Taxonomy of meanings for 粱:  

  • 粱 liáng (OC: k-raŋ MC: liɐŋ) 呂張切 平 廣韻:【稻粱廣志曰遼東有赤粱魏武以爲粥也俗作𥞹 】

    Additional information about 粱

    說文解字: 【粱】,米名也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从米、梁省聲。 【呂張切】

    • COARSE

      1. The dominant word for anything physically or otherwise coarsE and not fine or subtle is cū 粗 / 麤 (ant. xì 細 "fine" and jīng 精 "subtle and exquisite"). See also ORDINARY

      2. Shū 疏 (ant. liáng 粱 "exquisite (of food)") refers typically to poor quality coarse food.

    • MILLET

      Sù 粟 is the most common word for foxtail millet (Setaria italica), and it refers to it as a food and grain.

      Liáng 粱 is a fine millet grain.

      Hé 禾 is 1) a term for foxtail millet (Setaria italica) as one regards the form of a plant. 2) a specific word for a stalk of millet.

      Pēi 秠 refers to a kind of dark millet (Panicum miliaceum) with two grains in one husk.

      Jì 稷 is an ancient specific term for foxtail millet (Setaria italica), having the religious nuance.

      Shǔ 黍 is a general term for millet of Panicum miliaceum kind.

      Lù 稑 refers to foxtail millet (Setaria italica) which is sewn late and ripe early.

      Qǐ 芑 is a word for a fine millet grain used in antiquity.

      Word relations
    • Oppos: (MILLET)麤 / 粗/FOOD Shū 疏, sūn 飧, cū 粗 refer to crude foodstuffs, grain-based or vegetable based.