Taxonomy of meanings for 潛:  

  • 潛 qián (OC: sɡam MC: dziɛm) 昨鹽切 平 廣韻:【水伏流又藏也亦水名又姓姓苑云臨川人昨鹽切九 】
    • (of river at ford)CROSS OVER
        • action>DIVE
            • resulting process>SINK
              • vadNhidden under water
              • viacthide under water
              • vicausativecause oneself to sink into> delve into water; immerse oneself into waterCH
            • direction of diving>DEEP
              • generalised>HIDE ONESELF
                  • from official life>RETIRE
                    • cause to be hidden>CONCEAL
                      • vtoNreflexive.身hideCH
                      • vtt[oN1.] prep N2hide oneself in N2CH
                      • vtt[oN1.] prep N2reflexivehide [oneself] in N2CH
                      • result>SECRET
                        • vadNhidden, secret
                        • vadVcovertly> furtively; in a hidden way, non-overtly
                        • vtt(oN1.)+N2causativekeep the contextually determinate N1 secret from N2
              • RIVERS
                • CITIES
                • 潛 jiàn (OC: sɡams MC: dziɛm) 慈豔切 去 廣韻:【藏也慈豔切一 】
                • qiánSEND
                  • vtoNsecretly despatch, send on a furtive mission

                Additional information about 潛

                說文解字: 【潛】,涉水也。一曰:藏也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 一曰:漢水爲潛。从水、朁聲。 〔小徐本作「一曰:漢爲潛。」在「从水、朁聲」之後。〕 【昨鹽切】

                  Word relations
                • Epithet: (SECRET)行/WALK The current general word for walking is xíng 行(ant. zhǐ 止 "stay put").
                • Assoc: (SECRET)藏 / 藏臧/CONCEAL Cáng 藏 (ant. xiàn 見) adds to the notion of hiding that of safe keeping and collecting for