Taxonomy of meanings for 犯:  

  • 犯 fàn (OC: bomʔ MC: biɐm) 防錽切 上 廣韻:【干也侵也僭也勝也 】
    • ACT
      • vtoNcommit (a crime)
      • vtoNpassivebe committed (of a crime)
    • ATTACK
      • vtoNattack suddenly and violently; attack unjustly
      • vtoNfigurativelaunch an attack against (oneself)
      • vt(oN)figurative"attack" and gravely inconvenience the contextually determinate NCH
    • COPE
      • vtoNovercome, cope with successfully; brave (a storm); expose oneself successfully to
      • vtoNmanage to get across; get across
    • KNOCK
      • vtoNknock against (a trigger)
    • OFFEND
      • vt(oN)N=humango against the wishes of a person; dare to go against a person (with omitted object)
      • vt(oN)N=nonhuoffend against (something contextually determinate, nonhuman)
      • vt[oN]commit an offense
      • vt+prep+Noffend against
      • vtoNN=humango against the wishes of a person; dare to go against a person
      • vtoNN=nonhuoffend against, fail to obey; infringe, violate (laws etc) 民不敢犯法
      • vtoNpassivebe offended against; be sabotaged
      • vtoNN=animalgo against the wishes of an animal; dare to go against an animalTWH
      • vtoNobject rule/law: offend againstCH
    • SUFFER
      • vtoNoccasionally: run into (difficulties); expose oneself to (stones and arrows) See also COPE

Additional information about 犯



    1. The current general word for having once encountered, actively tried or experienced something is cháng 嘗 and this word often feels more like an adverbial particle than a verb of experience.

    2. Yù 遇 refers to having been exposed to something (often something positive) by coincidence.

    3. Féng 逢 seems to be a dialect word synonymous with yù 遇, a word which it came to replace at later stages of the language as the standard word.

    4. Zāo 遭 refers to running into something (often something negative).

    5. Fàn 犯 refers to a deliberate encounter and to the facing up to what is encountered with energy and vigour.

    6. Lín 臨 refers to facing something with calm dignity and self-control.


    1. The most general current word for crossing over something is guò 過.

    2. Dù 渡 typically refers to crossing water by foot or boat, and the word became exceedingly common from Han times onwards.

    3. Shè 涉 typically refers to crossing water by foot.

    4. Jīng 經 typically refers to crossing or passing through territory.

    5. Lì 歷 refers to passing through territories or time spans. For the latter meaning the character 曆 came to be used in later times.

    6. Yuè 越 and chāo 超 refer to leaping or striding across something. See also LEAP OVER

    7. Kuà 跨 refers to striding across something, see LEAP OVER.

    8. Jué 絕 refers in a somewhat elevated style to crossing a river or a desert by any means of transport.

    9. Fàn 犯 refers to managing to get across something that is hard to cross, but this usage is rare.

    10. Háng 杭/航 is an ancient word for crossing a river by ferry.

  • COPE

    1. Shèng 勝 refers to the coping with an especially difficult task.

    2. Nài 奈 refers to the successful coping with a challenging task.

    3. Fàn 犯 can occasionally come to refer to the successful overcoming of resistance.


    1. The current most general word for offending against what one is obliged to act in accordance with or going against a current is probably nì 逆 (ant. shùn 順 "follow and obey"), which refers to any action which goes against something.

    2. Fàn 犯 (ant. cǒng 從 "follow obediently") refers as a derogatory term to a deliberate and active breaking of a rule.

    3. Gān 干 and gān 奸 are rare words referring specifically to culpable breach of the law.

    4. Wéi 違 (ant. xún 循 "follow") and the rarer lí 離 as well as fēi 非 are neutral terms referring to a failure to comply with something.

    5. Fú 拂 refers to something grating against sensibilities or creating a conflict.

    6. Fáng 妨 adds to the failure of compliance the nuance of interference with what one fails to comply with.

    7. Kuī 虧 adds to the failure of compliance the nuance of inflicting harm or damage on what one fails to comply with.

    8. Shāng 傷, hài 害, and bài 敗 add to the failure of compliance the element of ruining what one has failed to comply with exactly by this failure of compliance; but hài 害 has developed a special related meaning of offending logically against something, i.e. being incompatible with it.