Taxonomy of meanings for 目:  

  • mù (OC: muɡ MC: miuk) 莫六切 入 廣韻:【釋名曰目黙也黙而内識也説文曰人眼象形重童子也莫六切十一 】
    • EYE
      • neye
      • nadVinstrumentwith one's own eyes; with one's eyes; in one's eyes
      • n(post-N)dualisthe eyes of the contexually determinate N
      • npostVt(.post-N)one's eyesCH
      • nderivedreadersCH
      • n[post-N]pluralhuman eyes; one's eyesCH
      • central part of> HOLE
        • nhole, aperture
      • action> LOOK
        • vtoNto eye, to look at with special attention or intention, or to make signs with the eyes
        • look upon as> BELIEVE
            • object> OPINION
              • nabapparently not before Ming dynasty: opinion nab@psych
              • object named> TOPIC
                • nabsemanticsubject; main things talked about; main points at issue
          • perfective> SEE
            • vtoNto see
            • vt[oN]look at thingsCH
            • feature> CLEAR
              • nadVvisibly to the eye
              • causative> SHOW
                • vt(oN)indicate with one's eyes what one is thinking; show one's contextually determinate attitude by one's regard
                • discursive> EXPLAIN
                  • vtoNgive details of, explain in detail; itemise properly

      Additional information about 目

      說文解字: 【目】,人眼。 〔小徐本作「人目也。」〕 象形,重童子也。凡目之屬皆从目。 【莫六切】 【(𡇡)】、 〔小徐本古文作「【𣅍(𡇌)】」】,。〕 古文目。

      • EYE

        1. The general word for the eye, including the area around the eye is mù 目 (thus when one shāng mù 傷目 what is injured is not necessarily the eyeball itself). (This is a very flexible word which also has verbal uses. For which see SEE.)

        2. Yǎn 眼 is a colloquial word for the eye (particularly the eyeball, as in yú yǎn 魚眼, never yú mù 魚目 in this sense) which became current in Warring States times. See EYE PARTS.

        NB: Jīng 睛 is extremely rare in pre-Buddhist Chinese, and the word refers not so much to the eye as a whole but to the eyeball specifically.






      • LOOK TO SIDE

        顧 is to turn one's head and look.

        眷 is to turn one's head and look intensely at, often with concern,

        眷言 is a poetic way of saying 眷.,

        顧瞻 is to turn one's head and have a look at.

        顧視 is to turn one's head and examine visually,

        還目 is to to look around,

        反顧 is to look in the opposite direction,

        還望 is to look into the distance in the other direction,

        顧睨 is to peer into the other direction.

        顧望 is to turn one's head and look in the other direction.

        Word relations
      • Object: (EYE)揜 / 掩 / 奄/COVER Yǎn 掩/揜 is an informal word which focusses on the deliberate act by a human, executed with his hand, which is designed to prevent something from being discovered or from getting in touch with other things.
      • Assoc: (EYE)耳/EAR The current standard word for the ear is ěr 耳.
      • Oppos: (EYE)神/SOUL Shén 神 is primarily a subtle physical substance which gives man his spiritual dimension (ant. xíng 形 "body")), and the body xíngtǐ 形體 is the abode shè 舍 of the soul.
      • Oppos: (EYE)腹/STOMACH The general term for the belly is fù 腹.
      • Oppos: (EYE)耳/EAR The current standard word for the ear is ěr 耳.