Taxonomy of meanings for 狂:  

  • 狂 kuáng (OC: ɡʷaŋ MC: ɡʷiɐŋ) 巨王切 平 廣韻:【病也韓子曰必不能審得失之地則謂之狂也巨王切五 】
    • MAD
      • nabstativeinsanity; madness, craziness
      • vadNinsane; mad
      • vadVinsanely; madly
      • vibe insane; be clinically crazy or mad; be intellectually malfunctioning
      • v[adN]insane personCH
      • vipretendingpretend madnessCH
      • exocentric>DOG
        • figurative>CRAZY
          • nabpsychcraziness, eccentricity; recklessness of behaviour and judgment
          • v[adN]crazy person, madman; eccentric; the eccentric
          • vadNoff-putting; eccentric; mad; unconventional
          • vibe crazy, be off-putting; be wildly eccentric; be very unconventional; be extravagant
          • viactbehave crazily, go berserk, freak out; behave madly
          • vtoNcausativemake (oneself) crazy
          • vipejorativebe silly in action; be irresponsible; be reckless; be off-puttingCH
          • v[adN]pejorativesilly person; madmanCH
          • vadNderogatorysilly; insipid; off-puttingCH
          • viderogatorybe foolish, be silly; be reckless by nature; be off-puttingCH
          • nabderogatoryoutrageous silliness, irresponsibility; recklessness of behaviourCH
          • npost-NprN=placean eccentric from N, a madman from NCH
          • n=Nprthe excentric/madman NprCH
          • vadVmadly, in an uncontrolled wayCH
          • socially>IMPOLITE
              • psychologically>UNRESTRAINED
                • vadNunrulyCH
              • hierarchically>OPPOSE
                  • STRANGE
                    • vadNbizarre or strange (person)
                    • vtoV[0]putativeconsider to be V-ingCH
                    • vi.redbe utterly absurd, be completely "insane"CH
                    • vibe bizarre, be absurdCH
          • =誑
          • =往
          • =框
        • 狂 guàng (OC: ɡʷaŋs MC: ɡʷiɐŋ) 渠放切 去 廣韻:【輒爲也渠放切二 】
        • 狂 jue2《集韻》局縛切,入藥〓。

          Additional information about 狂


          • MAD

            1. The most general word referring to anything insane or mad is kuáng 狂 (ant. ???: no notion of normality present). Importantly, this word also refers to inspired "madness" in the Greek sense of mainesthai "be raving" which is often used of inspired poets or thinkers. See CRAZY.

            2. Clinical lunacy or mental derangement is rarely referred to, but sometimes diān 顛 seems used to refer to this state..

            3. Stupidity bordering on insanity is chī 癡 (ant. mǐn 敏 "highly sensitive and clever").

            4. Utter confusion of mind bordering on insanity is sometimes referred to by the word huò 惑 (ant. míng 明 "be clear of mind, see things clearly"). See CONFUSED.

            Fēng 瘋 is post-Buddhist, although there are a few cases in which one suspects that 風 may be used to write 瘋.

            Word relations
          • Ant: (CRAZY)妄/CRAZY
          • Ant: (CRAZY)當/APPROPRIATE Shì 適 and dàng 當 (both ant. guāi 乖 "in conflict with certain prevailing circumstances") refer to what is objectively fitting in certain circumstances. [OBJECTIVE], [TRANSITORY]
          • Ant: (CRAZY)狷 / 狷/SMALL Jū 拘 (ant. dàng 蕩 "be completely free") and shù 束 refer to being confined or constrained by external circumstances.
          • Ant: (CRAZY)猖/MAD
          • Ant: (CRAZY)直/STERN
          • Epithet: (CRAZY)幼/YOUNG The current general "absolute" word for tender youth is yòu 幼 (ant. zhǎng 長 "grown up"), and this word refers to young age of animals, as well as humans.
          • Contrast: (CRAZY)狷 / 狷/SMALL Jū 拘 (ant. dàng 蕩 "be completely free") and shù 束 refer to being confined or constrained by external circumstances.
          • Assoc: (CRAZY)悖 / 誖 / 悖誖勃/CONFUSED Bèi 悖/誖/勃 refers to confusion in the form of contradictoriness and incoherence of opinions held or of attitudes. xxx
          • Assoc: (CRAZY)悖/CRAZY
          • Assoc: (CRAZY)亂/CONFUSED Luàn 亂 refers to a chaotic state of mind.
          • Assoc: (CRAZY)愚/STUPID The dominant word is yú 愚 (ant. zhì 智 "clever; wise"), and the word refers to intellectual obtuseness as well as practical ineptitude.
          • Assoc: (STRANGE)悖/ABSURD
          • Assoc: (CRAZY)簡/STUPID
          • Assoc: (CRAZY)猖/MAD
          • Assoc: (CRAZY)僻 / 辟/VULGAR
          • Assoc: (MAD)惑/MAD Utter confusion of mind bordering on insanity is sometimes referred to by the word huò 惑 (ant. míng 明 "be clear of mind, see things clearly"). See CONFUSED.
          • Assoc: (MAD)惑/CONFUSED The standard general word for any kind of confusion is huò 惑 (ant. qīng 清 "be unconfused and clear").
          • Synon: (MAD)痴 / 癡/MAD Stupidity bordering on insanity is chī 癡 (ant. mǐn 敏 "highly sensitive and clever").