Taxonomy of meanings for 覆:  

  • 覆 fù (OC: phuɡ MC: pʰiuk) 芳福切 入 廣韻:【反覆又敗也倒也審也又敷救切 】
      • vtoNoverturn; tilt and empty
      • result>SINK
        • vadNcapsized (boat)
        • vtoNcausativeoverturn > sink (a ship)LZ
      • continuous>REVOLVE
        • vt(oN)turn round the contextually determinate object
        • vtoNturn over (boats etc)
        • revolve above>FLY
          • viacthover (above, so as to cover what is below)
        • abstract<REPEAT
          • abstract>OPPOSITE
              • grammaticalised>HOWEVER
                • action>OFFEND
                  • vtoNcontravene; offend against
            • COVER
              • vt+prep+Nfigurativecover in an abstract generalised sense
              • vtoNcover in order to protect what is covered, or sometimes to hide discreetly
              • vtoNfigurativeobfuscate
              • vtoNfigurativeobfuscate oneself
              • vtoNpassivebe covered
              • result>CONCEAL
                  • PROTECT
                    • (hidden) meaning>MEAN
                        • AMBUSH
                          • nsubjectambush team, ambush batallion
                          • vtoNambush
                          • generalised>ATTACK
                              • successful>DEFEAT
                                • vtoNcausativecause to fall over, cause to topple> cause to be defeated
                                • vtoNcausativedefeat (oneself), bring about one's own defeat
                                • resultative>DESTROY
                                  • vtoNdestroy
                                  • vtoNreflexive.自ruin yourself, destroy oneself
                                  • resulting process>COLLAPSE
                                    • vichangetopple over and collapse; be turned upside down; fall over
                                    • vtoNcausativecause to collapse and be ruined
                              • INTERROGATE
                                  • INSPECT
                                    • vtoNERYA: conduct an official inspection of
                                    • vtoNpassivebe inspected
                    • =復REPLY
                      • =愎
                    • 覆 fù (OC: phuɡs MC: pʰiu) 敷救切 去 廣韻:【蓋也又敷六切 】
                      • COVER
                        • vt+prep+Nfigurativecover in an abstract generalised sense
                        • vtoNcover in order to protect what is covered, or sometimes to hide discreetly
                        • vtoNfigurativeobfuscate
                        • vtoNfigurativeobfuscate oneself
                        • vtoNpassivebe covered
                    • 覆 fù (OC: buɡs MC: biu) 扶富切 去 廣韻:【伏兵曰覆 】
                      • exocentric: hidden soliders>SOLDIER
                      • 覆 fù (OC: phɯɯɡ MC: pʰək) 匹北切 入 廣韻:【匹北切三 】
                      • INFLUENCE
                        • vtoNexercise a dominating influence onCH
                      • POUR
                        • vttoN1. prep N2pour N1 into N2CH
                      • SAFEGUARD
                        • vt(oN)protect and take care of the contextually determinate NLZ
                        • vt[oN]protect and take care of peopleLZ
                        • vtoNto protect and take care of NLZ

                      Additional information about 覆

                      說文解字: 【覆】,覂也。一曰:蓋也。从襾、復聲。 〔小徐本「从襾、復聲」在「一曰」之前。〕 【𢾭救切】

                      • DEFEAT

                        1. The current general word for defeating someoneor some state in any form of battle is bài 敗.

                        2. Pò 破 (ant. quán 全 "leave intact") refers to a complete routing of an opponent.

                        3. Jìn 盡 refers to the complete annihilation of an opponent.

                        4. Fù 覆 refers to the inflicting of a major defeat with lasting effects on an army.

                        5. Qīng 傾 refers to the toppling of a system of government.

                        6. Wáng 亡 (ant. cún 存 "allow to survive") refers specifically to causing the discontinuation of a state.

                        7. Cuò 挫 refers specifically to inflicting a military defeat on an army.

                        8. Bài jī 敗績 refers to a major military defeat.

                        9. Fù 負 occasionally refers to a defeat suffered, but usually in the combination shèng fù 勝負, and as a verb it does not take objects or complements. See FAIL

                      • COVER

                        1. The current general word for any mode of covering something for any purpose or in any way is fù 覆. The covering agent can be animate or inanimate, but typically the purpose of the covering is protection.

                        2. Bèi 被 is to cover all over, typically in order as to protect from outside impact of cold etc.. The covering agent is typically human.

                        3. Bì 蔽 (cog. bì4 庇 "protect") is to cover so as to keep from physical or intellectual sight, and this may be said freely of animate and inanimate subjects to whom the covering effect is attributed.

                        4. Yǎn 掩 / 揜 is an informal word which focusses on the deliberate act by a human, executed with his hand, which is designed to prevent something from being discovered or from getting in touch with other things.

                        5. Gài 蓋 is to cover with a lid or the like, typically to protect not against damage but against intrusion of external things. See HIDE

                        6. Méng 蒙 is typically and primarily to make something obscure by some action of hiding or covering it, often with paper or cloth.

                        7. Jīn 巾 refers to covering something with a cloth.

                        8. Zhē 遮 is an elevated term referring to covering up something so as to protect it against interference from the outside and to hinder physical access of hostile forces, and this covering may be by humans or by physical effects.

                      • AMBUSH



                        1. The current word for lying in ambush as part of attacking someone furtively in any context, formaly military or otherwise, is fú 伏.

                        [GENERAL]; [[COMMON]]

                        2. Fù 覆 is used as a military technical term limited to the use of ambushes in formal military campaigns.

                        [SPECIFIC]; [[RARE]]

                        Word relations
                      • Assoc: (COVER)蓋/COVER Gài 蓋 is to cover with a lid or the like, typically to protect not against damage but against intrusion of external things. See HIDE
                      • Synon: (DEFEAT)敗/DEFEAT The current general word for defeating someoneor some state in any form of battle is bài 敗.
                      • Oppos: (COVER)載/SUPPORT