also CATCH. [CIVIL], [OFFICIAL]
              • Assoc: (WHEN)至/WHEN Jí 及and zhì 至 is somewhat less grammaticalised and works like "when things got to the point when".
              • Synon: (REACH)及/REACH The current general word for reaching a place or even an abstract stage is jí 及.
              • Synon: (UNTIL)及/UNTIL Jí 及 "until" is in fact not very common in early texts
              • Synon: (REACH)至/HAPPEN