Taxonomy of meanings for 皮:  

  • 皮 pí (OC: bral MC: bɯiɛ) 符羈切 平 廣韻:【皮膚也釋名曰皮被也被覆體也亦姓出下邳符羈切六 】
      • ngarments made of skin or hide> skin garments
      • nm(ordinary) leather
    • SKIN
      • n(post-N)hide, skin or hide which originally had hair on it or was furry; whole skin of an animal
      • nfigurative"skin"
      • nmbark (of tree); skin (of fruits); husk (of grains)
      • nm(post-N)humanhuman skin
      • nm[post-N]reflexiveone's own skin
      • nmadNmade of hide or fur 皮冠 "leather hat"
    • TARGET
      • npiece of skin in the centre of the target in archery

    Additional information about 皮

    說文解字: 【皮】,剥取獸革者謂之皮。从又、爲省聲。凡皮之屬皆从皮。 【符羈切】 【𥬖(𤿤)】,古文皮。 〔小徐本古文作「【𤿤】」】,。〕 【𠰎(𤿌)】,籒文皮。


      1. Miǎn 冕 refers specifically to the ceremonial hat worn by the emperor or the highest officials on the occasion of sacrifices, feasts and other special occasions. The kinds of miǎn 冕 worn were distinguished by rank.

      2. Biàn 弁 refers to the ceremonial hats worn as signs of their dignity, on lesser occasions, by high officials including the emperor himself, and often this is specified as a pí biàn 皮弁.

      3. Gǔn 袞 refers to the special official hat worn by the emperor, and the word is quite rare. In fact the word comes close to the meaning of "crown", except that no metal was involved.

    • SKIN

      1. The general word is pí 皮 which refers to all aspects of the skin, typically skin of animals with its natural fur.

      2. The word fú 膚 refers primarily to human skin, and the surface as such, the surface including the tissue below is jī 肌 (and pí 皮 in its non-general specific use).

      3. Gé 革 refers to animal hide. See LEATHER


      1. The most current word for a filt carpet is zhān 氈. But this is also the general ancient word for filt.

      2. Jì 罽 refers to a woven woolen carpet from Central Asia.

      3. Zhì pí 織皮 is an archaic word for a soft woven carpet, something which in ancient times was regarded as an import.

      4. Qú yú 氍毹 is the current Han word for a woolen carpet from Central Asia.

    • MONEY

      1. Probably the most current term for money is qián 錢, but the word became current only in Han times. The word originally referred to the agricultural implement similar to or identical with bù 布 (see below). In the Warring States period, the term was together with bù 布 used for spade-like coins. Later, it began to refer to round money casted by the Qin dynasty, and in Han times it became a current general word for money.

      2. Bì 幣 referred originally to the silk which could be used for sacrifice or as a gift. In the Warring States period, the term refer to precious things (jades, horses) often used as a gift. In Han times, the word was used like a general term for money.

      3. Dāo bù 刀布 could be used like a general term for money in the Warring States period.

      4. Bù 布 refers to the bronze coins cast in the shape of bù 布 (spade-like implement in ancient China). The earliest exemplars (of remarkably large size and with hollow handle) are known from the states of Jin and Zhou and dates from the end of the sixth century B.C.. During the following Warring States period, this type of coin (usually with a flat handle) was in use particularly in the states of Wei, Han and Zhao, but also in Chu. The coins were usually inscribed with the name of a state or city where they were cast. After Qin unification, bù 布 came out of use, but they were revived for a short time during the reign of the Wang Mang's Xin dynasty.

      5. Dāo 刀 refers to the bronze knife-like coins. They came into use slightly later than bù 布 coins, and were cast particularly in the eastern states of Yan, Qi, but also Zhao. Some exemplars survived till the early Han dynasty; later, shape-like coins were revived for two years (7 - 9 A.D.) by Wang Mang. These knife-like coins from the end of the Western Han dynasty were called cuò dāo 錯刀.

      6. Bèi 貝 originally referred to the cauri shells which were in Shang and Western Zhou times used like primitive money or like a gift. For this purpose, they were joined to péng 朋, consisting of two strings of shells, five pieces each. In the Warring States period, the word also referred to the bronze coins in the shape of cauri which were in use in the state of Chu.

      7. Huán 圜 refers to the round coin with a square hole in a centre which was cast by the states of Qin and Zhou. After Qin unification, it became general currency for a whole empire.

      8. Yuán 爰 refers to the rectangular pieces of gold which were used like money in the state of Chu. It is the earliest golden currency in China.

      9. Bàn liǎng 半兩 refers to the round coin with a central square hole which was for the first time cast by the state of Qin in the late Warring States period and which was then in use till the second half of the second century B.C.. The coin should weight half of liǎng 兩 (i.e. 12 zhū 銖 ), and this weight was recorded in an inscription on the coin; hence the name. In fact, coins of this type known from Qin and early Han times are of very various height; in early Han times, most current were coins weighting four zhu 銖.

      10. Wǔ zhū 五銖 refers to a round coin with a square hole weighting five zhū 銖 which was for the first time cast under Emperor Wudi in 118 B.C. and was then in use during the whole Han dynasty (with a short break about the time of Wang Mang's reign).

      11. Mǎ tí 馬蹄, lù tí 鹿蹄, huán tí 圜蹄, and lín zhǐ 麟趾 are various terms referring to the pieces of gold formed into the shape of horse's, deer's, or qí lín's 麒麟 hoof. This kind of currency was in use under the Han dynasty.

      12. Dà quán 大泉, xiǎo quán 小泉, zhuāng quán 壯泉, xuán quán 玄泉 are all round coins of various size dating from Wang Mang's reign.

      13. Pí bì 皮幣 refers to the money made of deer skin which were in use in the reign of Emperor Wudi (141 - 87 B.C.).

      Word relations
    • Epithet: (SKIN)弁/OFFICIAL HAT Biàn 弁 refers to the ceremonial hats worn as signs of their dignity, on lesser occasions, by high officials including the emperor himself, and often this is specified as a pí biàn 皮弁.
    • Assoc: (SKIN)帛/SILK The general word for any kind of silk cloth it is bó 帛.
    • Assoc: (SKIN)幣/SILK Bì 幣 typically refers to silk insofar as it is used as currency or as a formal gift.
    • Assoc: (SKIN)革/LEATHER The general word for leather or hide with fur removed is gé 革.
    • Assoc: (SKIN)羽/FEATHER Yǔ 羽 can refer to any feather of any kind, but which usually refers to feathers as forming the most visible part of a wing.
    • Assoc: (SKIN)膚/SKIN The word fú 膚 refers primarily to human skin, and the surface as such, the surface including the tissue below is jī 肌 (and pí 皮 in its non-general specific use).
    • Oppos: (SKIN)質/ESSENCE