Taxonomy of meanings for 父:  

  • fǔ (OC: paʔ MC: pio) 方矩切 上 廣韻:【尼父尚父皆男子之美稱又漢複姓二氏孔子弟子有宰父黒漢有臨淄主父偃左傳宋有皇父充石宋之公族也漢初有皇父鸞自魯徙居茂陵改父爲甫後漢安定太守㑺始居安定朝郍代爲西州著姓又徙居京兆又音釡 】
    • nSouthern (Chǔ) dialect???: old man; gentleman
    • npost=Ngentlemen NCH
    • npost-Vold man characterised by V-ingDS
    • general> MALE
      • nadNmale
  • fù (OC: baʔ MC: bio) 扶雨切 上 廣韻:【説文曰父矩也家長率教者扶雨切十五 】
  • fù derivation by tone change> FATHER
    • n[post-N]my father
    • n[post-N]reflexiveone's own father
    • nnonreferentiala father in general
    • nadVobjectlike a father
    • n(post-N)the father of a contextually determinate N
    • viactact as a father should
    • vtoNattitudinaltreat as one's father
    • nabconceptfatherhood, role of a father
    • npluralfathersCH
    • npostNprfigurative"father" XYDS
    • npost-NprNpr's fatherDS
    • npost-NN's fatherDS
    • nabfigurativeguiding principle; (fatherly) philosophical principle and guide for lifeCH
    • nadNn=subjectfather's = issued by fatherDS
    • npost-N.=Nprhis/her father NprDS
    • metaphorical: “father” i.e. leader> LEAD
        • characteristic action> CREATE
          • npost-Ncreator of N; initiator (possibly to be read in the third tone, although the derivation is not so neat in that case)

      Additional information about 父

      說文解字: 【父】,矩也,家長率敎者。从又舉杖。 【扶雨切】

      • OLD MAN

        1. Sǒu 叟 (ant. tóng 童 "young boy") and the somewhat rarer zhàng rén 丈人 (ant. hái tí 孩提 "child") refer respectfully to a venerable old man of some status.

        2. Fǔ 父 is a southern dialect word referring to an old man.

        3. Lǎo 老 (ant. yòu 幼 "young person") is a neutral term referring generically to the aged, including men and women.

        4. Wēng 翁 (ant. ér 兒 "young child") refers generally to an old man without suggestions of venerability, but the word became current only in Han times.

      • FATHER

        1. The completely dominant word is fù 父

        2. Kǎo 考 refers to the deceased father, but can also come to refer to a living father in SHU.

        3. Wēng 翁 "old man" is occasionally used, from Han times onwards, to refer periphrastically to one's aged father.

        4. Xiān jūn 先君 is standardly used by a ruler for his deceased father.

        Word relations
      • Conv: (FATHER)子/CHILD The commonest word for a child is zǐ 子"son; child; rarely: baby".
      • Object: (FATHER)事/SERVE The current general word for serving another is shì 事 (ant. shǐ 使 "deploy").
      • Epithet: (FATHER)慈/LOVE Cí 慈 (ant. rěn 忍 "callous, unfeeling") is primarily the intimate emotional concern of mothers/parents for their children, and by extension such concern of a fatherly ruler for his people. [EMOTIONAL], [PRACTICAL]
      • Assoc: (FATHER)兄/BROTHER Xiōng 兄 regularly refers to the eldest brother as the head of his own generation (explicitly bó xiōng 伯兄), but the word often refers more generally to elder brothers, including those who are not the heir in the clan.
      • Assoc: (FATHER)母/MOTHER