Taxonomy of meanings for 遺:  

  • 遺 yí (OC: k-lul MC: jʷi) 以追切 平 廣韻:【失也亡也贈也加也又姓急就章有遺餘又以醉切 】
    • LOSE
      • nobjectwhat is left lying around for others to pick up; lost items
      • vtoNHF: misplace and lose (one's ceremonial cap); lose through inadvertency; Jia Yi, zhiance: show indifference to (ritual and righteousless); leave lying around for others to pick up
      • deliberate> DISCARD
        • vtoNset aside, leave aside, leave out
        • vt+prep+Nfigurativegive up on; have no time for
        • vtoNpassiveget set aside; get left out
        • vadNpassivediscarded, leftoverCH
        • v[adN]v=passiveabandoned things, lost things, left thingsCH
        • psychological> NEGLECT
          • vtoNneglect, bypass, leave out; ignore
          • vt[oN]N=indefneglect something; forget to do somethingCH
          • vadNpassiveneglected; ignored; disregardedCH
          • be left over> PERSIST
            • vadNremaining, surviving; lingering
            • subject> VESTIGE
              • action> REMAIN
                  • cause to remain> PUT
                    • vttoN1.+prep+N2cause to remain> leave N1 in the place N2
                  • survive among the living> LIVE
                    • visurvive
              • object: what has been neglected> DEFECT
                • nabshortcomings
            • concrete> DEFECATE
              • viSHIJI: be incontinent, have to go to the toilet constantly
      • 遺 wèi (OC: k-luds MC: jʷi) 以醉切 去 廣韻:【贈也以醉切又音惟七 】
        • GIVE
          • vtt+N1.oN2make a (typically formal) present of N2 to (mostly inferiors N1); send or pass on (as gift or message) N1 to N2
          • vttoN1:postvtoN2give N2 to N1
          • give a contextually determinate thing N1 to (a recipient N2)
          • vttoN1(.+N2)omgive the determinate gift N2 to (someone N1)
          • vttoN1+.vtoN2give (something) to (someone)
          • object: thing given> GIFT
            • ngift
          • abstract: to new generation> TRANSMIT
            • vadNmiddle voicetransmitted (from antiquity etc) 遺言
            • vtoNsend a message ofCH
            • vtoNmiddle voicetransmitted, handed-down; inheritedCH
            • to descendents> BEQUEATH
                • generalised> SEND
                  • vttoN1.+N2send (a letter N2) to (someone N1)
                  • vttoN1.+N2reflexive.自send (oneself) N2, bring upon (oneself) N2
                  • vttoN1.+N2derived(of Heaven) send down N1 to N2CH
                  • vtt(oN1.)+N2send down N2 to the contextually determinate N1CH

          Additional information about 遺


          • NEGLECT

            1. The general word for neglecting something, either by deliberately ignoring it or by a failure to take due care, is hū 忽 (ant. jǐn 謹 "pay careful attention to").

            2. LŸè 略 is a deliberate act of neglecting something one has a duty to pay attention to.

            3. Màn 慢 (ant. jìng 敬 "pay proper and respectful attention to") and jiǎn 簡 (ant. xì 細 "pay detailed attention to") refer to a typically deliberate and defiant, often a deliberately outrageous, failure to pay proper attention to what is expected to be heeded.

            4. Shū 疏 (ant. yán 嚴 "pay strict attention to") refers to inadvertent nonchalant neglectfulness.

            NB: Yí 遺 "leave out" and shì 釋 "leave aside for the time being" refer to a deliberate but possibly defensible failure to take note of something, and these words are thus naturally treated in this meaning under the heading DISREGARD.

          • GIVE

            1. The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").

            2. Wèi 遺 and wěi 委 refer to any act of giving something to someone in permanence and for keeping.

            3. Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.

            4. Zèng 贈 refers to formal presents to an inferior from a person in high authority.

            5. Yí 貽 is an archaic colourless word for giving something away to someone of one's own volition, and the recipient may be of higher status than oneself.

            6. Zhì 致 is to hand over something or to pass something on to someone.

            7. Kuì 饋 typicall refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.

            8. Fù 賦 refers to giving something as reward or recompensation to somebody, typically to a person of lower status.

            9. Shòu 授 refers to the physical act of handing something over to a recipient.

          • GIFT

            NB: all the words below are derived from semantically corresponding verbs for to give and could be subsumed under these:

            1. The general current word for any generous gift is cì 賜, and the general completely neutral term for a gift is wèi 遺.

            2. Huì 賄 and lù 賂 are words for "gift" which is often given with an ulterior purpose, and the word regularly comes to mean "bribe", especially in the current binome huì lù 賄賂 "bribe".

            3. Kuì 饋 refers to a ritual gift.

            4. Xiàn 獻 is occasionally used for a gift to superiors.

          • LOSE

            1. The dominant general word for to lose is shī 失 (ant. dé 得 "get") which refers to any disappearance of something which belonged to one in any sense, but the emphasis tends to be on the loss being the result of a mistake rather than mere insouciance.

            2. Yí 遺 (ant. cún 存 "keep in one's possession) is to lose through inadvertency an object that one would like to have or to keep.

            3. Wà2ng 亡 (ant. yǒu 有 "have") refers to the the disappearance or loss of property, what one has control of or owns, not to the loss of e.g. parts of the body.

            4. Sàng 喪 (ant. dé 得 "get") is to lose something or someone dear to one or close to one, including objects of "inalienable possession", either momentarily for a time, or permanently.

            5. Juān 捐 is sometimes used to refer to seeing one's supply of something diminished or to have such a supply disappear.

          • PERSIST

            1. The current general word for the persistence or continued existence of something is cún 存 (ant. wáng 亡 "cease to exist").

            2. Huó 活 "survive" (ant. sǐ 死 "die") refers specifically to survival of a living creature.

            3. Yí 遺 (ant. shī 失 "get lost") is used to refer to things that continue to exist or are handed down from earlier times.

          • DEFECATE

            1. The rather rare general word including all forms of defecation is sōu 溲, but this word has a polite literary ring and is first attested in Han times.

            2. Biàn 便 is a colloquial informal way of referring to informal defecation in places other than latrines.

            3. Niào 溺/尿 is the standard colloquial term for urine or urination. See URINATE.

            4. Yí 遺 the exrements excreted because of incontinence.

            5. Sī 私 and the later xuán 旋 refers to males urinating. See URINATE.

            6. Shǐ 矢/屎 refers specifically to shit.

            7. Fèn 糞 refers originally to dung including rice straw etc, but came to refer to animal excrement used for fertilisation, dung. See MANURE.

            Word relations
          • Ant: (LOSE)存/SAFEGUARD
          • Object: (DISCARD)拾/PICK UP Shí 拾 refers to the picking up of something that is lying where it does not really belong.
          • Contrast: (GIVE)賜/GIVE Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.
          • Assoc: (TRANSMIT)垂/TRANSMIT Chuí 垂 refers to the intentional continuation of a tradition, the causing that tradition not to be disrupted.
          • Assoc: (GIVE)賂/GIVE
          • Assoc: (DEFECT)闕/DEFECT
          • Synon: (NEGLECT)避 / 辟/AVOID Bì 避 (ant. mào 冒"expose oneself to"), unlike miǎn 免, is always deliberate and describes a strategy of action which successfully avoids an undesirable impending danger. [DELIBERATE]