Old Chinese Criteria
2. Xún 紃 refers to the round plaited ribbon which can be used in various ways (on shoes for instance):
3. Tāo 絛 is a small plaited ribbon which can be used in various ways (to make a shoes lace for instance) similar to xún 紃. The two perhaps differs by value???.
4. Shòu 綬 refers to the ribbon which was originally used to tie jade pendants to the waistband; in the Han dynasty it was used for tying the seal. In Han times, shòu 綬 was an important marker of the status of its holder, and length and colour of the ribbon varied according to it.
5. Lún 綸 in Han times refers to the green/blue silk ribbon used by minor officials to tie the seal to the waistband.
6. Yīng 纓 refers specifically to one of two ribbons used to keep hat straight. The word also refers to the colour ribbon worn by a woman when having reached an age for marriage; it was also used for tying fragrant things.
7. Hóng 紘 refers to the ribbon used to keep hat; in this case only one ribbon is used.
8. Yīng ruí 纓 (written like 10.) refers to the ribbon used to keep a hat.
9. Màn hú 縵胡 refers to the ribbon used to keep a hat which was worn by warriors, and was made of plaint undecorated silk.
10. Ruí (written like 竹 above and down 豕 with 生 ) refers to the part of the hat ribbon which is hanging down.
11. Qí 綦 refers to the small ribbon which can be used on shoes.
12. Zuǎn (written like 算 above and 系 below) refers in SHUOWEN to the red ribbon.
13. Xǐ 縰 refers to a ribbon used to tie up hair.
Modern Chinese Criteria
rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
纓 yīng OC: qeŋ MC: ʔiɛŋ 11 AttributionsWD
Yīng 纓 refers specifically to one of two ribbons used to keep hat straight. The word also refers to the colour ribbon worn by a woman when having reached an age for marriage; it was also used for tying fragrant things.
- Word relations
- Epithet: 冠/OFFICIAL HAT
{57-4 - 57-9} - 古辭辨 Gu ci bian
167 - 中國衣冠服飾大詞典 Zhongguo yiguan fushi da cidian
ZGYI 1996)
- Syntactic words
- nribbon to keep hat straight
- viwear a silk ribbonCH
組 zǔ OC: skaaʔ MC: tsuo̝ 4 AttributionsWD
Probably most general word for a ribbon is zǔ 組and it usually refers to the wide and thin ribbon made of silk. Its shape, size and functions are very variable. The word can thus refer to a belt ribbon, strings for use with hats, string used to tie an armour etc.
- 古代文化词义集类辨考
HUANG 1995)
771 - 772 - 古辭辨 Gu ci bian
- Syntactic words
- npiece of elaborate string for use with hats etc; ribbon
- nadVinstrumentwith silk ribbons
冠纓 guān yīng OC: koon qeŋ MC: kʷɑn ʔiɛŋ 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- NPhat-ribbon
環絰 huán dié OC: ɡʷraan ɡ-liiɡ MC: ɦɣan det 2 AttributionsWD
57-4 - 57-9 - 古辭辨 Gu ci bian
167 - 中國衣冠服飾大詞典 Zhongguo yiguan fushi da cidian
ZGYI 1996)
- Syntactic words
- NP(simple) mourning headband
紘 hóng OC: ɡʷrɯɯŋ MC: ɦɣɛŋ 1 AttributionWD
Hóng 紘 refers to the ribbon used to keep hat; in this case only one ribbon is used.
- Syntactic words
- nn: double hat-string
紞 dǎn OC: k-laamʔ MC: tɑm 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- nribbon used in hat
綦 qí OC: ɡɯ MC: gɨ 1 AttributionWD
Qí 綦 refers to the small ribbon which can be used on shoes.
- Syntactic words
- nround shoe lace; ribbon used on shoes
緌 ruí OC: njul MC: ȵi 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- nread ruí: lower part of the strap or ribbon that holds headgear in place
縢 téng OC: lɯɯŋ MC: dəŋ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- ncord
纂 Click here to add pinyin OC: MC: 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- ncoloured silk band
紃 xún OC: sɢʷun MC: zʷin 0 AttributionsWD
Xún 紃 refers to the round plaited ribbon which can be used in various ways (on shoes for instance)
- Syntactic words
- nn: round plaited ribbon
紱 fú OC: pɯd MC: pi̯ut 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- nsilk band for a seal
絛 tāo OC: kh-laaw MC: thɑu
縚 tāo OC: kh-luu MC: thɑu 0 AttributionsWD
Tāo 絛 is a small plaited ribbon which can be used in various ways (to make a shoes lace for instance) similar to xún 紃. The two perhaps differs by value???.
- Syntactic words
- nn: HUAINAN: small ribbon
綸 lún OC: ɡ-run MC: lʷin 0 AttributionsWD
Lún 綸 in Han times refers to the green/blue silk ribbon used by minor officials to tie the seal to the waistband.
- Syntactic words
- nn: green/blue silk ribbon for tying the seal to the waistband
綬 shòu OC: djuʔ MC: dʑɨu 0 AttributionsWD
Shòu 綬 refers to the ribbon which was originally used to tie jade pendants to the waistband; in the Han dynasty it was used for tying the seal. In Han times, shòu 綬 was an important marker of the status of its holder, and length and colour of the ribbon varied according to it.
- 古代文化词义集类辨考
HUANG 1995)
772 - 774 -
48 - 250 {62-1 - 62-7} - 古辭辨 Gu ci bian
- Syntactic words
縰 xǐ OC: srelʔ MC: ʂiɛ 0 AttributionsWD
Xǐ 縰refers to a ribbon used to tie up hair.
- 古代文化词义集类辨考
HUANG 1995)
772-774 -
248-250 -
62-1 - 62-7 - 古辭辨 Gu ci bian
- Syntactic words
- nhair ribbon
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