Taxonomy of meanings for 瓦:  

  • 瓦 wà (OC: ŋʷraals MC: ŋʷɯa) 五化切 去 廣韻:【泥瓦屋五化切一 】
    • (with tile) COVER
  • 瓦 wǎ (OC: ŋʷraalʔ MC: ŋʷɯa) 五寡切 上 廣韻:【古史考曰夏時昆吾氏作瓦也五寡切二 】
    • TILE
      • nburnt clay; earthenware; tile
      • part of like>SHIELD
        • generalised>EARTHENWARE
          • ngeneral term for any kind of earthenware
          • nmadNmade of earthenware; earthenware
          • nmadVlike earthenware
      • TABOO
        • CITIES
          • (modern phonetic) MEASURING UNIT

          Additional information about 瓦

          說文解字: 【瓦】,土器,巳燒之總名。象形。 〔小徐本「形」下有「也」。〕 凡瓦之屬皆从瓦。 【五寡切】

          • EARTHENWARE

            1. The general term for earthenware is wǎ 瓦.

            2. Tǔ 土 sometimes refers specifically to something that is of rough primitive earthenware.

            3. Táo 陶 refers to advanced pottery by the use of the potter's wheel.

            4. Cí 瓷 refers specifically to porcelain which existed from Han times but is first mentioned in the written sources in Nanbeichao times.

            Word relations
          • Epithet: (TILE)棺/COFFIN The current general word for the coffin is guān 棺, but this term also refers specifically to the inner coffin as opposed to what is translated as "outer coffin", the guǒ 槨. Coffins were generally made of wood and often lacquered; in Han times, stone coffins also came to use.