Taxonomy of meanings for 市:  

  • 市 shì (OC: djɯʔ MC: dʑɨ) 時止切 上 廣韻:【説文云買賣所之也周禮曰司市掌市之治教政形量度禁令大市日側而市百族爲主朝市朝時而市商賈爲主夕市夕時而市販夫販婦爲主古吏考曰神農作市丗本曰祝融作市時止切三 】
    • MARKET
      • nmarket; also more generally: the marketplace (with gates??); market settlements
      • nadVanalogyin the market
      • nadVsourcefrom the marketDS
      • nabmetaphoricalthe public (sphere)CH
      • nadNbelonging to the market; market'sDS
      • npost-NprNpr=placemarketplace in NprDS
      • multiplicity present at>CROWD
        • person in charge of>OFFICIAL
          • surrounding settlement>CITY
            • activity at>TRADE
              • viactshop in the market, buy things in the market; do trade in the market
              • viactengage in deals, engage in trade-offs
              • vt1.postvt2+Nmake deals with N
              • vtoNmake deals with, enter a trading relation with; occasionally: strike irregular deals with
              • vt(oN)trade with, trade in (in the market place)
              • nabsocialtrading activity in the marketCH
              • obtain throug trade>BUY
                • vtoNbuy in the market; buy; go shopping for
                • vtoNfigurativebuy the allegiance of (a possible partner)
              • causative: cause others to buy>SELL
                • generalised: aim to obtain>SEEK
              • SURNAMES
              • shìPUBLIC
                • nabthe public (sphere)CH

              Additional information about 市


              • MARKET

                1. The current general term for a market is shì 市.

                2. Chán 廛 refers to a small market town in the countryside, typically inhabited by humble people without the presence of a distinguished household dominating the place.

              • BUY

                1. The most current and general word for buying is mǎi 買 (ant. mài 賣 "sell").

                2. Huò 貨 refers to buying as part of a larger business transaction, but the word is rare in this usage.

                3. Dí 糴 (ant. tiào 糶 "sell abroad") refers to buying from another country and importing, especially rice.

                4. Mào 貿 (ant. yù 鬻 "sell") refers to the professional trading in something.

                5. Gū 沽 / 酤 (ant. gū 沽/酤 "sell liquor"!!) refers specifically to buying wine.

                6. Shì 市 refers to going shopping for something, to buying something in the market.

              • TRADE

                1. The current general term for trade is gǔ 賈.

                2. Mào 貿 and yì 易, and the rare hé 和 refer primarily to bartering trade.

                3. Fàn 販 refers to small scale, often itinerant, trade.

                4. Shì 市 refers to buying or selling, prototypically but not exclusively in a market place.

              • EXECUTE

                1. The current general term for legal execution of a person condemned to death is zhū 誅.

                2. Lù 戮 refers to public and often even summary execution.

                3. Sì 肆 and xùn 徇 refer to public execution followed by exposure of the body to public view, with the focus on the latter.

                4. Zú 族 refers to legal execution of the whole clan of a culprit.

                5. Dà pì 大辟 is the bureaucratic legal term for capital punishment.

                6. Qì shì 棄市 refers to public execution in the market place.

                7. Jiǎo 絞 "strangulation"

                8. Pēng 烹 "boiling alive"

                9. Fēn chǐ 分胣 "cutting up and disembowelling"

                10. Kēng 坑 "burying alive"

                11. Chē liè 車列 "tearing apart between two vehicles"

                12. Zhī jiě 肢解 "dismembering"

                13. Fǔ 脯 "cutting into slices"

                14. Hǎi 醢 "cutting into small pieces"

                15. Zū 菹 "making into minced meat". See also BEHEAD.

                Word relations
              • Assoc: (MARKET)城/CITY Chéng 城 refers specifically to the part of a city surrounded by the inner city wall chéng 城. But the word is also sometimes used to refer more generally to walled cities.
              • Assoc: (MARKET)井/WELL
              • Assoc: (MARKET)朝/COURT Cháo 朝 refers to the court as the venue of court asemblies rather than as the building as such. See also TEMPLE
              • Oppos: (MARKET)朝/COURT Cháo 朝 refers to the court as the venue of court asemblies rather than as the building as such. See also TEMPLE
              • Oppos: (PUBLIC)朝/COURT Cháo 朝 refers to the court as the venue of court asemblies rather than as the building as such. See also TEMPLE