Taxonomy of meanings for 誇:  

  • 誇 kuā (OC: khʷraa MC: kʰʷɯa) 苦瓜切 平 廣韻:【大言也苦瓜切八 】
    • BOAST
      • nabactboasting
      • viactmake big words, exaggerate; be grandiloquent; be boastful
      • vtoNbrag in front of
    • PRAISE
      • BIG
        • BEAUTIFUL
        • kuā DELIGHT
          • vtoNgreatly impress; delightCH

        Additional information about 誇

        說文解字: 【誇】,譀也。从言、夸聲。 【苦瓜切】

        • EXAGGERATE

          1. The general word for exaggeration is kuā 誇.

          2. Huāng táng 荒唐 refers to an extravagant and exaggerated use of language. See EXTRAVAGANT

        • BOAST






          1. The commonest general word is probably jīn 矜 which refers to any degree of grandiloquence or bragging.

          [GENERAL], [VERBAL]

          2. Fá 伐 is an extreme form of bragging that clearly arouses negative reactions.


          3. Shī 施 is to show off, typically also through actions.

          [EPISODIC], [PRACTICAL!]

          4. Kuā 誇 refers to acts of grandiloquence not exclusively concerned with oneself. See EXAGGERATE.

          [EPISODIC], [VERBAL]

          5. Dàn 誕 tends to refer to boastfulness not as a concrete episode, but as a permanent feature of a person given to fraudulent self-aggrandising exaggeration.

          [LASTING], [VERBAL]

          Word relations