Taxonomy of meanings for 算:  

  • 算 suàn (OC: sqoons MC: sʷɑn) 蘇貫切 去 廣韻:【 】
  • 算 suàn (OC: sqloons MC: sʷɑn) 蘇貫切 去 廣韻:【計也數也説文曰筭長六寸計歷數者也又有九章術漢許商杜忠吴陳熾魏王粲並善之丗本曰黃帝時隷首作數蘇貫切四 】
    • ASSESS
      • vtoNpassivebe reckoned; be assessed
  • 算 suàn (OC: sqoonʔ MC: sʷɑn) 蘇管切 上 廣韻:【物之數也蘇管切三 】
      • nabresults of calculation, results gained through claculation
      • nabactcalculation
      • vadNcalculating
      • vimathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
      • viprocessto calculate, be engaged in the process of calculation
      • vtoNuse the counting rods and calculate
      • vtoNperfectiveobtain ( a result N) through calculation
    • COUNT
      • vtoNto count; enumerate
      • vtoNpassivebe reckoned with, be regarded as important
      • nabmathematical termCHEMLA 2003: (the art of computing with counting rods> computation>) mathematicsJZ, Liu Hui's comm: 1.9: 此其算之綱紀乎 "These, presumably, must be the guidelines/principles of mathematics."
    • STICK
      • ncounting rod
      • nmathematical termCHEMLA 2003: counting rod
    • NUMBER
      • PLAN
        • PLOT
          • PREDICT
            • LIFE
              • TAX
                • VESSEL
                  • THINK
                    • STOP
                      • COMPLETE
                        • POSSESS
                          • WISE

                            Additional information about 算

                            說文解字: 【算】,數也。从竹、从具。 〔小徐本「具」上無「从」。〕 讀若筭。 【蘇管切】

                            • CALCULATE

                              1. The general word for the manipulation of numbers in arithmetic is suàn 算.

                              2. The commonest general term for counting objects is jì 計.

                              3. The current accountancy term is guì 會.

                              4. The engineering, bureaucratic, and generally technical terms for quantified precise calculation of measurements of any kind are dù 度 and liáng 量.

                              5. The typically demographic term is liào 料.

                              6. Cè 測 tends to focus on the difficulty of access to what is measured, and the object of measurement tends to depth of something.

                            • COUNT

                              1. The current standard word for counting is shǔ 數.

                              2. Kuài 會 is typically large scale calculation in accountancy.

                              3. Jì 計 is typically calculation ultimately considered as part of a future strategy.

                              4. Yuè 閱 and jiǎn 簡 refers to counting as part of making a quantified survey of something.

                              NB: Suàn 算 refers to the carrying out of arithmetic as a mathematical operation, and this is more complicated than plain counting. As a technical mathematical term the word is pre-Buddhist. See CALCULATE

                            • RIBBON

                              1. Probably most general word for a ribbon is zǔ 組 and it usually refers to the wide and thin ribbon made of silk. Its shape, size and functions are very variable. The word can thus refer to a belt ribbon, strings for use with hats, string used to tie an armour etc.

                              2. Xún 紃 refers to the round plaited ribbon which can be used in various ways (on shoes for instance):

                              3. Tāo 絛 is a small plaited ribbon which can be used in various ways (to make a shoes lace for instance) similar to xún 紃. The two perhaps differs by value???.

                              4. Shòu 綬 refers to the ribbon which was originally used to tie jade pendants to the waistband; in the Han dynasty it was used for tying the seal. In Han times, shòu 綬 was an important marker of the status of its holder, and length and colour of the ribbon varied according to it.

                              5. Lún 綸 in Han times refers to the green/blue silk ribbon used by minor officials to tie the seal to the waistband.

                              6. Yīng 纓 refers specifically to one of two ribbons used to keep hat straight. The word also refers to the colour ribbon worn by a woman when having reached an age for marriage; it was also used for tying fragrant things.

                              7. Hóng 紘 refers to the ribbon used to keep hat; in this case only one ribbon is used.

                              8. Yīng ruí 纓 (written like 10.) refers to the ribbon used to keep a hat.

                              9. Màn hú 縵胡 refers to the ribbon used to keep a hat which was worn by warriors, and was made of plaint undecorated silk.

                              10. Ruí (written like 竹 above and down 豕 with 生 ) refers to the part of the hat ribbon which is hanging down.

                              11. Qí 綦 refers to the small ribbon which can be used on shoes.

                              12. Zuǎn (written like 算 above and 系 below) refers in SHUOWEN to the red ribbon.

                              13. Xǐ 縰 refers to a ribbon used to tie up hair.

                              Word relations
                            • Assoc: (CALCULATE)計/CALCULATE The commonest general term for counting objects is jì 計.