Taxonomy of meanings for 猛:  

  • 猛 měng (OC: mraaŋʔ MC: mɯaŋ) 莫杏切 上 廣韻:【勇猛又嚴也害也惡也亦姓左傳晉大夫猛獲之後莫幸切六 】
    • DOG
      • feature: fierce>VIOLENT
        • nabfeaturefierceness; violence of attitude
        • vadNof animals: fierce; superbly courageous
        • viactbe fierce and dangerous (primarily of animials, then by extension also of generals and men)
        • vadNnegativefierce and violentCH
        • vt+prep+Ncomparativebe more fierce than NCH
        • vifigurativebe ruthless; be intolerantCH
        • COURAGE
          • STRONG
            • vibe forceful and energeticCH
          • SEVERE
            • HARD
              • SHARP
                • QUICK
                  • SUDDENLY
                    • SHOULD NOT
                      • SURNAMES

                        Additional information about 猛


                        • VIOLENT

                          1. The current general word for violence in action and in disposition is měng 猛 (ant. nuò 懦 "weakish, pusillanimous") which refers quite generally to a disposition for incisive action and violent reaction without strong positive or negative overtones.

                          2. Bào 暴 (ant. rén 仁 "humane") refers to negatively valued violence of disposition and action.

                          3. Xiōng 凶 (ant. wēn 溫 "mild and bland") refers to violence as a psychological disposition and does not normally describe concrete pieces of behaviour.

                          4. Hèng 橫 (ant. róu 柔 "considerate, non-provocative") emphasises the arbitrariness of violent response or violent disposition.

                          Word relations
                        • Ant: (VIOLENT)寬/LENIENT
                        • Ant: (VIOLENT)仁/BENEVOLENCE Rén 仁 (ant. cán 殘 "cruel" and perhaps ant.* rěn 忍 "be callous, unfeeling") which refers to kind-heartedness and deep human sensibility as a constitutive feature of man as a moral being, is the standard word since Confucius. [ETHICAL], [HIGH-DEGREE]
                        • Epithet: (VIOLENT)獸/BEAST Shòu 獸 tends to refer to dangerous mammals above a certain size that are typically imagined as running (zǒu shòu 走獸), and sometimes as liable to bite.
                        • Contrast: (VIOLENT)威/POWER The dominant general words for power are wēi 威 "formidable authority" and shì 勢 "strategic position of power".
                        • Assoc: (VIOLENT)悍/COURAGE Hàn 悍 (ant. qiè 怯 "fearfulness") is foolhardiness and recklessness under conditions of danger or risk. Cf. Latin ferocia
                        • Assoc: (VIOLENT)毅/STRONG Yì 毅 (ant. nuò 懦 "weak") refers to inflexible and unshakeable firmness as well as strength.