Taxonomy of meanings for 託:  

  • 託 tuō (OC: ph-laaɡ MC: tʰɑk) 他各切 入 廣韻:【寄也他各切十八 】
      • vt+prep+Nentrust oneself to
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2causativeentrust (something or somebody N1) to (somebody N2) 託天下於堯之法
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2psychconsign or entrust (oneself) to N
      • vttoN1(.+prep+N2)omentrust (somebody N1) to a contextually defined object N2
      • vtoNdevote (all one's efforts to something)CH
      • VPtoNentrust oneself for protection to, rely on for protection (more common is 託蔭) (BIANWEN)
      • generalised>PREPARE
        • objectRELY ON
          • vt+prep+Nrely on
          • vtoNmake oneself depend on; place oneself as dependent on (ZUO); rely for (legs) (on a horse)
        • grammaticalised: relying on the supposition that>IF
            • inchoative: other's property>BORROW
                • insistent, declarative>DEMAND
                • specifically: take refuge in, flee to>FLEE
                  • vtoNtake refuge in (a place)
                  • vt+prep+Nflee to, seek refuge in
                  • figurative: take refuge in pretense>PRETEND
                    • vtoNpretend to
                    • specific: give impression that something is not there>CONCEAL
                      • vitake refuge, hide
                      • vtoNreflexive.自conceal (oneself) in a place of refuge
            • MALES

              Additional information about 託

              說文解字: 【託】,寄也。从言、乇聲。 【他各切】

              • ENTRUST

                1. The currrent standard word for entrusting something to someone else's care is tuō 託 any limited or unlimited period of time.

                2. Jì 寄 focusses on the transferring of responsibility for something to someone else, typically for a limited period of time.

                3. Zhǔ 屬 is cause something to belong under someone else, often with no time limit.

              • RELY ON

                1. The general term for relying on something with confidence is yīn 因.

                2. Yī 依 refers to dependence and reliance on something which may be deliberate or non-deliberate.

                3. Běn 本 refers to an abstract often almost metaphysical or logical dependence on something.

                4. Dài 待 refers to logical dependence on something

                5. Rén 任 typically refers to reliance on someone inferior in the context of public administration.

                6. Yǎng 仰 typically refers to hopeful reliance on a superior.

                7. Chéng 乘 refers to manifest deliberate reliance on some external condition for the furthering of one's own plans.

                8. Jiè 藉 / 借 and jiǎ 假 refer to availing oneself of conveniently available outside things for one's own purposes.

                9. Jì 寄 and tuō 託 refer to entrusting oneself to others and thus relying on them.

                10. Shì 恃 and the rare hù 怙 refer to reliance on a typically hidden basic resource or factor.

                Word relations
              • Assoc: (ENTRUST)寄/ENTRUST Jì 寄 focusses on the transferring of responsibility for something to someone else, typically for a limited period of time.