Taxonomy of meanings for 看:
- 看 kān (OC: khaan MC: kʰɑn) 苦寒切 平 廣韻:【看古文 】
- 看 kàn (OC: khaans MC: kʰɑn) 苦旰切 去 廣韻:【又苦干切 】
- the contextually determinate matter N a little
- vt(oN)investigate a contextually determinate matter
- vtoNobserve (from a distance), survey from a distance; find out about through observationBUDDH: view (the mind), investigate (one's thoughts)
- vtoNclose-upinvestigate at small distance
- vtoNimperativelook into> i.e. investigate (oneself)
- vt[oN]meditate on things
- vtoNmeditate on
- vt(oN)read the contextually determinate text
- vtoNread
- vpostadVrequestV and investigate > try to V, V and see what happens (already appearing in sūtra translations of the Sui period (see LI WEIQI 2004: 194); the verbal phrase it follows can be complex and consist of a vt+N; in the colloquial language of the Tang this construction became increasingly popular, expressing mild requests; sometimes also defined as sentence final particle)
- vt(oN)visit (a contextually determinate person)
- vtoNvisit
- 看 kān (OC: khaan MC: kʰɑn) 苦寒切 平 廣韻:【視也苦寒切七 】
Additional information about 看
說文解字: 【看】,睎也。从手下目。 【苦寒切】 【(𥉏)】、看或从倝。