Taxonomy of meanings for 講:  

  • 講 jiǎng (OC: krooŋʔ MC: kɯɔŋ) 古項切 上 廣韻:【告也謀也論也説文曰和解也古項切四 】
      • vt(oN)make peace with a contextually determiante person/object
      • vtpost-.VtoNmake peace with, negotiate on cooperation withy
      • vt[oN]engage in discussionsBUDDH: preach
      • vtoNdiscuss and study (something) as an important matter; take seriously; lecture onBUDDH: preach on
      • viactenter negotiations for peace, sue for peace
      • vt+prep+Nnegotiate for peace with N
    • TEACH
      • vadNteaching- (hall etc)
      • vtoNgive instruction to; give instruction in something
      • EVALUATE
        • PRACTISE
          • APPRECIATE
            • PLAN
              • UNDERSTAND
                • COMPARE
                  • = 構
                • jiǎngCONCENTRATE
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                • jiǎngCONCENTRATE
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                • jiǎngCONCENTRATE
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                  • vtoNabconcentrate on, focus on; work particularly onCH
                • jiǎngDIALOGUE

                  Additional information about 講

                  說文解字: 【講】,和解也。从言、冓聲。 【古項切】

                  • SURRENDER

                    1. The current general word for any form of submitting to someone or surrendering to the enemy is fú 服.

                    2. Xiáng 降 refers specifically to forced, non-voluntary surrender to an enemy.

                    3. Xià 下 is a neutral technical term for giving up fighting in a military context.

                    4. Chéng 成 and jiǎng 講 refer to a formal process of sueing for peace.

                  • DISCUSS

                    1. The most current words for discussion are yì 議 "public (often formal) discussion", and lùn 論 "discursive discourse; written summary discussion with a conclusion".

                    2. Biàn 辯 refers to a rational subtle discussion and investigation.

                    3. Zhēng 爭 refers to an eristic discussion or an altercation, and the word emphasises the intellectual conflict involved. See STRUGGLE.

                    4. Jiǎng 講 refers to discussing something as an important subject and in a systematic manner.

                    5. Tǎo 討 is to engage in a deep and thorough discussion and investigation of something.

                    6. Píng 評 is a rare word that refers to discussion. (NB: this word enjoyed a renaissance and become more common in post-Buddhist times.)

                    7.Tán 談 refers (often pejoratively) to an informal, perhaps even inconsequential, dialogue or or discourse on something. See DIALOGUE.

                  • DIALOGUE

                    1. The current general word for engaging in familiar informal conversation is yǔ 語 (ant. mò 默 "say nothing").

                    2. Biàn 辯 refers sometimes to discussion or exchange of views typically among equals. See DISCUSS

                    3. Tán 談 refers to informal chatter or unrespectable intellectual dialogue.

                    4. Jiǎng 講 refers to the discussion of important subjects in the context of informal conversation, typically among equals. See EXPLAIN

                  • RECONCILIATION

                    Word relations
                  • Contrast: (DISCUSS)說/EXPLAIN The current general word for a discursive "analytical" explanation of something that is not sufficiently clear in itself is shuō 說.
                  • Assoc: (DISCUSS)習/STUDY
                  • Assoc: (DISCUSS)論/DISCUSS The current words for discussion are yì 議 "public discussion", and lùn 論 "discursive discourse; written summary discussion with a conclusion".
                  • Relat: (DISCUSS)學/STUDY The dominant word is xué 學 (ant. jiào 教 "train teach")which refers primarily to studying or training under another person, and secondarily to the learning by heart texts. Very often, the word retains a tinge of immitation.