Taxonomy of meanings for 莊:  

    Additional information about 莊

    說文解字: 【莊】,上諱。 【臣鉉等曰:此漢明帝名也。从艸、从壯,未詳。】 【側羊切】 【𤖄(𤖈)】,古文莊。

    • SEVERE

      1. The current general commendatory term for severeness is yán 嚴 (ant. kuān 寬 "lax").

      2. Zhuāng 莊 (ant. qīng 輕 "unserious") and the somewhat less common jīn 矜 add to the notion of a mild form of severeness the nuance of dignified appearance.

      3. Sù 肅 (ant. zī 恣 "easy-going") emphasises sternness of attitude.

      4. Lì 厲 (wēn 溫 "mild") emphasises a willingness to use violence in the administration of government without passing a strong negative or positive judgment on this attitude.

      5. Kè 刻 (ant. hé 和 "moderate") refers disparagingly to an excessive willingness to use violence in the administration of government.

      6. Zhòng 重 (ant. qīng 輕 "unserious") refers abstractly to the severeness of punishments.

      7. Jù4n 峻 (ant. píng 平 "even-handed") refers dramatically to the savageness of punishments.

      8. Kē 苛 and kù 酷 (ant.* rén 仁 "kind-hearted" and bù rěn 不忍 "be unable to stand") refer to flagrant extravagance in the severeness of punishments.


      1. Qú 衢 refers generally to an intersection of roads, either in a city or in the countryside, from which one can move in four or more directions, once in CC even nine directions.

      2. Chōng 衝 refers to such an intersection especially as a centre of communications.

      3. Jiē 街 is sometimes used to refer to a cross-road within a city.

      ERYA 一達謂之道路;二達謂之歧旁;三達謂之劇旁;四達謂之衢;五達謂之康;六達謂之莊;七達謂之劇驂;八達謂之崇期;九達謂之逵。 is a wonderful example of rationalisation in lexicography.


      1. The current general and neutral word for lack of seriousness is qīng 輕 (ant. zhuāng 莊 "serious").

      2. Fú 浮 sometimes refers to the kind of flippancy or frivolousness that might call for criticism but is not viewed as entirely serious.

      3. Fān fān 幡幡 is a poetic word referring to someone who has lost the dignified stance that would give him authority.