Taxonomy of meanings for 毀:  

  • 毀 huǐ (OC: qhʷralʔ MC: hʷɯiɛ) 許委切 上 廣韻:【壞也破也缺也虧也許委切十 】
      • vtoNsometimes: vituperate officially, criticise severely
      • nabactbeing criticised> criticism/slander
      • nabactstrong criticism
      • vt[oN]criticise people
      • vtoNdestroy, ruin; smash; deliberately ruin (e.g. new trousers so they look old); sometimes metaphorical: maltreat (oneself)
      • vtoNfigurativedestroy > inactivate, destroy the effectiveness of
      • vtoNmiddle voicecollapse, be destroyed
      • vtoNreflexive.自destroy (oneself)
      • nabactdeliberate maltreatment (typically during the period of ritual mourning)LZ
      • vtoNpassivebe ruined; be destroyedLZ
      • nflaw (in pearls and jade etc)
      • vtoNvilify, speak ill of without good reason; also privately: vilify, calumniate
      • nabactvilification; direct criticism, open public criticism to the face; vituperation
      • vadNslandering, vilifying
      • v[adN]pluralone who vilifies others> calumniator
      • vtoNpassivebe criticised and slandered
      • vt+prep+Nslander (others)
      • nabactbad reputation
      • vtoNcausativecause to look tattered
  • 毀 huì (OC: qhʷrals MC: hʷɯiɛ) 況偽切 去 廣韻:【男八歳女七歳而毀齒況僞切一 】
  • huìOFFEND
    • vtoNread huǐ: openly offend against (obligations undertaken etc.) CH

Additional information about 毀



    1. The current general word for praise is yù 譽 (ant. huǐ 毀 "speak ill of"), and the word often refers to straightforward objective praise rather than eulogy..

    2. Chēng 稱 (ant. bang 謗 "speak ill of behind his back") refers to "honourable mentioning" in public contexts and favourable public assessment of someone.

    3. Bāo 褒 (ant. biǎn 貶 "make derogatory remarks about") refers to a person with a certain authority passing a positive judgment on someone.

    4. Jiā 嘉 (ant. sǔn 損 "make belittling remarks about") refers to commending someone for a certain action or for past behaviour.

    5. Zàn 讚/贊 "eulogise" (ant. dǐ 詆 "speak ill of") refers to lyrical, typically exaggerated and overly enthusiastic praise.

    6. Sòng 頌 (ant. zhòu 咒 "make calumniatory remarks about") refers literally to the singing of someone's praises, but as in English, the praising thus described may actually be in ornate prose.

    7. Měi 美 and shàn 善 (all ant. wù 惡 "speak ill of") refer to the bringing out of positive, admirable or morally commendable aspects in something or someone through discourse.

    8. Yáng 揚 (ant. yì 抑 "do down") refers to the spreading of the good name of someone or something.


    1. The current general word for destruction of any kind is huǐ 毀, and what is destroyed may anything from a toy or a house to a state.

    2. Miè 滅 refers to the physical destruction of cities or states, and the word implies the use of external military force, and typically military resistance.

    3. Pò 破 is always violent destruction of concrete objects of any kind.

    4. Cán 殘 focusses on the reckless attitude shown by the destroyer.

    5. Yāng 殃 focusses on the disaster constituted by destruction, and this word is used mostly nominally.

    6. Suì 碎 focusses on complete smashing into small pieces of what is destroyed.

    7. Huài 壞 and huī 墮 / 隳 are "to be destroyed, to collapse" but the words are also used transitively "cause to be destroyed, cause to collapse".

    8. Wáng 亡 (ant. fù 復 "reestablish") refers to the political/social ruin of a state and does not focus on any form of physical annihilation or damage.

    9. Bài 敗 and zéi 賊 are currently used for the destruction of abstract things such as dé 德 "virtue".


    1. The standard current word for speaking ill of a person is huǐ 毀 (ant. yù 譽 "praise"), and the slander involved can be of all kinds.

    2. Chán 讒 (ant. zàn 贊 "praise justly") refers to popular slander, sometimes by persons without significant political influence.

    3. Bàng 謗 "vilify a person" (ant. chēng 稱 "praise") refers to public serious criticism, sometimes coming close to public abuse; increasingly, the word tended to refer to unjustified such accusations, i.e. slander, but the word is also used for justified serious criticism in public.

    4. Fěi 誹 (ant. yáng 揚 "spread good reports about") refers to critical comments on a person, and these may come from persons of influence or from the common people. See CRITICISE

    5. Zèn 譖 (ant. zhāng 彰 "be full of public praise for") refers specifically to a secret malicious whispering campaign.

    6. Jī 譏 refers to subtle satirical slander.

    7. Wū 誣 (ant. zàn 贊 "praise justly") refers specifically to unjustified slander.

    8. Shàn 訕 (ant. sòng 頌 "sing the praises of") adds an element of ridicule to that of speaking ill of a person.

    9. Wù 惡 (ant. měi 美 "speak well of") can be used to focus on maligning someone to his superiors.

    Word relations
  • Ant: (DESTROY)利/PROFIT Lì 利 (1. ant. yì 義 "considerations of rectitude"(!!); 2. ant. hài 害 "damage and loss suffered") refers to material profit.
  • Ant: (CRITICISE)譽/PRAISE The current general word for praise is yù 譽 (ant. huǐ 毀 "speak ill of"), and the word often refers to straightforward objective praise rather than eulogy.
  • Ant: (DESTROY)輔/HELP Zuǒ 佐, yòu 佑 (deriving their meaning from the position of aides near the ruler), and also fǔ 輔 refer to official assistance in a formal context.
  • Assoc: (DESTROY)傷/DAMAGE Shāng 傷 "impair" and sǔn 損 "reduce and impair" (all ant. yì 益 "strengthen") are weaker than hài 害 and definitely suggest the survival of what is impaired.
  • Assoc: (SLANDER)誹/SLANDER Fěi 誹 (ant. yáng 揚 "spread good reports about") refers to critical comments on a person, and these may come from persons of influence or from the common people. See CRITICISE
  • Assoc: (DESTROY)敗/DESTROY Bài 敗 and zéi 賊 are currently used for the destruction of abstract things such as dé 德 "virtue".
  • Assoc: (SLANDER)謗/SLANDER Bàng 謗 "vilify a person" (ant. chēng 稱 "praise") refers to public serious criticism, sometimes coming close to public abuse; increasingly, the word tended to refer to unjustified such accusations, i.e. slander, but the word is also used for justified serious criticism in public.
  • Synon: (DESTROY)敗/DESTROY Bài 敗 and zéi 賊 are currently used for the destruction of abstract things such as dé 德 "virtue".