Taxonomy of meanings for 總:  

  • 總 zǒng (OC: skooŋʔ MC: tsuŋ) 作孔切 上 廣韻:【聚束也合也皆也衆也作孔切十五 】
      • vadNsummarizing> general, all-encompassing; abstract 總名
    • ALL
      • vadVquantifierall (of the subjects)
      • vadVobjectall (of the objects), everything
      • nabmetaphysicaltotality
      • vadVsystematically and completely, generally
      • vadNall-embracing; generalCH
      • vadVconstantly; continuously; always
    • GATHER
      • vtoNcausativecause to form a group
      • vadVgathering in one unity
      • vtoNcausativegather N in one's handsLZ
      • npost-N萬物之總: the point where Ns gather, the one in whose hands Ns gatherLZ
    • GRAIN
      • ngrain in bundles ??? (SHU)
    • MILLET
      • nmstalks of millet??
      • vadVby way of summary
      • viactbe summary (in speech)
      • vtoNcollect in a bundle; summarise
    • THREAD
      • nbundle of threads
  • 總 zǒng (OC: skooŋʔ MC: tsuŋ) 作孔切 上 廣韻:【同緫 】
  • 總 zǒng (OC: ʔslooŋʔ MC: tsuŋ) 作孔切 上 廣韻:【俗揔 】
  • zǒngLEAD
    • vadNleadingCH

Additional information about 總


  • PART

    1. The current general word for a part integrated into a whole is tǐ 體 "member" (ant. jiān 兼 "MO: composite whole").

    2. Fèn 分 (ant. zǒng 總 "whole") refers to a part of a whole in so far as this part is separated off.

    Word relations
  • Ant: (SUMMARISE)別/DIFFERENT Fēn 分and bié 別 is a difference established by humans through convention or by an intellectual effort. See DISTINGUISH