Taxonomy of meanings for 竄:  

  • 竄 cuàn (OC: tshoons MC: tsʰʷɑn) 七亂切 去 廣韻:【逃也誅也放也藏也匿也從䑕在穴中七亂切五 】
      • viacthide away
      • vt+prep+Nhide in/at
      • vtoNconceal; hide
      • vttoN1.+N2hide N1 in N2
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2reflexive.自hide (oneself) at N2
    • FLEE
      • vt+prep+NJia Yi, Mourning Qu Yuan: sneak away (as animals fleeing into a hole from attackers; SJ: leave secretly)
    • ACCEPT
      • BANISH
        • CHANGE
          • ADD
            • PUT
              • JUMP
                • SMOKE
                  • INCITE
                    • DISTURB
                    • cuànCRITICISE
                      • vtoNcavil at, pick on; fuss about; carp at, quibble aboutCH
                    • cuànPUBLICISE
                      • vtoNspread, insinuate (XUN)LZ

                    Additional information about 竄

                    說文解字: 【竄】,(墜)[匿]也。 〔小徐本「墜」作「匿」。〕 从鼠在穴中。 【七亂切】

                    • CONCEAL

                      1. The current general word for hiding anything is yǐn 隱 (ant. xiǎn 顯 "display clearly") which refers to the hiding of anything, physically or intellectually.

                      2. Nì 匿 (ant. zhāng 章 / 彰 "make a display of") refers to the physical removal of things so as to make them inaccessible to others.

                      3. Cáng 藏 (ant. xiàn 見 ) adds to the notion of hiding that of safe keeping and collecting for use.

                      3. Fú 伏 (ant. chū 出 "come into the open") refers prinarily to hiding in a certain terrain.

                      4. Cuàn 竄 is incoative and refers to the action of going into hiding.

                      5. Yōu 幽 refers primarily to putting or leaving something in the dark and thus by extension to concealing it.

                    • FLEE

                      1. The current general word for illicit disappearance from where one has some obligation to remain is zǒu 走.

                      2. Táo 逃 refers to an attempted or successful escape to a place, or from any difficult predicament (for which see AVOID), occasionally also from a person or group of persons. Thus to 逃 a state is to flee TO a state, to 逃 a predicament is to flee FROM a predicament, and to 逃 a person is to flee FROM that person.

                      3. Bèi 北 is to flee during a battle engagement.

                      4. Bēn 奔 is refers to absconding from a place at high speed.

                      5. Dùn 遁 is to get away by simply going into hiding rather than by seeking refuge in a certain alternative place.

                      6. Wáng 亡 and the much rarer sàng 喪 often refers to a dignified almost public way of leaving one place for another, especially to going into exile in order to escape danger.

                      7. Yì 逸 / 佚 is to seek and find freedom through fleeing from an oppressive situation.

                      8. Cuàn 竄 is primarily to sneak away, availing oneself of a narrow "window of opportunity", and going into hiding after the flight.

                      NB: There is a striking number of binomes expressing flight. These need to be analysed in detail to determine their semantic nuances.