Taxonomy of meanings for 且:  

  • jū (OC: ska MC: tsiɔ) 子魚切 平 廣韻:【語辭也説文薦也子魚切又七也切四 】
  • qiě (OC: shjaaʔ MC: tsʰia) 七也切 上 廣韻:【語辝七也切又子余切一 】
    • qiě MOREOVER
      • padS.postSSMoreover; Now thenCH
      • qiě AND
        • padV1.postV2and moreover V1且V2 富且貴 "get rich and even noble"
        • padV1.postV2repeatedboth V1ed and V2ed
        • padV1.postV2sequenceand then also, in addition
        • qiě MEANWHILE
          • padVfor the time being, temporarily
          • at that point of time> THEN
            • presumably
            • without delay> IMMEDIATELY
              • padV城且拔矣be about to in the immediate future; will without delay; will start
              • after the present> FUTURE
                • vadVbe about to; shall
              • deliberately> INTEND
                  • deontic: SHOULD
                    • padVmodalpreverbal particle expressing a mild imperative/request/ recommendation
          • in addition> ALSO
            • padS1.postS2moreover, and also; and, by the way; in any case
            • padV1.postV2moreover, and (between verbs) 且。。。且
            • as another possibility> OR
              • ZGC: 尊秦乎,且尊齊乎?
            • contrary to expectations> NONETHELESS
              •, even under the conditions of S; but
              • against expectations> EVEN
                • padN.adVeven
                • padVt.postN{OBJ}even
                • padV1.postV2even if V2ing to V1CH
                • in spite of everything> UNRESTRAINED
                  • vadVin an unprincipled way
                  • vibe irresponsible and ad hoc 茍且

      Additional information about 且

      說文解字: 【且】,薦也。从几,足有二橫,一其下地也。 〔小徐本「地」下無「也」。〕 凡且之屬皆从且。 【子余切,又千也切】 〔小徐本下有「【𠀃】,古文以爲且,又以爲几字。」〕


        1. The most current and general word referring to something being about to happen in the immediate future is qiě 且.

        2. Jí 即 is a rather colourless word referring to action being performed without delay after another action.

        3. Jù 遽 (ant. huǎn 緩 "in due course, after a while") is a rather dramatic word refer to an action being performed without the slightest delay, post-haste.

        4. Zhé 輒 adds to the notion of immediate and undelayed action that of the regularity of this immediate action.

      • INTEND

        1. The dominant general word in this group is yù 欲 (ant. fú 弗 "refuse to") which refers to any intention of any kind, and the subjects are normally animate.

        2. Qiě 且 "be about to" refers to the immediate future and does not stress intention, although the subject is normally human.

        3. Jiāng 將 refers to any impending event with animate or inanimate subjects.

        4. Yì 意 stresses the subjective aspect of planning and desiring to do something, involved in an intention to do something.

        5. Tú 圖 "make plans for" is a rather elevated word to use for intentions to engage in major undertakings.

        6. Xīn 心 refers to basic intentions or basic strategy.

      • FUTURE

        1. The current general word for the immediate future is jiāng 將 (ant. yǐ 已 "already") which refers freely to any part of the future, distant or imminent.

        2. Qiě 且 (ant. jì 既 "already") refers to immiment and immediate future. See SOON.

        3. Yù 欲 comes to be used as a neutral indicator of the likely future so that we are not likely to find bì yù 必欲 ever coming to mean "will surely, will necessarily".

        4. Yǐ 以 "in order to" is restricted to subordinate clauses and refers specifically to the intended future.

        5. The most current and general word for the nominalised notion of the future is probably lái 來 (ant. wǎng 往 "the past").

        6. Hòu 後 (ant. qíán 前 "earlier times") often refers to what comes afterwards, the future.

        7. Wèi 未 "not yet" is sometimes -very rarely- used as a noun to refer to the future. NB: yǐ 已 is never used as an antonym.

      • ALSO



        1. Yòu 又 which focusses on the predicate "(THE SUBJECT) moreover also (PREDICATES)".


        2. Yì 亦 which focusses on the subject "also (THE SUBJECT) likewise (PREDICATES)".


        3. Qiě 且 focusses on the whole sentence or the whole predicate and indicates that "also (SENTENCE2) (IN ADDITION TO SENTENCE 1) is/was true" or that "also VERB PHRASE 2 IN ADDITON TO VERB PHRASE 1 applies".


        4. Yóu 猶/由 "still, also" typically has an adversative nuance.


      • AND



        1. Yǔ 與 "and" is the general all-purpose coordinating particle between NPs which, in ZUO, is equally common in subject and object position, and which coordinates both with concrete and abstract items, often topics, sometimes even pivots.


        2. Jí 及 "and" is between NPs, and at least in ZUO the conjunction is predominantly between concrete (also multiple) objects and occasionally between non-abstract subjects.


        3. E@r 而 is between VPs or sentences (and can occasionally occur between subject/topic nouns and the predicate in subordinate sentences, but in usage it does not belong into the present synonym group).


        4. Yǐ 以 is normally between a non-main and a main VP but may occasionally be purely coordinating and equivalent to ér 而.


        5. Jì 既... ér 而 is between coordinates and equally weighted VPs.


        6. Qiě 且 is between coordinate VPs, but the word also functions as a sentence connective.


        Word relations
      • Ant: (IMMEDIATELY)已/ALREADY Yǐ 已 (ant. wèi 未 "not yet") is the general current word for "already", and this word can precede nominal predicates (在位已十年矣 "for already 10 years" analysed as vadN), jì 既 cannot be so used. [GENERAL]