Taxonomy of meanings for 決:  

  • 決 jué (OC: kʷeed MC: kʷet) 古穴切 入 廣韻:【流行也廬江有決水出大别山又斷也破也俗作决 】
      • nfinger-protectors, protecting devices for the finger with which to pull the string of bow???
      • vtoNpassivecome off, get detached
    • DECIDE
      • nabstativedecisiveness, definiteness; resoluteness
      • vadVdecisively, definitely
      • vt(oN)decide on, fix the contextually determinate object
      • vt[oN]make definite administrative decisions; be decisive
      • vtoNdetermine; reach a conclusion on, reach a legal decision on; decide on
      • vtoNcausativemake (oneself) decide
      • vtoNpassivebe decided
      • vtoNpassiveget definitely settled or determinedCH
      • vt[oN]figurativedecide intellectual issuesCH
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2make the decision on the matter with the help of N2CH
      • nabresultdecisionLZ
      • vtoNdetermine the difference
      • vtoNsolve (a difficulty), find a solution to (political revolt) [But wher are the examples?]
      • vt(oN)solve the contextually determinate taskDS
    • OPEN
      • nabfigurativerelease of a blockage (of water in dams) > the opening up (of the mind); free flow (of thoughts)
      • vtoNdivert (a river); make canals (for water control)
      • vt[oN]open waterLZ
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2middle voicehave way opened in direction NCH
    • PAY
      • vtoNresolve, pay off (a tax)
  • 決 xuè (OC: qhʷeed MC: hʷet) 呼決切 入 廣韻:【莊子云決起而搶榆枋決小飛皃 】
  • 決 jué (OC: kʷeed MC: kʷet) 古穴切 入 廣韻:【 】
  • xuèSPLIT
    • vtoNfigurativebreak apartCH
    • vtoNsplit; separateCH

Additional information about 決


  • OPEN

    1. The most common general word for opening things is qǐ 啟 (ant. bì 閉 "close") which can refer to all sorts of opening up of all manner of things.

    2. Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.

    3. Fā 發 (ant. bì 閉 "close") refers to the opening of something in order to enable one to inspect the contents or to remove things from the interior.

    4. Pī 披 (ant. hé 合 "roll up") refers to the opening up of something by unrolling it.

    5. Jué 決 (ant. dǔ 堵 "block up" and sè 塞 "block up") refers to the opening up of an artificial waterway for circulation.


    1. The most common general word for making a decision is duàn 斷, which emphasis the definitiveness of what has been decided on, but speaks of the process by which that final decision is being reached rather than the result as such.

    2. Jué 決 focusses on the the result as such, and the word can be used about decisons already made where duàn 斷 seems excluded. ( 事已決 not: 事已斷矣 )

    3. Dìng 定 refers to the fixing something not only for oneself but primarily for others. See FIX

    4. Cái 裁 refers to the action of making a public decision as taken by a person in authority.


    1. The current general word is biàn 辨, sometimes also written 辯.

    2. The deliberate establishment of distinctions is bié 別 or pàn 判.

    3. Jué 決 is the concrete process by which one decides whether an established distinction obtains or does not obtain in a concrete case.

    4. Xī 析 is to make a set of relevant distinctions on a given subject.

    5. Yì 異 can be used putatively for "consider to be different" in theorising discourse.

    6. Fèn 分 refers to the results of the deliberate establishment of distinctions, and to the making of such distinctions.

  • PAY

    1. Probably the commonest word for payment of what is due is cháng 償 (ant. qiàn 欠 "continue to owe money").

    2. Yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take") sometimes refers to payment (e.g. of interest).

    3. Chū 出 (ant. rù 入 "have as income") refers to the use of necessary resources in money in order to obtain something.

    4. Nà 內 "pay in" and the rarer rù 入 (ant. shōu 收 "receive money") are technical economic terms to paying something one owes something.

    5. Fù 負 occasionally comes to mean "pay out".

    6. Jué 決 refers specifically of paying taxes or fees that are due.

    Word relations
  • Object: (BREAK OFF)水/RIVER The general word for a river is shuǐ 水.
  • Contrast: (DECIDE)別/DISTINGUISH The deliberate establishment of distinctions is bié 別 or pàn 判.
  • Assoc: (DECIDE)斷/DECIDE The most common general word for making a decision is duàn 斷, which emphasis the definitiveness of what has been decided on, but speaks of the process by which that final decision is being reached rather than the result as such.
  • Assoc: (DECIDE)斷/DECIDE The most common general word for making a decision is duàn 斷, which emphasis the definitiveness of what has been decided on, but speaks of the process by which that final decision is being reached rather than the result as such.
  • Synon: (DECIDE)定/DECIDE Dìng 定 refers to the fixing something not only for oneself but primarily for others. See FIX
  • Synon: (DISTINGUISH)別/DISTINGUISH The deliberate establishment of distinctions is bié 別 or pàn 判.
  • Synon: (DECIDE)解/DECIDE
  • Oppos: (OPEN)壅/BLOCK Yōng 壅 (ant. chè 徹 "unblock") refers to blocking things from entering. [SPECIFIC]