Taxonomy of meanings for 職:  

  • 職 zhí (OC: tjɯɡ MC: tɕɨk) 之翼切 入 廣韻:【俗職 】
  • 職 zhí (OC: kljɯɡ MC: tɕɨk) 之翼切 入 廣韻:【爾雅云職主也常也博雅云業也字林云記微也又姓周禮有職方氏其後因官爲姓風俗通云漢有山陽令職洪之翼切九 】
    • GOVERN
      • vtoNto be in charge (of something)
      • generalised>WORK
        • viactperform one's official duties
        • nabactofficial tasks; official function; function; official duties
        • vtoNassign as a dutyIH
        • npost=Nappositionthe task N; the duty NDS
        • associated feature>ABLE
        • institution>OFFICE
          • nabsocialofficial duty, official assignments; official task; public employment; office, job
          • related>DUTY
            • nabsocialofficial dutyCH
            • vito arrange official duties; to run a system of official dutiesLZ
      • SURNAMES
      • 職 te4《集韻》敵德切,入德定。職部。
      • yān zhāo wángRULERS OF YAN
        • NPprSTANDARD NAME: King Zhaō of Yān (reigned 311 - 279)ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Píng 平, Zhí 職 PARENTS: Son of >Yān wáng Kuài 燕王噲 WIVES:?CHILDREN: Father of >Yān Huì wáng 燕惠王
      • zhíEMPLOY
        • vtoNemploy in a regular official functionCH

      Additional information about 職

      說文解字: 【職】,記微也。从耳、戠聲。 【之弋切】

      • TRIBUTE

        1. The current general word for tribute, typically paid by a senior subordinate, to a ruler is gòng 貢.

        2. Zhí 職 refers to tributary offerings from anyone of any status.

        3. The general term for all sorts of such tribute are gòng zhí 貢職 and zhí gòng 職貢.

      • OFFICE

        1. Shì 仕 refers to any office, private or public, civil or military and must probably count as the most general word for an office.

        2. The standard and very current general word for any elevated bureaucratic office, civil or military, is guān 官 (the original meaning of which refers to the building housing the office-holders office).

        3. Shǔ 暑 refers to Han dynasty bureaucratic departments of any kind.

        4. Sì 寺 refers to Han dynasty bureaucratic departments, typically - perhaps - of major kind.

        5. Zhí 職 are the official duties attached to a bureaucratic office. See DUTY

        6. Yè 業 refers to the traditional profession of a person and does not normally or necessarily relate to a place or the bureaucratic system.


        1. The most general word is yì 義 "rectitude" which is often used to refer to what is proper and what is one's proper duty in general and also duties in particular.

        2. Rèn 任 refers to duties insofar as these impose burdens of responsibility.

        3. Zé 責 refers to duties insofar as these represent demands that others do make or can make on one.

        4. Zhí 職 refers specifically to official public duties that are part of one's public office.

        Word relations
      • Object: (OFFICE)守/GOVERN
      • Object: (WORK)越/NEGLECT
      • Contrast: (OFFICE)官/OFFICE The standard and very current general word for any elevated bureaucratic office, civil or military, is guān 官 (the original meaning of which refers to the building housing the office-holders office).
      • Assoc: (OFFICE)官/OFFICE The standard and very current general word for any elevated bureaucratic office, civil or military, is guān 官 (the original meaning of which refers to the building housing the office-holders office).
      • Assoc: (TRIBUTE)貢/TRIBUTE The current general word for tribute, typically paid by a senior subordinate, to a ruler is gòng 貢.