Taxonomy of meanings for 裔:  

  • 裔 yì (OC: leds MC: jiɛi) 餘制切 去 廣韻:【邊也苗裔也又容裔也説文曰衣裾也俗作𧜟 】

    Additional information about 裔

    說文解字: 【裔】,衣裾也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从衣、㕯聲。 【臣鉉等曰:㕯非聲,疑象衣裾之形。】 【余制切】 【𧘉(𧘊)】,古文裔。


      1. The general current and common abstract term for offspring is hòu 後 (ant. xiān 先 "forbears").

      2. Yì 裔 (ant. zǔ 祖 "ancestors"), a fairly rare word in pre-Buddhist texts, can refer to any offspring of a clan or occasionally a people.

      3. Zhòu 冑 refers to royal offspring.

      4. Yìn 胤 refers to distant offspring.

      5. Zòng 從 (ant. dí 嫡 "direct heirs") refers to the younger generation members of the same clan who do not immediately inherit.

      6. Zǐ 子 refers to children of any sex. See CHILD

      7. Sūn 孫 refers to all descendants lower than the generation of children.

      8. Shù 庶 and niè 孽 (ant. zhèng 正 "descendant in direct line") refer to offspring by other women than the main wife.

      9. Dí 嫡 / 適 (ant. zòng 從 "descendants who are not heirs") refers specifically to the direct legitimate heir.

      10. Zǐ zhí 子姪 is a general term for descendants.

      11. Zǐ xìng 子姓 specifically refers to the sons and grandsons.

    • HEM

      1. The current general word for a border in clothing is zhǔn 純.

      2. Pí 紕 refers to a trimming.

      3. Yì 裔 is a specific term for a border in clothing.

      4. Qí 齊 refers to the hem of a mourning cloth.

      5. Jī 緝 refers to a trimming.

      6. Yuán 緣 refers to a hem in clothing with a bands of fabric applied on it.

      7. Rán 袡 is a specific term refering to a hem on the lower part of a cloth.

      8. Tuán 褖 specifically refers to a hem of a ritual cloth.